Ina Sharmarke Is Pro Centralism


Minister of Propaganda
Each US state has a national guard. It’s the FGS job to recruit from every region which they have failed miserably. Tedakale, we in PL don’t have an army. We only have Police and state security forces

The national guard can be controlled by the federal government whenever they want.

The loyalty of the national guard is to the federal not the state government.


As China eloquently says about it's system 'communism with chinese characteristics'. @Periplus We cannot adopt other society system like Australia or America who have different histories. Somalia needs a federalism and democracy with Somali characteristic embedded into it.


Minister of Propaganda
As China eloquently says about it's system 'communism with chinese characteristics'. @Periplus We cannot adopt other society system like Australia or America who have different histories. Somalia needs a federalism and democracy with Somali characteristic embedded into it.

And what’s Somali characteristics?

Archaic qabiil-based systems that are out of place in the modern world.

I don’t want qabiil to be a factor in Somalia ever again. People can hold their qabiil if they want but I don’t want politics to ever consider qabiil again.
And what’s Somali characteristics?

Archaic qabiil-based systems that are out of place in the modern world.

I don’t want qabiil to be a factor in Somalia ever again. People can hold their qabiil if they want but I don’t want politics to ever consider qabiil again.

You're a first world born idealist, no offence


Minister of Propaganda
You're a first world born idealist, no offence

Everyone can agree that Somalia needs a trailblazing leader in order for the nation to improve.

If that’s the case then we need radical ideas fit for a trailblazer.

The most radical idea is to minimise the prominence of qabiil in Somalia. This will solve almost every problem back home.

Banning reading materials that mention qabiil, jail terms for political commentators or media outlets that stoke qabiil division and legislation to ban qabiil from the political arena.

Also tax reductions offered to any Somali willing to move a city in which their qabiil is a minority. The less represented their qabiil is in said city, the larger the benefits.

All of this is easy enough to be achieved by the weak FGS. They can lobby for a federal-state partnership and brand any state that refuses as “qabiilist”. No state will want that label and will fall into line.
@Periplus not through the FGS but through a bottom up approach via civil society. Private citizens from PL should take the lead since Puntland is the only state that is both viable (unlike JL) and fully autonomous (unlike the other 3 FMS)


Minister of Propaganda
@Periplus not through the FGS but through a bottom up approach via civil society. Private citizens from PL should take the lead since Puntland is the only state that is both viable (unlike JL) and fully autonomous (unlike the other 3 FMS)

Civil society has tried and failed, there are too many stupid people and people who are smart but don’t want change for whatever reason.

We need a strong-handed approach from the government.

This is probably the only area in which I would advocate for strong-arming.

It’s a national and societal problem that will hinder us for centuries. It is like the caste system in India.


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
Ina sharmarke went to Mogadishu and tell xarmaajo to behalf what his diong isn't gonna work.... Omar is another level 🙏


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