innocent travellers including 2 yr old baby and pregnant mom killed by savages mudug


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Aun to those who died,

So anyway in Somalia or Africa as whole its kill or be killed so to those crying forgodsake stop with the feminist calacaal, I swear you would never seen a HAG crying about injustice, a man is only a man if he can defend his integrity and the well-being of his family without calacaaling.

So instead of crying avenge them and let the cycle run its course.

They don't even have evidence to prove who killed this pregnant women or her child. The entire thing could be fake. Nor would i be suprised if they killed their own mothers and children and blamed HG just to start a tribal war which, they will lose again, for the umpteenth time.

I blame Odaygii Direed who gave his daughter to that tree swinging cretin. Qurunkiisa baa dalkii ku faafay
AUN. This ain't the first time HG have done shit like this. This is routine behaviour in those parts. They kill especially if they can't extort or rob you.

How can one sub clan be responsible for at least 25% of the destruction of nation? Unbelievable. Imagine if they used thiss effort for good. They could have been the champions if Somalia.
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Bantu Liberation Movement
Tell that to somebody who cares :manny: i have no regard for ppl who brought Ethiopians to fight us in Kaxandhaale and happily claimed to bring Jews to fight us.
With an attitude like this it's a small wonder why Xamar is internationally renowned for what it is.
With an attitude like this it's a small wonder why Xamar is internationally renowned for what it is.
What do you expect from a mini haram ku naax mooryan. He popped out the womb with a qori and thirst for dhiig.

This is why HG are still not to be trusted. Too many have this mentality I have seen it in real life.


A mere finger can’t obscure the sun.
Senseless killings, revenge killings, endless cycle of bloodshed and misery.

If only we valued the sanctity of life the way we value our stinking qabiils.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
This is very normal in this area. It literally just happened on the Raxanweyne incident as well.
Its a certain clan that keeps comitting these atrocities. We need a Final Solution or the bloodshed will never stop


Golan Heights belong to Syria
I heard the Italian destroyed xeer among the Hawiye when they arrived and were successful in doing so because Hawiye were urban people who lived under Italian rule while other southern clans were entirely nomadic and would rarely deal with the Italians. And the British allowed the northern clans to follow xeer.


The only clan to have no xeer, where did these people come from? Clearly their is a huge cultural difference at play wheres Ditoore @DR OSMAN

It suprises me a-lot also. I never seen a Darod or Hawiye pay mag between each other lol. Clearly this indicates a different peoples, history, and nations. Please investigate if hawiye pay mag between themselves. I think it's alive because when my grandmother an abgaal hamari(originally miyi abgaal northerner) she said when she lost her son they did come to her and ask if she will take a 'fataxa' which is HAMARI CULTURE. She blended in quite well with the Hamar culture though and took the fataxa which means ambuulo iyo bun between you and the murderer who was a HG and u read BOQOL FATAXA iyo Cafis culture. I am not sure why grandmother accepted that but their must of been some wisdom she saw in it that I still don't see but she took the hamari way of life. I re-iterate people who were miyi adopted urban lifestyle, u weren't allowed to bring that miyi shit to magaalo back in those days which HG violated with the invasion of mogadishu

They killed her father an abgaal IMAM in Miyiga northern galgaduud and those HG niggas got revenge attacked, it's clearly not a fataxa culture anywhere from galgaduud, ogadeniya, bariga, mudug, nugaal, and all waqoyi(except from hargeisa to awdal) they seem different to the general aargoosi culture. In old Xeer Imam qabil malaha but these HG niggas still killed him which shocked my grandmother and she never forgive them all her life for that. Which makes sense an IMAM is religious guy he is more concerned with quran not tribe or politics. Elders are untouchable usually in old miyi culture. But HG killed omar mahmoud elders and buried them in a well. So your right their not under SOMALI XEER badiye this HG clan hence why they go around killing women, children, imams, elders, and shit like that. The only one they FEAR is soldiers, they wont dare fight darod miyi soldier.
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Don't see Hawiye as 1 is my advice to you @TekNiKo Abgaalka banadiriga waa dad fican weeye no wonder the Sayid gave them a big AMAAN. My grandmother was exactly like that also, they don't believe in violence and I wouldn't reject an abgaal oo hamari dhab ah oo aan reer galgaduud warkooda dhegaysanaynin be it waceysle, hg, murusade, etc. Darrod used to blend in mogadishu urban culture and never bring that miyi shit into the city. We didn't displace anyone in the cities not even in the civil war becuz we keep the war strictly outside in MIYIGA.

Remember even when we fought Siyad it was all over MIYIGA not the towns. That's how it should be, if you want to go to war, iskeena dheh, banankasi oo aan geed oolin, 100 niin keena anagana 100 kale and we will settle it out there and in the city we go back to hamari culture. That how it should be. But HG violated every norm of Somali culture and that's why I am saying we need a new strategy. I can clearly see a weakness in HG...they attack usually unarmed people marka raggi ayaa dacifa ah oo ma hor tagi karan ciidaan. So what do we do? do not respond by attacking his civilian because their not hard to deal with. Ciidaankooda si fican uu jebiya meeshasi ayay baqdin ka gaban HG markay eegaan darodka oo intasi miyiga ku jira from ogadeniya, bariga, nugaasha, sool, sanaag. That's my advice to Darod. Then u only have weceysle and murusade left and their will be knocked over night.

If darod can formulate a policy for reer galgaduud. Wallahi inta kale webigasi hostisa waa SAHAL waa umad kale oo dhaqan kale leh and we can revert back to their culture and work with them how we used too. That's why abgaal in hamar the OLD ONE LOVE MJ, they know our rules. But we need different strategy now and it should be darod collective strategy.


I am good at war strategy becuz my awoowe on my father side was apart of the boqol duudo regiment of boqor osman which sayidka praised as holding down the fort so the Darwish didn't gain closer access to the boqor coastal sea which was critically keep arms flowing in from his foreign partner. If you just read sayidka gabayadisa waa garanaysa where the best soldiers are and gather them among Somalis.

Ask any elder about this gabay 'boqolki duudow boqol loo waa' meaning sayid said we lost 100 soldiers encountering duudow royal regiment which my awoowe was apart of. We are very brave soldiers in PL even sayidka acknowledged this and it makes scientific sense when u border dhulbahante, ogaden, habar gedir, we get no break as Majerten except a small relief in northern bari coastal area. This will eventually teach u different fighting styles of the most vicious warriors in somalia and some guy will come along and figure how to combine those techniques for majerten.

The southerners think just because it's one clan in the north-east means it will be peace. No it's the other way around, their so independent and can handle their own affairs each sub clan, this causes conflict meaning they don't want to be told what to do since their independent. It's not maskin southern clans even tho they are diverse as a clan but weak wealth wise, settled in one area, and the clans are usually VERY WEAKKKKKKKKKKKKK. It doesnt matter if the south is diverse, beelaha degan waa beelo liito. Ur talking the landheere of nearly every clan in Somalia Majerten borders and SURVIVES.

Arimaha dhulbahante osman mahmoud uu daaya. We can handle them niggas. Dont bring issa mahmoud they get slaughtered always by them. Omar mahmoud for HG.
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My dad is so proud of the duudow battle with darwish. He said we laid them out 100 mayd dhulbahante oo bakhti cunay buu abahay yiri and we were only 100 soldiers of boqortoyo. Dagaalku wuxu ahaa DUUDOW. Gabayga way gashay. Dhulbahante issa mahmoud ha uu faaneen my dad said lakin not osman mahmoud. Osman mahmoud are great fighters bro and strategist and LEADERS.

Anyways bro the hikmad behind the gabay cause i didn't understand it at first when my dad told me he said. Boqolki duudow which means they were 100 soldiers were told since u r 100 soldiers, u must impact 100 bodies on dhulbahante. This is how you moral build for the soldiers, u remind them of tarikhdooda. So my dad said if he gets bah dubays he reminds them, how many of u going to war? they will say maybe 50-100. He says ok. 100 HA LAGA WAAYO BEESHA AAD UU SOCOTO to keep our history alive, this motivates the soldiers bro. see history without it your just living in the present with no guidance from the past like HAWIYE

The battle with sayidka and boqor osman reached new york post. No other somali clan can claim such a feat lets be real @Teeri-Alpha

Hawiye only fight civilians dad civilian magaalo joggo sxb. Miyi haday yimadan, new york post bay galaysa sheekada majerten iyo hawiye sida DAGAALKA darwish boqol sano ka hor. We are still around sxb, my family is still very reer miyi.

HG ayaa sheeko waalan ku aqriya reer bandirka who dont understand miyiga marka wa loo been sheegi kara, where-as majertenki hore ma keeni jirin magaalada dhaqankooda miyi, there is no point, they don't live that lifestyle hence dont need to know about it. HG are fulay sxb I am telling u. They fear MJ the most @Mckenzie plus this nigga knows deep down. Reer mudug is not warriors sxb compared to reer qardhoodka oo sheekadooda gashay new york post.
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@Teeri-Alpha U give heaps of credit to Isaaq but u shouldn't. They needed planes and british to handle u, not themselves.

Give this credit. This is my awooweyaal sxb, he was apart of these divisions that laid havoc on your SAYID. Yet u say MJ waa naago? your not using any basic reasoning skills

Noone else is FIT for Boqor title and DAWLAD title like MJ are. Sayid said it in the gabay the only clan he referred to as a DAWLAD. Not another gabay was ever mentioned of another clan who should be DAWLAD. But nah you won't listen but u will still read the sayidka for other stuff. Either accept it all accept none, don't pick n choose. U might of won with Issa mahmoud. But with Osman mahmoud ur dealing with me look at how I slay niggas in here and they all dodge me and go to other threads.

Majerten ma ogola shisheeye in their land which suprises me why american war planes are in bariga bombing qandala and galgala. That is embarassing, we are disgracing our awoowe name. We need to handle it not america. Majerten never allow any foreign soldier to help us on the battle field. We just want foreign relation thru our coastal towns nothing else on mutually beneficial deal where we keep our state and independence and we give whoever we are friends with an ally in the region. But we aint gonna go DIE FOR ITALY LOL U NEVER HEARD OF MAJERTEN ITALY UU DHINTAY LIKE ISAAQ OO BRITISH UU DHINTAY WE ARE NOT LIKE THAT. WE ARE LIKE OMANIS EXACTLY THE SAME SET UP INDEPENDENT NOTHING ELSE. WE DONT JOIN YOUR WAR OR FIGHT FOR U

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@Teeri-Alpha Just because MJ became urban later on settling in hamar, doesn't mean we are weak. We still have our miyi culture untouched in the north. We want to keep it that way. But dhaqanki horey laguma faani jirin magaalada dagaal baan samaye, since meeshu waa urban culture. We adapted to them but if u ever wanna come try us again adeer. Bring dhulbahante this time wallahi all newspaper articles of the world will talk about the DECIMATION. U think we became boqor being fuley waryaa..u become boqor cause your the bravest and most respected in the land.

We defeated dhulbahante one on one no help from foreigner. We didn't even meet ogaden cause sayid was destroying u guys too since u werent darwish. Read the article how he laid waste to ogaden u didn't even fight back so don't make sayidka to be ogaden. He never respected u


Abgaal are different bro even murusade kuwa benadiriga ah. Good city settlers and so are MJ. Way is-fahmeen waagi hore meeshan waa magaalo and miyi waa miyi which is up north. That's why my ayeeyo never forgave the HG who killed her father who was an Imam and the clan over there took revenge. But when her son was killed in Mogadishu way aqbashay fataxa which means she kept dual culture in her mind. I am sure if that happened in galgaduud and her son was killed, she wud say ha laga aargoosto. Since diinta aargoosi waa halal iyo fataxa waa halal. But fataxa is in city and qisaas is in miyi. My grandmother was brilliant wallahi, that's why I am telling u abgaal are not a bad people or else why sayidka PRAISED THEM? I remember my ayeeyo she had DUAL CULTURE.

In the city you can take 'fataxa' or you can ask the courts to deal with it. So my ayeeyo accepted fataxa cause it was 91 and there was no courts so she reverted back to the fataxa culture is my assumption. But she never said in laga aar goosto moryanti habar gedir wiilkeeda dilay who was a famous businessman in the city.

Again the older types like my ayeeyo she used to get shocked when important ppl la dilo but not when normal person dies. Because it has lasting impact on u an important person of the clan as a whole, but that one person who probably chews khat isn't going to be missed or cause a big dent to their clan. That's why abgaal and hg arintooda waa arin ka wayn tan darod iyo hawiye

Ask abgaal I guess they probably know more the older ones. But all clans adapted to abgaal culture back in the day except in 91 HG so there not happy with them, just ask true abgaal elders about the past, thats why they HATE THEM and my ayeeyo showed no hate for majerten except saying waa faan badan yihin but not the sort of hate she had for HG

Thats why I feel for HG. they harmed so many clans and I guess their scared if a government comes in LOO TASHAN DOONO. Even Murusade the hate they have for HG is amazing, where-as they dont have the same hate for majerten or other darod. Except they say majerten waa faan badan yihin but thats it. Thats personality problem not DEEP HISTORICAL HATE PROBLEM
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If I wud provide advice for abgaal and murusade the banadiri historical clans. Make the capital Mogadishu, don't lose it, it's your life line. But say to Somali clans, hadi banadiri noqonaysan iyo dhaqankeena horey, we will welcome u to join our administration. That's why hassan abshir was mayor? he became banadiri. But if you want to be tribal iyo dhaqanka miyiga, mamul gobolkina jogga. Begin eliminating HG back to GALMUDUG and say your culture is there and this is a urban culture and all clans are welcome as long as they adopt our banadiri culture. Which is not bad, even americans say we want u to ASSIMILATE not Dominate, become apart of us and forget your tribe nonsense. That's the only advice I wud give those abgaal and murusade who live in banadir or else just keep following HG 30 year madness thinking his a GEESI but his not, he never fights in miyiga, he attacks civilians nothing else that shud tell u something why he fears the soldiers? darod have nothing to prove 80% waba miyi and they cud wipe them niggas out in seconds


It's not just mogadishu now. MEELO badan ayaa magaloyin noqday manta. Like PL iyo garowe which has become a city. Issa mahmoud have to be told, any clan can be nugaali haday dhaqankeena la gabsanayan. I feel so angry marki niin xun eyl ka yimi abokor isse in garowe saying issa mahmoud ba meeshan leh. Awoowahay iyo awoowahisa ayaa meeshani ku noola, u never knew this place. My dad heart for garowe waxay ka tahay degaan jecel but he gets mad when he sees this rural issa mahmoud who act like their the majority. No u asshole, your not a reer garowe, this my father land and I care for it waa dhaxal its not a dhaxal for u issa mahmoud oo godobjiran ka yimi.

Reer garowe waa inay badelan dhaqankan xunka ah unuka leh. Dadka degaanka ah waa inay no 1 ka noqdan meel kasto because they love their history. It's like my father, he just leaves garowe and say awoowahay ba meesha laha mana uu gaysan kari xuman because it's my land. All the ppl who are reer garowe should never be ashamed their locals and do not let issa mahmoud banankasi ka yimi inu ka sheegto meesha

