Is it wrong to have a skintone preference?

Is it wrong?

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Let’s say a guy has a preference for lightskin women and doesn’t degrade darkskin women, is that still an issue? :hmm:
It becomes an issue when you advertise your prejudices and even make a poll in some halfwitted subliminal message to women that your skin tone preferences matter. (they don't)


you're free to have any preference but i personally dont know why some people dont find darkskin attractive its the most beautiful skintone on the planet in my opinion mashallah, i thank allah for creating me darkskin


Make Hobyo Great Again
Skin tone is only one feature of many. A pale, overweight bleach queen from Hargeisa will always be ugly. The obsession with skintone gives some people a false sense confidence. If you encourage that then you are absolutely doing something wrong.
Yes I prefer darkskins like this beauty
Answer Depends what you base your preference on. I think all skin tones are beautiful if they're healthy. My prefference would be dark tones only because they look good comapre to acne prone whitr skin since i have acne here and there.
No. Lol some people with declaring their preferences and putting other down. Umm sorry we don’t care you like what you like. The only people who care have zero to few options.
No its not wrong, people are free to desire any colour.

But the SJWs will call you an ignorant, close-minded racist just for being attracted to a certain skin tone.

Especially if it's not black, they make it seem like it's a crime if you're not attracted to dark skin type of people.

No its not wrong, people are free to desire any colour.

But the SJWs will call you an ignorant, close-minded racist just for being attracted to a certain skin tone.

True, Sjw’s gotta love them fighting the battles that really matter (sarcasm). Hold my micro aggression I’ll be right back.