Is Qatar preparing to find a new puppet "President" through Fahad Yasin?

Fahad Yasin, the Qatari puppet, is looking to find a new puppet to replace Farmaajo.

(Fahad Yasin, Director of Somalia's Intelligence Agency NISA)

Qatar is allegedly done with Farmaajo and stopped sending money, that's why Farmajo and his team were on the recent begging tour, which ended in failure.

Who will Fahad Yasin attempt to crown next? It's clear Qatar is adamant to continue its control on Mogadishu, even Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and his Damul Jadiid group were funded by this country.

This is the same country that was implicated in the Bomb attack in Bosaso's port, the same country that gave residency to the famous terrorist "Sheeikh" Attam. Not to mention their "alleged" ties to AlShaydan.

No Somali politician is brave enough to talk in public about the fact that Qatar literally owns South Somalia. That's why that Qatari politian insulted Ilhan Omar and insinuated that they own Somalis. They know the deal.

Bosaso Bomb attack:

Asylum for AlShaydan terrorist:

Qatar opinion of Somalis in general: "Black Somali refugees collecting welfare dependent on our cash"

Speaking from Toronto by video link, Bender told the Florida District Court that he met with Qatar’s Secretary to the Emir for Security Affairs Mohammad bin Ahmed bin Abdullah al-Masnad and two other senior Qatari officials.

According to his sworn deposition, the three officials told him: β€œIf it wasn’t for our cash, Ilhan Omar would be just another black Somali refugee in America collecting welfare and serving tables on weekends.”

What does Qatar want from Somalia? I know Turkey has financial interests and so does the United Arab emirates- (with the port deals)

Qatar has no known financial assets in Somalia, all they allegedly do is spend money on buying politicians and terrorists, not just in Somalia but also Yemen (Houthis).

Is it to stop Somalia from exporting Oil? Geopolitical influence? Or are they just a proxy for other world powers?

Or does Alshaydan pay them from their profits in Somalia?

This is what I am interested in and wish Somali journalists would delve into.

Among the many extremist movements that had emerged in Somalia is the al-Qaeda-inspired al-Shabaab Movement. The movement quickly developed close ties with Doha since 2004; and it was no coincidence that 2004 was the same year Qatar weaved its web of ties with the Houthis in Yemen. Houthi elements were granted Qatari passports which gave them freedom of movement.


