Is Baadiye a loan word?

Crazy how the only ones who liked your post was Ana Arabs. Baadiye is 100% Somali, and you have no proof for anything otherwise.

Its existence in classical arabic with the same meaning is concrete proof, mate. Get out of here with the suugo linguistics and half baked folk etymologies
so are you saying that the word باديه came from somali language? are you serious?

( وَاسْأَلْهُمْ عَنِ الْقَرْيَةِ الَّتِي كَانَتْ حَاضِرَةَ الْبَحْرِ ..... ) ١٦٣ سورة الأعراف .
الحضر ḥāḍara = ( سكون sedentary , dwelling )
Baadiya باديه البدو = ( متحرك moving to search )

Surah Al-A'raf - 163 : Ask them the town which situated by the sea .
( ḥāḍira ) versus ( Baadiya ).

ḥāḍara حضر = dwelling , quiet , rest .

baadi باد / Baadiya باديه = search , moving .

وَقَالَ ادْخُلُوا مِصْرَ إِن شَاءَ اللَّهُ آمِنِينَ (99) ..... وَجَاءَ بِكُم مِّنَ الْبَدْوِ ..... (100)
مِصْرَ خلاف بَدْوِ
حضر الحضر
: خلاف البدو
حاضرة﴿١٦٣ الأعراف﴾ حاضرة البحر: قريبة من البحر. ويقال للمقيم على الماء: حاضر، وتطلق كذلك على النازلين قرب الماء ولا يرحلون. والحاضرة: الحي العظيم، أو القوم. والحاضر: ساكن الحضر ضد البادي: ساكن البادية .
ḥāḍara حاضرة : The one who resides on the water is said to be present, and it is also applied to those who descend near the water and do not leave.
The ḥāḍara حاضرة : the urban dweller versus the nomad ( Baadiya البادية ): the desert dweller.

  • Bedouins ( Reer Baadiya باديه ) are pastoralists who mostly move to places in search of good pastures, and water .

Reer Baadiya (ingiriis: nomadic people) waa dad xoolo dhaqato ah oo inta u badan u guura kolba meesha cows, biyo iyo dhuldaaqsiimeed fiican leh.
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انت ربما تتكلم اللغة العربية
لكن ليس لديك معرفة بالجذور اللغوية للغات
الموضوع ليس له علاقة بالتشكيل والحركات
كلمة ( بادية ) وكلمة ( بادي ) كلاهما في النهاية من الجذر اللغوي
( بدو‎ b-d-w)

You may speak Arabic.
But you have no knowledge of the linguistic roots of languages, according to what I see from your responses .
It has nothing to do with the diacritics ( tashkeel and ḥarakaat ) .

The word ( البادية al-Baadiya ) and the word ( الْبَادِ al-baadi) both
from the linguistic root ( بدو‎ b-d-w ) in Arabic language .​

You're the one with no knowledge :)

You're the one with no knowledge :)
Go and read original sources instead of listening to videos .

العاكف = المقيم = الحاضر = أهل مكة
البادي = أهل البادية = والذي يأتيه من البلاد = النازح إليه = الطارئ عليها

Al-Aakif العاكف : the resident , People residing in Mecca .

The Badi والبادي : the people of the Baadiya and those who come to them .
the one who is displaced to it , the one who visits it ,the one who comes .
تفسير القرطبي :

( وَالْمَسْجِدِ الْحَرَامِ الَّذِي جَعَلْنَاهُ لِلنَّاسِ سَوَاءً الْعَاكِفُ فِيهِ وَالْبَادِ ) 25 سورة الحج
قوله تعالى : الذي جعلناه للناس أي للصلاة والطواف والعبادة ؛ وهو كقوله تعالى : إن أول بيت وضع للناس ( سواء العاكف فيه والبادي)
العاكف : المقيم الملازم . والبادي : أهل البادية ومن يقدم عليهم
يقول : سواء في تعظيم حرمته وقضاء النسك فيه الحاضر والذي يأتيه من البلاد ؛ فليس أهل مكة أحق من النازح إليه . وقيل : إن المساواة إنما هي في دوره ، ومنازله ، ليس المقيم فيها أولى من الطارئ عليها

so are you saying that the word باديه came from somali language? are you serious?
Here are some meanings of the word ( baad باد / baadi بادي ) in the Somali language:

As you can see from the meaning of the Somali word ( baad باد / baadi بادي ) :
It's searching and finding something that's missing ( an animal, a person, a grass, a water...) .
baad : stay out overnight in an unknown
place; be late ; to be away for a long time .

baad : good pasture ; food, subsistence .
baad : wing (of bird ~ airplane) .

baadi : stray (animal), lost (person ~ thing ) .
baadidoon : search for something lost ; investigation, study .

baadifad : finder of a lost animal ~ object; reward payment .

baadiggef : failure to find a stray animal .

baadiggoob : look for (a stray ~something lost); search, research .

baad : Caws, caleen, xaab oo ay xooluhu daaqaan; daaq.
baad : Mid ka mid ah labada garab ee haadda ama dayuurad; baal.
baad ( baaday , baadday ) Hooy ka dhixid ( qof ama xoolo ) .
baadi : Wax lumay sida xoolo, lacag iwm.
baadicarar : Neef baadi ah oo reerihii uu la joogay ka carara.
baadiddon : cid baadi luntay raadinaysa.
baadiddoon ( baadiddoonay, baadiddoontay) : Raadin wax lumay la raadiyo.
baadiyee : (baadiyeeyay, baadiyaysay) Dad ama xoolo baadi ka dhigid.
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Thanks bro. Looks like you are right.

phoneme / p / is equal to phoneme / g / and phoneme / b ب / m م / and phoneme / w و / .

we conclude that : gdi ( geeddi چيدي ) = bdi ( baadi بادي) which means traveler / traveling (on a journey).

We also conclude that : geed = geedee = geedo = baadi بادي which means plant , trees , grass .

geeddi : traveler ; caravan ; migration , traveling (on a journey) .

geeddigeli : transport ; drive someone (as a nomadic family) ; lead a caravan .

geedee : plant ( an area ) with trees , shrubs ~ food crops .

geedgaab : short plant, plant that doesn’t grow tall .

geedo : grass; herbs; spices .

geedow : be covered with vegetation; become green .

geedqaad : clear ( an area ) of trees, deforest, prepare land for farming .

: Socod meel la degganaa lagaga guuro oo meel ka durugsan laga dego.
2. Dad iyo xoolo guuraya oo aan weli degin.
3. Fogaan gelin socod ah .

geeddi : (-iyay, -iday; -iyi) Guurin , guurid .
geeddiggeli : (-iyay, -isay) Cid geeddi ah wadid ; guurin .
the Greek word γᾰ́λᾰ ( gála , “ milk ” ) .
the Somali verb ( maal ) which means “ to milk ” .

You will also notice that there is a phonetic change
from phoneme / m / to phoneme / g / .

ancient Egyptian language 𓉐 ( per ) = Sanskrit पुर् ( pur )
= Greek πόλις ( pólis ) = Lithuania ( pilis )
= Somali language ( guri ) .

After these linguistic reviews , we conclude that the
phoneme / p / is equal to phoneme / g / and phoneme / b ب / m م / and phoneme / w و / .​
What is the linguistic etymology of the Somali word
( miyi / Miyiga ) ?​

phoneme / p / is equal to phoneme / g / and phoneme / b ب / m م / and phoneme / w و / .

we conclude that : miyi = giyi .
miyi / miyiga = giyi / giyiga .

geyi / giyi / gayi : Dhul ; dal

giyi : land , country ; domain ,
milieu , circles ; world , universe .

the Greek word γᾰ́λᾰ ( gála , “ milk ” ) .
the Somali verb ( maal ) which means “ to milk ” .

You will also notice that there is a phonetic change
from phoneme / m / to phoneme / g / .

ancient Egyptian language 𓉐 ( per ) = Sanskrit पुर् ( pur )
= Greek πόλις ( pólis ) = Lithuania ( pilis )
= Somali language ( guri ) .

After these linguistic reviews , we conclude that the
phoneme / p / is equal to phoneme / g / and phoneme / b ب / m م / and phoneme / w و / .​
Here are some meanings of the word ( baad باد / baadi بادي ) in the Somali language:

As you can see from the meaning of the Somali word ( baad باد / baadi بادي ) :
It's searching and finding something that's missing ( an animal, a person, a grass, a water...) .
baad : stay out overnight in an unknown
place; be late ; to be away for a long time .

baad : good pasture ; food, subsistence .
baad : wing (of bird ~ airplane) .

baadi : stray (animal), lost (person ~ thing ) .
baadidoon : search for something lost ; investigation, study .

baadifad : finder of a lost animal ~ object; reward payment .

baadiggef : failure to find a stray animal .

baadiggoob : look for (a stray ~something lost); search, research .

baad : Caws, caleen, xaab oo ay xooluhu daaqaan; daaq.
baad : Mid ka mid ah labada garab ee haadda ama dayuurad; baal.
baad ( baaday , baadday ) Hooy ka dhixid ( qof ama xoolo ) .
baadi : Wax lumay sida xoolo, lacag iwm.
baadicarar : Neef baadi ah oo reerihii uu la joogay ka carara.
baadiddon : cid baadi luntay raadinaysa.
baadiddoon ( baadiddoonay, baadiddoontay) : Raadin wax lumay la raadiyo.
baadiyee : (baadiyeeyay, baadiyaysay) Dad ama xoolo baadi ka dhigid.
You're seriously a delusional person thinking the Somali word for searching or finding Baadhi in the northern dialect and Baari in southern dialect is pronounced differently from the Arabic loanword Baadiyaha
My friend, you cannot ignore the Arab influence on the Somali language. Many words related to herding come from the Arabs, and do not forget that the Somalis took camels and goats And horses from the Arabs.
According to archeology, and all the explanatory power the inter-disciplinary anthropological knowledge corpus can equip us with, Somalis did not receive goats from Arabs. Cushitess brought Caprinae, coupled with Bovines from northeast Africa, modern Egypt, and Sudan, brought on by migration of our direct ancestors by demic diffusion, a people that had domesticates as early as Arabia, and even prior with regards to cattle, factoring in a strong indication of the independent domestication process, during pre-Neolithic Nubia.

The camel was in all assessed likelihood, rationally introduced, noting a cross-continental dispersion wave, no older than 3,000 years ago, from the Arabian Peninsula towards the Somali coast, northern Red Sea to Cushites and North Africa.

The horse, on the other hand, is a bit complicated. This animal was present in North Africa 3600 years ago. Viewing the appearance of the lack of evidence of old horse presence in the Ancient Horn of Africa, we can assume, the animal was introduced by one of the people we traded with. Measuring the relevant possibilities, attributing the emergence of the animal from an Arabian influence is not apparent. Complex and diversified trade connections make the origin of import for the beast less clear.

Prior to the domestication of the horse and the camel, the donkey served as the model for the first beast of burden for humanity. Our direct ancestors, that domesticated the donkey, gave the first-mover methodology that would later translate into using those ways to handle the wild camels and horses by proxy, as those phenomena happened thousands of years later.

I have already posted information about this topic, showing our ancestral association with domestication before the genetic evidence proved it correct. Now you have this fact as a consensus on the research/scholarly stage written in the books, casually:




There is one thing that is in error in the source. Namely, the notion that Cushites were in the Horn of Africa 7000 years ago. This is false. The descendants of the people that domesticated the donkeys, i.e., our ancestors, went to the Horn of Africa long after the domestication of the equid. Christopher Ehret -- a scholar I respect, mind you -- has a wrong picture of the expansion of Afro-Asiatic from Horn-proper and thinks Cushitic was a Horn of Africa-originated branch, applying this faulty formalist-diversification theory on the movement of language, inferring geographic source from those contextualized relational associations.
Magaala and badiya are also words used in afaan oromo as well.
Do you have the word Miyi in Oromo? This term is interchangeable in Somali with Badiya.

@Maakhir, I said “looks”, which means he may have more evidence at the moment. I don’t rule out my hypothesise completely.

phoneme / p / is equal to phoneme / g / and phoneme / b ب / m م / and phoneme / w و / .

we conclude that : miyi = giyi .
miyi / miyiga = giyi / giyiga .

geyi / giyi / gayi : Dhul ; dal

giyi : land , country ; domain ,
milieu , circles ; world , universe .

Geyi comes from Af Adere, it means the city or the country since they are a city state ethnicity (Harar)
Geyi comes from Af Adere, it means the city or the country since they are a city state ethnicity (Harar)

The presence of a word in the Harari language and at the same time existing in the Somali language does not mean that the Somali language has borrowed it from the Harari language .

These words are in Somali languge : ( Knee - Jilib / Jilibka , Mouth - Af , Speak / News -War , Abba , Father - Aw , Mother - Aay , Food - Hunguri ...... ) .

These words are in The Harari Language : ( Mouth - Af , Knee - Gilib , Food - Hangur ,
Speak - War , Father - Aw , Mother - Ay ) .

Were these words Somali or Harare ?

Why are not these words cognates because the two languages belong to the same language family ( Afro-Asian languages family ) ?
Why isn't it the other way around, that these words are taken from the Somali language, since the Somalis outnumber the Hararis who lived in a small town?


The presence of a word in the Harari language and at the same time existing in the Somali language does not mean that the Somali language has borrowed it from the Harari language .

These words are in Somali languge : ( Knee - Jilib / Jilibka , Mouth - Af , Speak / News -War , Abba , Father - Aw , Mother - Aay , Food - Hunguri ...... ) .

These words are in The Harari Language : ( Mouth - Af , Knee - Gilib , Food - Hangur ,
Speak - War , Father - Aw , Mother - Ay ) .

Were these words Somali or Harare ?

Why are not these words cognates because the two languages belong to the same language family ( Afro-Asian languages family ) ?
Why isn't it the other way around, that these words are taken from the Somali language, since the Somalis outnumber the Hararis who lived in a small town?

You are literally refusing to read this article and then claiming that all of the proven loanwords in here are actual Somali words, like you are somehow a psychic illiterate.

Next you are going to say that Dooro or Weeso is Somali,

you are like the schizo guy I once met that claimed Dictionary came from the Somali “Dig Shan Eray”, and that therefore dictionaries used to have five words in them or something,
What you are doing is that the chance of finding any two words to be "related" is actually almost 50%, considering that you have an unlimited amount of 'sound changes' to work with, so you are writing suugo linguistics.
This is a quote from the site you sent :​

Strata in Loanwords from Arabic and other semitic Languages in Northern Somali :

Notice that NS garaad " tribal chief " , that was mentioned above in 2 , does occur also in Harari . with the same meaning , but doesn't have a clear etymology .​

It is said that the word ( garaad ) is found in Somali and Harari .
It says that the word ( garaad ) doesn't have a clear etymology .

What is the etymology of the word ( garaad ) in the Harari language ?

But the word ( garaad ) has a linguistic etymology in the Somali language !!!!

The presence of a word in a dictionary does not mean that that word is original in that language.

We must use linguistic etymology in order to know whether a word is original in the language or is it a borrowed word.
You are literally refusing to read this article and then claiming that all of the proven loanwords in here are actual Somali words, like you are somehow a psychic illiterate.

Are you saying these words Somalis borrowed from Harari ?

These words are in Somali languge : ( Jilib / Jilibka , Af , War , Abba , Aw , Aay , Hunguri ...... I can go on ...... ) .

Not everyone who reads a book is a genius , It requires deep intelligence and foresight .
You have to analyze what you read .

Don't be like a naive who believes everything written by those Westerners who claim to be specialists in the Somali language .


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