Israel And Palestine

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Israel Points for it's justification to exist.

1. Religious link to the land for thousands of years
2. Holocaust reminder and how it's critical for jews to have a home
3. Arabs live there not palestinians, they all came from the ottoman empire in 1880
4. Arabs hate us and keep re-drawing their borders to eliminate jewish presence. They use prior to israel taking jerusalem and west bank from jordan, the palestine constitution didn't include freeing jerusalem as it was with jordanians.
5. Arabs land were abadoned and empty desert, why u want it now when I came
6. Arabs sold the land to jews.(not all but some did)

Palestine Points

1. It is palestinian land and you own nothing. Has proof they settled there with ottoman records and british census records. Biggest point argued your a fuckin invader. All points they bring up reinforces it.
2. Refutes land was sold due to economic reasons and with the assumption you were settlers not invader(assuming this haven't heard it from their mouth but im sure they will reinforce their invader argument against israel). It's hard to imagine someone gonna sell a house or land to someone who will then conquer him tommorow.
3. They state a-lot of massacres by Zionist and basically saying your whole Israel is built on Palestinian grave-yards(re-inforces invader argument)
4. They show how people were displaced by Israelis through force with some even having their keys to their home(re-inforces your an invader argument)
5. Debunks the empty land most likely saying many countries contain empty zones(nevada desert, central australia) does it mean they dont own it(assuming this as u need to prepare for all scenarios)
6. Argues about current settlement expansion proving your still INVADERS as that is their whole premise the invader argument and they look for anything israel does to add to that argument lol.

Non-stakeholders or I assume Neutral people reviewing it

1. Israel founded on 'jewish identity no other person was present creating it' hence it's a jewish homeland first and foremost not FREEDOM or else others would be there. So it's identity politics(none agrees on identity it's not shared values)
2. Palestine formed on identity also and arabism and goal to remove jewish identity.


Identity wars and not 1 side nudging. Lets not waste our time here and stay the f*ck outta this region no embassies even by Somalis when we recover from this shit not even in palestine or israel, if we can avoid it. Nothing will come from jewish identity vs arab identity negiotating ever, it's one wanting to be supreme over the other. No shared values on table that supercedes their difference at all. It's not a good outcome. We must vote neutral at anything regarding these guys in the UN, no pro no negative. We dont want anything to do with it. Thru this we can take gains and interests as that's all we need from these areas whatever that maybe such as economic, military, technology, etc etc. The short term things just mutual interest NOTHING ELSE.

Hope(there always hope)

They sit down and say no jewishness no arabism since identity is the problem right? we create a state on shared values between us and do everything based on that. If that happens then we should only consider going on any side here and then we need to make sure there is no bad negiotators with ulterior motives, agendas, hate, gain, and all that stuff and the usual.

That's the sort of stuff we want from our ambassadors in each country sending to our govt on its foreign policy towards that country.
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So we can still deal with them just not anything to do with their conflict and we tell both parties we kindly not be involved as we do not see that in our long term interest for our nation or people and prefer to deal with you both on mutually beneficial matters or whatever technical lingo you need to use.

So find some loop hole how we can have embassy both areas but totally not involved in their politics but there for whatever we need assistance on. We get bogged down too much in things that wont benefit us in our foreign policy and play sides and it never results nicely for us in anyway in history.

We want our ambassador there just scanning economic, technology, or whatever those areas are good for so we can benefit our nation to rise up. We want to keep growing while their bogged down in their shit.


We need to divide our ambassadors up

1. Long-term ones we fulfilling. We want them in the abadoned nations where there is not many hands involved. Preferrably we want war zones after it's left as there is nothing to lose for them or countries in and around asia,africa, south america.

2. Short-term ones who makes sure we actually survive this nasty world of idealogies, interests, etc. We need to know where each is suited. This is for the current world we are in and we can't ignore it but we need to stay out of their differences especially along idealogy or values. Keep it mutual interest nothing else with the rest of the world besides the ones identified.

Basically the short-term ones are the ones who will end up getting us up so we can then reach our long term goals, you need both and their as important it's just how use both is different.
We shouldn’t be concerned about this.

Palestinians are opportunistic, they want the whole world to involve themselves even though it’s not the concern of everyone.

An the Jews just want more land. Evil people.


We shouldn’t be concerned about this.

Palestinians are opportunistic, they want the whole world to involve themselves even though it’s not the concern of everyone.

An the Jews just want more land. Evil people.

Yeah both are pretty fucked up hence why not siding with any is beneficial till a miracle happens and yes they do happen(that's the one u should be planning for) not preparing for obvious ones that you can see, it's the miracles, the things you don't see coming, those are the ones that I fear the most LIKE the brotherhood god dammit, that fuckin suprised the hell out of me especially it's stealth approach.


We shouldn’t be concerned about this.

Palestinians are opportunistic, they want the whole world to involve themselves even though it’s not the concern of everyone.

An the Jews just want more land. Evil people.

Israel and Palestine matters boils down too this really

1. Your an invader(accumulate as many points to support it and present it the world)
2. I have the right to exist as jewish homeland(accumulate as many points to support it)

Then it's back n forth to debunk the other on whatever point their using, make the other look bad on anything possible, etc. Identity wars bro!!!! and we know where that shit got us. It don't matter if it's at clan or tribe level or a religion vs religion level, or anything that divides people.

Be honest where do u think that's going in the long-term but a stale-mate? you can only rely on if geopolitics changes like pali friends drop(iranian, qataris, turks) or the other sides friend drop(west) and any hole that opens on each side. Can you win it thru geopolitics? yes for short-term untill they rise up again and find a partner and it's all back on and they will find a partner as the world aint united place at all, their always someone that pissed off about the world order.
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May Israel continue to humiliate the Palestinians. My support for Israel is unwavering and I have the bruises to show for it.

You can hold your personal views. I admire how the Jews survived for 5000 years also and have tried understanding what it was that caused that. Not many survive with those sorts of pressures and odds and it actually taught me the importance of faith(it's probably the biggest reason why I don't support atheism for that very reason now to ever penetrate Somalia, it's a death-tool). If we were atheists and went through what we did, we wouldn't be here today.

We would've suicided a long time ago!!! no hope for atheists when materials are gone lets be real about it and you see how most fall back on drugs, alcohol, suicide, increased mental illnesses in the west today. I am talking about setting up a bullet-proof society that can survive the long run.

So yeah I do admire the Jews in some ways, but that doesn't mean I will change my views on Somali government about what position it should take for god sakes nigga separate reality and your likes. The world dont operate on your likes or it wouldnt look like how it is now.


How is this in our short-term interest. We side with the palestinians, then cop all the negativity and lost of contact with Israel on we can rise up Somalia? while at the same time, we know they never gonna resolve their issue, so we backing a situation where it's heading nowhere.

Vice-versa if we back israel we lose arab contact, impact the MB who we cut a deal with who are against Israel you saw MORSI and his first words elected. We will impact Qatar who houses Hamas for goodness sakes, we can't side with Israel also without hurting ourselves. Don't you get it? and even if we did side with them, we know it aint going anywhere. We must be totally neutral in mid-east and if you want to know what that looks like go study OMAN.

We need to take the good points out of each nation and combine it all together for a wonderful foreign policy. We just want our markets open with israel. Possibly military(still needs consultation with qatar). But we must not negiotate on our markets being open with them, that's just business. I still buy from jewish stores, I still use INTEL on my laptop.

Qatar wont sit there support your govt, house hamas, align to mb and fund it where-ever it can in active zones of operation to watch your black ass doing military drills or intelligence sharing with israel. I cant see that happening, I cant see it happening from their side at all and I can't give a honest view to f*ck our goals up as a country.

Will they allow trade with israel? we want to steal israeli teachers that's what I want them for, especially in the universities once we divided up our people into engineers, inventors, business, leaders and their all going to either school to work on their focus.

I dont really want much else from israel, that's their strongest point and I want to steal it for our benefit. But the fact of the matter is even if qatar was just foreign presence in our country, I would cut them off immediately for that but their inside our institutions sxb, the brotherhood owns us internally everywhere business, ports, telecoms, banks, universities. By doing something to them, we would crumble inside and civil war and obviously we cant reach our long term goals can we.

We can't take the west approach to brotherhood, as they havent really owned them inside yet. We have different situation that needs a unique answer for ourselves so we can SURVIVE the answer must contributed to our SURVIVAL because if our bodies are lying there, we aint surviving.
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not a fan of Israel but they should just execute all those dirty little sandniggers. Israeli have bought the land and has given the """palestinians""" multiple chances to become citizens of the new state. It's really funny how they about Israelis when Palestine didn't even exist to begin with. We shouldn't concern ourselves with them anyways, most Palestines hate Somalis. Why should we care about them?


Sxb, if we divide our people which we must to support our economy because that needs people. People are either 'inventors or ideas', others are DOERS or Makers(needs the idea funnelled down), then you got buyers and sellers(who trade it locally or overseas), and then you got the(services) ama adeegihi to keep things operating inside(govt, food, water, roads, houses, retail, etc). We need to divide up our people based into inventors-makers-business people-leaders-services folk and then tailor each university to support the goals of producing a supply pool of each of those markers we want. We dont want them mixing at all.


It's not easy rebuilding a country sxb, 1. u need to stabilize(shared values system and enforced), move onto(creating economic lifelines and feeding it the people), then move onto(security or we dead inside or outside, move onto(foreign policy as we dont live on an island), then set up long-term back-ups in-case things collapse inside and outside of us.

But stabilizing is the most important thing to us right now, we can't do nothing in this toxic environment of tribalism, personal interests and foreign agendas. One option is to elect a military man and eliminates all the interferences internally, throws them out. Cleans up house to stabilize and then steps away for the stability process(shared values and enforcement), and then start building the lifelines we need inside and outside and how to complicate it so much they will leave us alone most of the world.
Sxb, if we divide our people which we must to support our economy because that needs people. People are either 'inventors or ideas', others are DOERS or Makers(needs the idea funnelled down), then you got buyers and sellers(who trade it locally or overseas), and then you got the(services) ama adeegihi to keep things operating inside(govt, food, water, roads, houses, retail, etc). We need to divide up our people based into inventors-makers-business people-leaders-services folk and then tailor each university to support the goals of producing a supply pool of each of those markers we want. We dont want them mixing at all.

I don’t believe in a command economy, those tend to fail. You don’t know what people are best at making.

There should just be education and let the free market do the rest.


We definitely will need some shared standard that identifies spoilers, personal interest people, idealogues, machivallians, etc or any identity based shit.

1. Talks one way, walks another.(machiavellian). that his marker, we see it anywhere in any tribal guy, ask him listen its time go, no time for machiavellian when rebuilding a nation from crumble. U think america had those guys when they built their nation, that shit comes after ward not at this critical point.

2. Idealogue - Check his history and see if he actually believes in it or switches kastumo when it suits him, if he switches kastumo when it suits him(u know it's only about him that matters add to machiavellian lot). Check he actually done what he says when there was no KURSI available with his time or if he is rich MONEY.

3. Spoilers can be tribal, individual hatred, ball busters, attention seekers. We need solid markers we agree on what identifies such a person that we agree on and start implementing pest control. Their not needed when building from scratch cause they will impact on stability and send us back into the same vicious cycle.

4. Maybe we can more markers but that's what I see in Somalia as key markers. I think adding some personal life is critical also, if he cant do it for himself or immediate family, he aint doing shit for you or me or the nation but will destabilise us cause thats all he knows after-all it's clearly evident in his history that he is one bump after another in his life, mistake after mistake and never changing f*ck him sxb.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
I sympathize with the Palestinians and at the same time despise them coz they've been so rude to me during my visit to Jordan. Those racist evil mofos need to be swallowed as a whole by Israel.


I don’t believe in a command economy, those tend to fail. You don’t know what people are best at making.

There should just be education and let the free market do the rest.

I agree 100% we don't know and some may be seen as business people and send to business school and to mix around there and learn but he comes out and was always a maker or inventor or better suited to a leader. We can look around how they stream people around the world what works.

But dude the most critical part is the education before university or technical trades. It needs to start here and we need to start looking at key markers in kids. Some are good at managing groups of kids have u noticed? stabilizing the shit(leaders) but then head thru the system and become dumbed down into plantation worker and forget it. Some kids are great at making, some giving(service trait), we can look at them early on.

Half the problem u see is we all get equipped the same untill year 12. So we spend from the age of 5 to 18 being plantation ready(markets). 90% of these are just going to be makers or services people and then get into leadership or inventor areas and spend all their lives in something they shouldn;t be doing or else why is there no results?


I personally hate heirachies also but it's evident sxb in even nature and if was good enough for god it's got some wisdom behind it. There has be a need relationship, if I dont need anything from you the liklihood of a conflict is very high. If we are all billionaires, we will end up fighting, but since there is a need, we can work together. This is in my interest just as much as yours cause we dont wanna try our luck with who wins a war between us do we?

I personally hated heirachies and authority but I know now it's better having that and we all survive regardless who is there then leave it open or vacumm or even worse all have the same power. Imagine that scenario!!! see it gives u something far worse then what u didnt like in the first place. So even if you have shitty manager just count ya blessing there is a manager looooooool and at least its doing something cause it could be just a warzone if we are all managers lol.

As somalis we should know whats like not having a manager, look wat happened to our country. Thats what gonna happen in an office, business, or anywhere you work also. Its the same set of people just smaller scale. The problem so much isnt so much the heirachy cause their will always be one and you need one, the question HOW its formed and the people who are actually there and there benefits but not if the heirachy should be there its like saying should we have govt or not.
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So I am not a big fan of revolutionaries in general unless it's REALLY needed. Like Africa u really need it over there and there is nothing to lose. In the west not so much even though their not really designed to last forever but rely purely on there is worse systems then us. That wont mean u live forever or your system lasts lol. It's like a zebra or gazelle and you got lion and tiger, the lion can argue all he wants that he kills more gazelles and has better kill rate then a tiger but it wont stop the lion from collapsing within his own pride due to his shitty structure. You know what I mean?

You can't base yourself based on something else and assume you will survive, you can still die just from within and you see those symptoms prevalent in the west bar the FREEDOM they really addressed that and good on them and is scary how long it took just to address it, they got a long way to cover other core values of humanity.


Scary how I won't tape your mouth and you dont tape mine and let me do what I want if I am not hurting you took to secure? such a simple thing. It will be interesting how long equality and justice matters are going to take but the looks for it, it's taken a long-time and it's still not 100% bullet-proof or else you wouldn't see those problems in those countries. A country would be like OMAN, the results are there and observable!!!


Crime rate in Oman is low[1][2] compared to industrialized countries.[2] Incidents of serious crime are rare in the country. Incidents of petty crime including burglary and theft of property of foreign tourists are occasionally reported.[3] The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) describes the law and order situation in Oman as "generally good".[4] Incidence of street crime is low. Violent crime occurs, but is extremely low compared to the rest of the Middle East.[5]
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