Islam vs. Atheism Debate

Surah AN-NAHL ( The Bee)

Then eat from all the fruits and follow the ways of your Lord laid down [for you]." There emerges from their bellies a drink, varying in colors, in which there is healing for people. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who give thought.


Quran mentions that honey has medical benefits for human beings.

Quran says their emergesfrom their "bellies". Quran didnt say 1 belly but more than 1 belly. Science recently discovered that bees have two bellies.
Iron's atomic number is 26. The gematrical value of the Arabic word for iron also happens to be 26. The word Allah occurs in the surah exactly 26 times. The Quran has 114 chapters, Chapter 57 is exactly in the middle of it, it turns out that in iron is at the core of the Earth. Fe-57 is one of the four stable isotopes of iron. Isotope Fe-57 is also in between two of the most stable iron isotopes. The word iron also appears only once in the chapter in verse 25. There's still more to this though.
[Quran 55.33] O society of jinn and humans! If you can escape the diameters of the heavens and the earth, go ahead and escape. But you will not escape except with authorization. The spherical shape of the universe obviously wasn't known at the time. How could an illiterate man living in 7th century Arabia have known this?