it seems like the news has reached very far already

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
so as i eavesdropped on my hooyo yelling at her phone this afternoon, the main subject of topic was the reer i’m girl taking ba-
either way, seems like her entire life is now ruined and they even have access to everything about her
scary shit
i don’t even live in UK and have like two relatives over there

Macalin M

Out here
Loooool these eedos are very good at what they do and this isn’t a compliment. These women really fast with spreading bad news.


Aspiring Buraanbur Artist.
so as i eavesdropped on my hooyo yelling at her phone this afternoon, the main subject of topic was the reer i’m girl taking ba-
either way, seems like her entire life is now ruined and they even have access to everything about her
scary shit
i don’t even live in UK and have like two relatives over there
Miskeen, but what was she thinking? She's dumb masakeenta


Aspiring Buraanbur Artist.
We cant even have 1 somali star ffs :wow:
xaga iga mar waaligaana ha iisheegan...
people focused too much on the video and not the caption. Something about a star dont have chat for me. So the whole thing seems petty sh1t about one girl talking sh1t about another and this was her revenge


Aspiring Buraanbur Artist.
She would've prolly made it bigger than mia Khalifa, but oh well
Agah! Wiilkaan dabeeco iyo dhaqan cusub bu la soo baxay wllhi. Dhaqan celis gang 2020:eek:
tenor (65).gif

Iin yar ii sug inta guuriga aan adaayo:) hadaan suunka kugu garaciin, naag nool ma ihi:abuxyga:
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