OPINION Ina Sharmarke Is Pro Centralism



Here he is basically preaching the PSF should be integrated with the dysfunctional NISA and a Federal structure be created for anti-terrorism. By separating NISA n PSF, we have seen clearly that PSF gets the job done while NISA is dysfunctional both in intelligence gathering and operations. If we incoporate PSF with them, the only one benefiting is NISA as they will pass on their dysfunction to PSF and PL will eventually become unstable similar to the south. Thru separation of the two agency, the people can see with their own eyes which agency performs, imagine they were unified like sharmarke wants, who would get the blame for the security failures, no-one and eventually this will lead PL down a path of instability never seen before.

I say if these leaders are so desperate to create some 'unifying' image in Somalia, then create some ceremonial role at the federal level but ensure the position has no power over PSF budget, policy, operations, or intelligence and is merely a 'symbolic' position. NISA can barely manage south-central, bombings and attacks are the norm under NISA watch, this agency is horrifying when u look at the amount of bombings/attack that happens under they're watch. Shabab is so bold they even run courts n tax people in the capital NISA operates, which only supports my conclusion that NISA needs an overhaul.


Ina Sharmarke is my sub-clan but we are polar opposites on the federal n central argument. If clan unifies people as people think, then why am I attacking this man and his centralism. Clan doesn't unify, what unifies ppl is a political agenda.

I realized this when in hamar at 99, those hags had no political agenda beyond looting n checkpoints, I realized quickly clan doesn't bring about anything if they're is an absence of a political agenda. That's why I blast HAGS to stop putting on a show of 'clan unity' when there is no damn political agenda that unifies you, you ain't fooling me, I know what happens when a clan lacks a political platform, I saw it in 99. So cut the crap
@DR OSMAN honestly would you be against centralism (including like the fake federalism in Meles era Ethiopia) if BOTH the presidency and the capital city of Somalia were given to reer Puntland


Forza Somalia!
I thought this would about some shit like demolishing fms but it was about having unified security forces :deadpeter:


True Puntlander
@DR OSMAN honestly would you be against centralism (including like the fake federalism in Meles era Ethiopia) if BOTH the presidency and the capital city of Somalia were given to reer Puntland
PL could had bring capital to our state in 2000s as temporary . But main point is south unstable condition affecting us. So change capital its not solution.


@DR OSMAN honestly would you be against centralism (including like the fake federalism in Meles era Ethiopia) if BOTH the presidency and the capital city of Somalia were given to reer Puntland

I only support political models that keep us away from each other. We don't work good unified, I saw this in the diaspora how they can barely create a unified diaspora community group without fights, hatred, corruption. That's when I decided any system that keeps them away from each other I will support. Federalism achieves that and con-federal does it even better.

All I want is progress for them not putting my emotions into it. They will waste away centuries if unified and nothing gets done, we will be much worse off, mark my words. If u separate them, they have no excuse not to progress.
I only support political models that keep us away from each other. We don't work good unified, I saw this in the diaspora how they can barely create a unified diaspora community group without fights, hatred, corruption. That's when I decided any system that keeps them away from each other I will support. Federalism achieves that and con-federal does it even better.

All I want is progress for them not putting my emotions into it. They will waste away centuries if unified and nothing gets done, we will be much worse off, mark my words. If u separate them, they have no excuse not to progress.

I have no doubt that you as a private citizen genuinely holds this belief so kudos to you however I'm convinced 99.9% of current Puntite politicians would support the central government of Somalia having total power over PL if the presidency and capital city of the whole country was given to reer PL


Minister of Propaganda
Kacaan had unified army, all of us saw what he did.

Regardless, my point is that almost every federal nation on earth has an united armed forces.

Im not saying Somalia should have one right now but it’s not centralism to advocate for it.

As for your comment...

Nazi Germany had an united army.

You think that stopped Germany from reunification
Regardless, my point is that almost every federal nation on earth has an united armed forces.

Im not saying Somalia should have one right now but it’s not centralism to advocate for it.

As for your comment...

Nazi Germany had an united army.

You think that stopped Germany from reunification

So we should just copy everyone else even if we have unique circumstances and history? Somalia shouldn't have either a navy or an air force IMO we should only have at the national level a ground army. At the state level every FMS should have a 'flexible' ground army of their own (that can conduct both conventional and guerilla warfare). Also each FMS should have a maritime police/coast guard as well as an Aerial Defence Guard (not the same as a traditional Air Force) which only possesses anti-aircraft missiles (both air to air and surface to air)


True Puntlander
Regardless, my point is that almost every federal nation on earth has an united armed forces.

Im not saying Somalia should have one right now but it’s not centralism to advocate for it.

As for your comment...

Nazi Germany had an united army.

You think that stopped Germany from reunification
Nazy didnt used army to massacre his own citizens!!.


Minister of Propaganda
So we should just copy everyone else even if we have unique circumstances and history? Somalia shouldn't have either a navy or an air force IMO we should only have at the national level a ground army. At the state level every FMS should have a 'flexible' ground army of their own (that can conduct both conventional and guerilla warfare). Also each FMS should have a maritime police/coast guard as well as an Aerial Defence Guard (not the same as a traditional Air Force) which only possesses anti-aircraft missiles (both air to air and surface to air)

Sorry brother but fat chance.

What pisses me off is when Somalis try to create fanciful frameworks just to avoid dealing with qabiil/qabyalaad.

This is one of them and probably the most creative.

Let me assure you, this will never happen. Somalia’s armed forces unification is a matter of if not when.

The current political and military climate won’t allow it but if it changes it will be first on the agenda for any competent government.


True Puntlander
I have no doubt that you as a private citizen genuinely holds this belief so kudos to you however I'm convinced 99.9% of current Puntite politicians would support the central government of Somalia having total power over PL if the presidency and capital city of the whole country was given to reer PL
Bring one PL citizen agree on this, answer is none.
I have no doubt that you as a private citizen genuinely holds this belief so kudos to you however I'm convinced 99.9% of current Puntite politicians would support the central government of Somalia having total power over PL if the presidency and capital city of the whole country was given to reer PL


You keep repeating this falsehood. Puntites installed a Federal Government in Somalia using Puntite Tax Money and Puntite soldiers. Why would we do that at the height of our power in South Somalia if we really wanted Centralism? You are not making any sense here.

Abdulahi Yusuf AUN was the President in 2004 and he could have installed a Central Government, all the Puntite PMs that followed, didn't push for Centralism either. Puntites have always been fond of autonomy, it's our heritage to be autonomous and want it for others. We had a Kingdom and a Sultanate simultaneously so it is in our interest to revert to a similar system as Centralism is alien and abhorrent to us. Furthermore, the dictator (1960-1991), showed us how dangerous this system is in the wrong hands.

A confederation is next on the cards, forget just federalism. We want all Somalis to learn how to not only build and secure their own regions, but also learn how to mind their own business at the same time.
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Having an united armed forces isn’t centralism.
Literally. For example Ask these people, is the american military divided into federal forces? No when america military is one and isn’t divided into federal units. Only thing is the federal states have their own state police which I agree with. The national army should however just be one and United otherwise it will be divided into clan lines which is wrong
Literally. For example Ask these people, is the american military divided into federal forces? No when america military is one and isn’t divided into federal units. Only thing is the federal states have their own state police which I agree with. The national army should however just be one and United otherwise it will be divided into clan lines which is wrong

The Federal Government was supposed to build a National Army that had 15,000 troops from every Federal Region, but Farmaajo the Kacaanist has failed to implement this deal that was signed by all Federal States. All we see is a few militias being trained by Turkey that are used as Farmaajo's personal hit squads and they have animal names.

The sooner this man and his disgusting cult leave, the better.

