Is Jesus God? - Debate - Ahmed Deedat VS Stanley Sjoberg

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allah subxaana watacala ha u naxariisto Shiiq ahmed deedat.

Pastor andrew stop misleading my people maybe u can answer us these basic questions that my brother ahmed deedat presents.

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We all know that Jesus has a beginning, He ate food and slept like we do. He even prayed to Allah. There is no doubt that these are created attributes. The Creator is not like the creation and does not have created attributes. We can not attribute weakness to God. To say that God is man or like a man is actually attributing weakness to God. To say that God is a man or like a man is actually attributing weakness to Him. When speaking about a father and a son, we always pose a relationship between the two. The father is human, the son is a human, the father eats, the son eats. The father was once a child, and the son will likely be a father by God’s will. Allah made Jesus without a father and made Adam without either father or mother; yet we haven’t heard anyone call Adam God’s son. Some people insult Prophet Adam, who is a great Prophet and our father. It is against Islam to all Allah a father or say that He has a son or that we are his children; this is the worst of crimes. The Creator is not like the creation . How could the Eternal be like the created? How could the One who is not in need of anyone be like the creation who need Allah in every moment of their existence.

"O Allah, guide our non-Muslim families to the light of Islam and protect us from being misguided."
Christians are confused, half believe Jesus is God, and the other half believe he was a Prophet. With this confusion in place, many divert to Atheism.
Debating 2 hours about mythical figures.:childplease:

Dear brothers in Islam, in Suratul-Isra’, Allah mentioned arrogance as one of the prohibited heart diseases. The arrogant person will never be able to cause a crack in the earth as he is walking on it nor will he become equivalent to the mountains in height and strength.
The Prophet peace be upon him defined arrogance as rejecting the truth and/or treating people with contempt.
Arrogance is of two types; the first type is when one rejects what he is told while knowing it is the truth merely because of the teller’s condition. He does not accept the truth because the person advising him might be younger than he is, or has a lower social status. It was the arrogance of Pharaoh that led to his destruction and made him not accept the truth even though witnessing the miracles that happened to Moses
The one seeking salvation must believe in Jesus as ordered by God. Jesus is the slave of God and His Messenger. He conveyed the religion of Islam and to call people to worship Allah, their Creator. Muslims believe in his prophethood and in his truthfulness in conveying that message. Prophet ^Isa is alive now, living in the second heaven, worshipping Allah. He will return to earth before the Day of Judgment and will rule the Muslims with the Sacred Law of Prophet Muhammad. Peace be upon this respected, honored and beloved Messenger of Allah
Dear brothers in Islam, in Suratul-Isra’, Allah mentioned arrogance as one of the prohibited heart diseases. The arrogant person will never be able to cause a crack in the earth as he is walking on it nor will he become equivalent to the mountains in height and strength.
The Prophet peace be upon him defined arrogance as rejecting the truth and/or treating people with contempt.
Arrogance is of two types; the first type is when one rejects what he is told while knowing it is the truth merely because of the teller’s condition. He does not accept the truth because the person advising him might be younger than he is, or has a lower social status. It was the arrogance of Pharaoh that led to his destruction and made him not accept the truth even though witnessing the miracles that happened to Moses


This planet earth is but a mere speck in this vast ocean called the universe, the nearest Galaxy to us is the Canis Major Dwarf which is about 25 thousand light years away and keep in mind there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in this universe, and yet here you are trying to convince us that the whole universe revolves around us human beings!!! and then you go on about us being arrogant nay the truth of it is religious people such as your self are the epitome of what it means to be arrogant.
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This planet earth is but a mere speck in this vast ocean called the universe, the nearest Galaxy to us is the Canis Major Dwarf which is about 25 thousand light years away and keep in mind there are hundreds of billions of galaxies in this universe, and yet here you are trying to convince us that the whole universe revolves around us human beings!!! and then you go on about us being arrogant nay the truth of it is religious people such as your self are the epitome of what it means to be arrogant.

The Divinely order was given to the Pen to write on the Guarded Tablet all what occurred and will occur and happen until the Day Of Judgment. The Pen submitted and wrote for 50,000 years.

After the Pen wrote 50,000 years without any one holding it, Allah created the heavens and earth and what in between them in six days, each equivalent to 1000 of our years. Masterfully Allah created seven skies and seven earths. Each sky is separate from the other sky by a vast distance, without pillars, and each earth is separate from the other earth by a vast distance.
On Sunday and Monday, the first two of the six days in which Allah created seven skies and seven earths, Allah created the Earth. On Wednesday and Thursday Allah created the seven skies. On Thursday and Friday Allah created the mountains, rivers, trees, valleys and the other landmarks of the Earth that we live on. There are no humans living on the other six earths, but jinn, insects, beasts and animals.

Close to the beginning of Friday Allah created all the angels from light. During the day Allah created Satan (Iblis) who is a jinni and the head of the devils from the pure flame of fire. Toward the end of Friday the first man, Adam, was created. An angel was ordered to gather from every type of soil, the soft, the hard, the smooth, the rough, the red, the white, the black, the yellow and the soil was taken into Paradise and was mixed and kneaded with water from underneath al-^Arsh. The shape of Adam was molded and the soul was blown into it. Adam sneezed and the first thing he uttered was al-hamdulillahi rabil^alamin—I praise the Lord of the Worlds.
On Sunday and Monday, the first two of the six days in which Allah created seven skies and seven earths, Allah created the Earth. On Wednesday and Thursday Allah created the seven skies. On Thursday and Friday Allah created the mountains, rivers, trees, valleys and the other landmarks of the Earth that we live on. There are no humans living on the other six earths, but jinn, insects, beasts and animals.

Close to the beginning of Friday Allah created all the angels from light. During the day Allah created Satan (Iblis) who is a jinni and the head of the devils from the pure flame of fire. Toward the end of Friday the first man, Adam, was created. An angel was ordered to gather from every type of soil, the soft, the hard, the smooth, the rough, the red, the white, the black, the yellow and the soil was taken into Paradise and was mixed and kneaded with water from underneath al-^Arsh. The shape of Adam was molded and the soul was blown into it. Adam sneezed and the first thing he uttered was al-hamdulillahi rabil^alamin—I praise the Lord of the Worlds.

Are you trying to convince me of these myths written by men, or your self ?
Prophet ^Isa was a messenger of Allah revealed to convey to the people the religion of Islam and to call them to worship Allah, their Creator. Muslims believe in his prophethood and in his truthfulness in conveying that message. Prophet ^Isa is alive now, living in the second heaven, worshipping Allah. He will return to earth before the Day of Judgment and will rule the Muslims with the Shari^ah of Prophet Muhammad. Peace be upon this respected, honored and beloved Messenger of Allah.

Praise be to Allah, and Allah knows best.

(وَالسَّلامُ عَلَيَّ يَوْمَ وُلِدتُّ وَيَوْمَ أَمُوتُ وَيَوْمَ أُبْعَثُ حَيًّا)

Verse #33 of Surat Maryam means:

[Peace was on me the day I was born. Peace will be on me on the day I will die and on the day I am raised alive again.]

Allah knows best.
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