I've noticed something

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I'm just bashing hypocritical hijabis, they'll wear the hijab for 'god' yet act like complete degenerates while wearing them, they've actually built a reputation for it. That's when I wonder if they're doing it for their faith.

Maxaa ka galey? Focus on your own self. I'd rather they cover themselves and act like hoes than uncover themselves and act like hoes. At least in the former they are fulfilling one command of their Lord.


This thread :mjlol:

Some of yous need to find God or decency at least.

Prince of Lasanod

Eid trim pending
Somalis don't have nappy hair (thank god)
It's like females have their own "short guy syndrome". Maybe they took the hijab off because they thought they would be completely undesirable, especially to non Somalis.
tbh, I'd rather not let the ugly ones spice things up, it just makes the situation worse.
I don't want predator look allikes showing their titty meat sxb, it's a complete turn off.
What does nappy hair mean in your opinion?
Im Muslim.

The ones back home are religious or they do it because of cultural practice

:bell: any girl who wants straight hair can straighten it. one who wants curly hair can curl it, and anyone can loosen their hair with texturizer , no one would wear a hijab to hide their hair :camby:
No Somali has that type of hair though, the majority of us do have afro hair though.
The majority has curly hair, which if neglected can look rather nasty. And our afros (mine atleast) comes from combing and is incredibly soft and will get blown away by a breeze :manny: Meanwhile if I wash my hair and take care of it I'll have wavy curls that fall down when long, and is straight when short

Same man same hair.
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