Is my standards for a Halimo wife too high and unreasonable?

The good conservative brother has been married before, that doesn't mean he should marry a nonvirgin unless you mean a divorcee woman herself.

Manafesto, your list is not as extreme as mine. You left out cooking skills, taking care of the household, submissiveness.
Salute! Kings don’t settle


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
So far Halimos want me to cross off the most important number on the list while most of the Farahs seem to agree my list is a reasonable one.

Sspot Halimos,sorry, I hate to break to y'all but I rather stay single for now or settle for back home Halimo than accepting such ridiculous deal, #OverMyDeadBody. :drakekidding:


It’s a reasonable list but your number 11 stating that you don’t want double standards is in direct conflict with your number 1 where you state you want a virgin despite not being a virgin yourself. Odd that you hold others to standards you don’t achieve imo but a normal list for the most part


I am Muslim, I just don't practice the religion ,I sometimes have doubts which is a human nature , it is a phase any believer goes through, stop derailing the thread with your unnecessary questions.:camby:
You don’t practice the religion but want your wife to have above average religious knowledge and piety? That also goes against your 11th point with the whole no double standards thing.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Last week I was talking to this Gaaljecel TH.OT (sorry but I have to mention her qabiil) and her past came into the discussion. She acted surprised that I was interested in her past, but she didn't know I did my due diligence. When she refused to cooperate and answer my questions, I laid down my findings. After dropping few names here and there, she admitted she had sex. Surprisingly it wasn't any of the guys we suspected. Kkkkkk beware Xalimos are full of tricks and shi.t. Do your due diligence before you catch feelings


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
You don’t practice the religion but want your wife to have above average religious knowledge and piety? That also goes against your 11th point with the whole no double standards thing.

Nigga the point of the thread is to give out advices and you over here projecting your self on this list, too many trolls on here Walahi,Yaab:gucciwhat:


Support interracial love 💕
As a virgin, mildly religious woman. How active are you with your current kid? What's your plan if say Youre married and have a child, how would you co parent your first child? Or your first child is going to live with you and your second wife?

Don’t have time for messy baby mama drama or dead beat father. Before I make a decision, I’ve to make sure if he’s a good father and have a great relationship with his ex, where they’re both mutual and have respect for another. Also they both co parent peacefully.


Wanaag iyo Dhiig kar
To be honest I don’t think your standards would be high if you were a single man without any children .

The type of woman you want probably wouldn’t settle for a man with a child. Why wouldn’t you marry a divorced woman ?


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
What do you mean you just dont practice religion?

I don't pray.:kanyeshrug:

As a virgin, mildly religious woman. How active are you with your current kid? What's your plan if say Youre married and have a child, how would you co parent your first child? Or your first child is going to live with you and your second wife?

Don’t have time for messy baby mama drama or dead beat father. Before I make a decision, I’ve to make sure if he’s a good father and have a great relationship with his ex, where they’re both mutual and have respect for another. Also they both co parent peacefully.

A thread asking for a legit advice turned into a questionare and AMA, :damn:You guys are something else Walahi but I am out.:superman:


Support interracial love 💕
I don't pray.:kanyeshrug:

A thread asking for a legit advice turned into a questionare and AMA, :damn:You guys are something else Walahi but I am out.:superman:
I’m just preparing for u if a potential virgin question you during the talking stage. Good luck!


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
He’s just trolling, his wife is Hindi.

Just becoz I speak Hindi doesn't mean I am married to one, I have commented my wife being a Lander plenty of times, also if my wife was Indian i wouldn't be single and divorced now, there is no such thing as a divorce in Indian culture period, please stop c#ck blocking in a adeer, I am trying court @Royalty of Bari now.:wow1:

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

AUG 25, 2023
Sorry about this long post but I was bored and had to vent and needed your input on this.

A good friend of mine and I just finished a conversation about how my standards in regards to women are "ridiculously high", how ever I don't think they're unreasonable,difficult and rare to find? yes, unreasonable? I don't see why they should be, I failed in my first wedding(my fault) and ended up as a single father hence why I don't repeat the same mistake again.

1. She has to be virgin who understands the importance of pureness and willing to answer the big question within the first week of our date,this is the most important aspect and it is a automatic deal breaker, there is nothing wrong with this and wanting a virgin and pious girl as my wife.

2. My future Halimo companion must be religious and has above average knowledge of the relgion and practice what it preaches,she also has to know to be fluent in Somali and loves our culture and country.

3. She also has to have to pass reputation background check in within the Somali community along with her siblings and relatives, good household most likely produces a great wife.

4. I will not even look at a woman that is obese, a few extra pounds is fine, you don't have to be an anorexic skinny but if I have to load you up on a crane to take you on a date and rent an African safari map guide to find your private parts then I'm not interested, I've met some large women that were sweet and had wonderful personalities, but they all remind me too much of my 250 lb aunties, anyone seeking a longterm relationship with me reminding me of my aunties=fail.

Also, letting yourself get that bad, at least in my book, shows that you don't care enough about yourself to take care of your body,no self-respect means no love for yourself. I don't hate fat people and don't have a problem with them, however as far as dating them goes...sorry, but no.

5.Must be able to carry on an intelligent conversation,I can't stand talking to someone that's so mentally dull that it's obvious within thirty seconds of talking to them that I'm talking way over their head. I like talking with people that are intellectually engaging, someone I can talk to about politics and current events with without having to explain everything I'm saying in painstaking detail,Being dumb as a box of rocks = fail.

6.Must be willing to give me some "me" time now and then,guess what, I have friend, I've known them longer than you. Yes there are going to be times when I want to spend time with them instead of you, got a problem with it? Find someone else to smother, being a jealous, needy, clingygm girl = fail.

7.No history of long rap sheet of EXs and long term relationships even if no Haraam sex, If you can't count the number of guys you've had dated with on one hand, in my experience plenty of failed courtship with many guys brings insecurities and trust issues which is something I am not willing to deal with.

8.Must be reasonably attractive, if you fell out of the top of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down, then Adios Amigo.

9.Must have some semblance of mental stability, I was talking to a girl once that I finally thought would be a good choice to date, she met all of the previous standards,then I found out she was believed superstitious things like Mingis and evil eye, she would tell me she was sick for a whole month because her neighboring family were jealous of her beauty and were evil eying her, or whatever that means, this was a good hint and I had to ghost her.

10.Must have a sense of humor, if you can't take a joke here and there without getting buthurt then piss off.
11. No double-standards,If you're allowed to do something, then so am I, don't you DARE ***** at me If you can spend your entire day shopping or at a random Somali wedding if I also spend my entire day playing video games or hanging out with friends at bowling alley.

Now, with this being said, I'm very picky oman about my standards on Halimos, I'd rather be alone than be with someone who doesn't get me, or that makes me physically ill to look at, being in a relationship is over-rated anyway and not for everyone, take one look at the Somali divorce rate and you'll see why I'm in no fucking hurry. People are too quick to rush into relationships with people they ultimately can't be happy with.

Are my standards finding a Halimo soulmate too much or unreasonable? Which one of these conditions should I cross off? What numbers on this list do you guys think is necessary or unnecessary?:kanyehmm:
Not unreasonable at all sir


Just becoz I speak Hindi doesn't mean I am married to one, I have commented my wife being a Lander plenty of times, also if my wife was Indian i wouldn't be single and divorced now, there is no such thing as a divorce in Indian culture period, please stop c#ck blocking in a adeer, I am trying court @Royalty of Bari now.:wow1:
Just say you are looking for a second wife ina adeer. I don’t know if your “lander” wife will accept that, they’re kind of hot tempered. Keep any potentially dangerous items like knives or boiling hot water away.


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