Is blackpill becoming mainstream amongst young men?


We need OG Tariq Nasheed back to teach these losers how to get laid
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all this PUA fuckery is literally just JESTERMAXXING, its just men employing psychological tactics to trick, motivate or guilt a woman into trying to be attracted to them, it isn't "natural".

Chad doesn't have to memorize pick up lines, rehearse body language, insult a woman indirectly to lower her guard, etc to gain a woman's attention and attract her, his mere presence alone is enough.

That's why I find it so amusing to see all these men who boast about "having game", its like boasting about who is the best pet, who can do the best tricks to please their master, WHO'S A GOOD BOY, YOU ARE, YOU ARE (here's a treat, you get a few sessions of medicore sex with some used up holes, she'll put in around 50% of the effort she does when fucking Chad, congrats).

To make it worse, there isn't even any security in your trials anymore, a man can Jestermaxx like a pro, "win her over" and have this amazing story of effort to tell his children about "how he met their mother", and ironically said children may not even be his (paternity fraud is at new highs these days), or she may have been cheating all along, or even at the current point of that relationship while he's talking to his kids, there's no security even after all the embarrassing, undignified shit you put yourself through, just to gamble for used up pussy.

I mean if you had to do all this shit to get a virgin wife it would still be ridiculous, but it would at least be understandable, but what the average man does to himself for used goods today, will always amuse me, also the remarks of incels who are "looking for love" and "female affection/validation"

Game is nothing to take pride in, if you have to use game, it’s an admission that you simply aren't attractive enough to JUST BE YOURSELF and have women be attracted to you. Its something you do to compensate for your lack of "natural ability".

The average man is not in a stable relationships, their relationships are quite unstable, with no security, and that's because the glue that holds the relationship together is a cheap knockoff of the best brand "physical attraction", its artificial, its women forcing themselves to be attracted to you, due to social norms and social pressures.


all this PUA fuckery is literally just JESTERMAXXING, its just men employing psychological tactics to trick, motivate or guilt a woman into trying to be attracted to them, it isn't "natural".

Chad doesn't have to memorize pick up lines, rehearse body language, insult a woman indirectly to lower her guard, etc to gain a woman's attention and attract her, his mere presence alone is enough.

That's why I find it so amusing to see all these men who boast about "having game", its like boasting about who is the best pet, who can do the best tricks to please their master, WHO'S A GOOD BOY, YOU ARE, YOU ARE (here's a treat, you get a few sessions of medicore sex with some used up holes, she'll put in around 50% of the effort she does when fucking Chad, congrats).

To make it worse, there isn't even any security in your trials anymore, a man can Jestermaxx like a pro, "win her over" and have this amazing story of effort to tell his children about "how he met their mother", and ironically said children may not even be his (paternity fraud is at new highs these days), or she may have been cheating all along, or even at the current point of that relationship while he's talking to his kids, there's no security even after all the embarrassing, undignified shit you put yourself through, just to gamble for used up pussy.

I mean if you had to do all this shit to get a virgin wife it would still be ridiculous, but it would at least be understandable, but what the average man does to himself for used goods today, will always amuse me, also the remarks of incels who are "looking for love" and "female affection/validation"

Game is nothing to take pride in, if you have to use game, it’s an admission that you simply aren't attractive enough to JUST BE YOURSELF and have women be attracted to you. Its something you do to compensate for your lack of "natural ability".

The average man is not in a stable relationships, their relationships are quite unstable, with no security, and that's because the glue that holds the relationship together is a cheap knockoff of the best brand "physical attraction", its artificial, its women forcing themselves to be attracted to you, due to social norms and social pressures.
Drake And Josh GIF
Facts how? We see unattractive, balding and short Somali men marry all the time. It’s a self fulfilling prophesy and these men that believe in blackpill don’t even have the confidence to even pursue women. It’s their lack of social skills that is the cause of most of their issues.
The blackpill isn't about the idea that a person who is short or bald will never have a partner. The blackpill is a series of observations on the relationship that good looks and height have on your overall quality of life in the world, particularly the west. Obviously incels who deem themselves too ugly to get with women fixate on that aspect of the idea. For me, it's a bit different.

Personally, due to my past relationship experiences and due to some women liking me in the past, I don't consider myself an incel, misogynist or extremist, but I'm a man with eyes and a mind that can process what my eyes see.

Essentially, your career, relationship options, social acceptance and how you're generally treated in society by most people comes down to your looks. The halo effect is incredible impactful to people's lives and the numerous amount of studies of the impact physical attraction has on your quality of life has been researched for decades.

Now as a caveat, I will not say that the blackpill is an excuse to be hateful or give up on your life or things like that. But believing in lies by society won't help anyone, and it'll just result in people thinking some of their failings are entirely their fault, when it might very well not be the case.

When your mind is aligned to reality, you're in a state of psychological calm because what you think is replicated in the physical world. As such, you go about life with a degree of peace of mind.

Of course for incels, living in echo chambers on online forums, this is definitely not the case. But their issue is that they think way too much about relationships, and not enough about other things that definitely can impact their lives in a meaningful way, such as professional aspirations, arts, travel, experiencing other pleasures or spirituality. Of course, they'll see these suggestions as copes, but it's a bit ridiculous to think that intimate relationships are the most important things in life.
Facts how? We see unattractive, balding and short Somali men marry all the time. It’s a self fulfilling prophesy and these men that believe in blackpill don’t even have the confidence to even pursue women. It’s their lack of social skills that is the cause of most of their issues.
Another thing to add is that social skills and general personality traits are also impacted by genetics. Most people don't think about this, but social development issues are not easy fixes like going to the gym to get a better body. Some people are wired to be very bad at socializing. Yes, for neurotypical people who were raised to believe in bad ideas, deconstruction can definitely help. But for those who are literally mental challenged, this is definitely not the case.


Another thing to add is that social skills and general personality traits are also impacted by genetics. Most people don't think about this, but social development issues are not easy fixes like going to the gym to get a better body. Some people are wired to be very bad at socializing. Yes, for neurotypical people who were raised to believe in bad ideas, deconstruction can definitely help. But for those who are literally mental challenged, this is definitely not the case.
Facts how? We see unattractive, balding and short Somali men marry all the time. It’s a self fulfilling prophesy and these men that believe in blackpill don’t even have the confidence to even pursue women. It’s their lack of social skills that is the cause of most of their issues.

They’re just dumb. Someone needs to ask them why all of these 5’5 potbellied and bald adeeros are all married. One word: confidence.
all this PUA fuckery is literally just JESTERMAXXING, its just men employing psychological tactics to trick, motivate or guilt a woman into trying to be attracted to them, it isn't "natural".

Chad doesn't have to memorize pick up lines, rehearse body language, insult a woman indirectly to lower her guard, etc to gain a woman's attention and attract her, his mere presence alone is enough
I don’t want to sound like those annoying people who say looks don’t matter but working on your personality makes a difference for women.

if you are charming, charismatic and confident in yourself it gives you a new persona that women will go after.

edit: unless you are irredeemably unattractive- that is a whole different ballpark.
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Anyway I'll say this disclaimer before I'm labelled an incel for having eyes in a PC world:

The world as it is, is not an excuse to be an isolated, anti social, misogynistic, extremist, with malicious intentions towards others due to frustrations gained by one's inborn conditions. We as a species, live in a society amongst one another and as such must live amongst each other with respect for each other's autonomy, legal rights and the freedom to pursuit one's own happiness.


I looked up Jestermaxing and it came up with this picture

What do you call someone who combines both of these methodologies in their conquest to get laid?
I looked up Jestermaxing and it came up with this picture
View attachment 252592

What do you call someone who combines both of these methodologies in their conquest to get laid?
A PUA who knows the meaning of less is more when trying to be funny? And perhaps knowing how to be direct.

Anyway jestermaxxing is a bit of a meme in that the idea is basically mocking guys who try too hard to be funny and active with the women they're attracted to who don't like them.

This is a reason why I sometimes like the blackpill. A woman doesn't need a reason not to like a guy. If she's not attracted to you, she won't like you. Using that as a reality check can help a guy be real about a situation and move on to another girl.

I've seen a guy like a woman for 6 years straight without getting anywhere when it was obvious she didn't like him back. Life is kind of crazy like that man.
I don’t want to sound like those annoying people who say looks don’t matter but working on your personality makes a difference for women.

if you are charming, charismatic and confident in yourself it gives you a new persona that women will go after.

edit: unless you are irredeemably unattractive- that is a whole different ballpark.
The average man is not in a stable relationships, their relationships are quite unstable, with no security, and that's because the glue that holds the relationship together is a cheap knockoff of the best brand "physical attraction", its artificial, its women forcing themselves to be attracted to you, due to social norms and social pressures.
I actually had to google that, I actually only talked to 1 incel on Reddit a while back, most of them seem to be teens who are overreacting. Society has fed them this belief that you should have sex with girls every weekend and be with the most attractive girl. Everyone should just unplug from the internet from time to time, I’m not sure that these are real world issues.
The average man is not in a stable relationships, their relationships are quite unstable, with no security, and that's because the glue that holds the relationship together is a cheap knockoff of the best brand "physical attraction", its artificial, its women forcing themselves to be attracted to you, due to social norms and social pressures.
It’s not force. Attraction grows. Do you get a crush the moment you lay eyes on someone? The friend to lovers trope is real