It begins again. 15 year old girl shot by cops

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“She’s a baby” says the man that kicked her the other girl on the head while she was laid on the ground. Sad
a thug raised another.... BLM should stop this fake outrage .... they don't care about black lives only when whites cops are the killer....
Her parents and aunties are out now demanding justice. Yet she lived in foster care and none of the family took care of her. In fact her dad was the one kicking her the other girl. She was let down by her family sadly
Stupid idiots. That’s not grounds to shoot and kill someone. :susp:

There was a guy with a knife in my city and the police tasered him and de-escalated the situation well.
You cannot be serious. She was about to gut that girl like ari. I bet if that was you, you would not have this opinion.

If someone was about to stab me I hope the police shoots them to death.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The police officer that people in general deal with are the ones out in the streets and deal with the public. What difference does having all the super educated sitting behind desk doing paper work? It’s not these people they are complaining about

You merely asked why they would put themselves in harm's way. As a rookie cop you are often at ground level interacting with the public. There are various roles including community policing as well. And no one says they can't be trainned to be more decisive, or better at dealing with mental health crises.Policing in America is highly variable along with trainning, education and policies in place.

I doubt highly educated and conscious officers would be easy to use as blunt instruments against the masses. The state wants obedient retards they can sic on unruly citizens, not officers who do actual police work and ask pesky questions :manny:

You aren't required to be that woke. Merely more discerning. And I suppose greater education helps with that.
Apparently she tried to stab a girl that was standing there (probably one of the individuals she called the police on).
And supposedly the policeman shot her to protect the other girl's life.
Why she attacked right when the police arrived , or why one of the men there kicked a girl in the head right in front of a policemen, i dont know if the cop could be accused of being trigger happy, if he saw a deadly weapon in the hands of the girl attacking someone then i can see why he acted the way he did. The whole situation looks messed up in all kinds of ways. Incredibly tragic affair all around.


Stroking my Australinimo
Lebron James showing his true colors again by inciting violence. He is no difference to your typical African American thug.

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