Iman (faith) in Allah is a precious gift

There would be no need to have morality in a world that is the product of time, chance and material particles. Morality comes from Allah (swt).


There would be no need to have morality in a world that is the product of time, chance and material particles. Morality comes from Allah (swt).

The position I hold on morality it's adaptable and changes depending on our interests, agendas, goals, and survival needs. Our morality is there to support us to survive not because we are going to get rewarded and punished by god. Survival of the fittest requires quickly changing and adaptable morals. For example, I have to adapt quickly if me and you meet in the battle field, it's kill or be killed. But in a city, I adapt again and become civil and non-dangerous to u.

This kind of demonstrates morality is made up itself and we choose a morality when it suits us to survive or achieve whatever goals we have set for ourselves. For example I will lie, cheat, steal in order to feed my family if I find no other alternative way to do so, I will not remain 'stale' and continue to hold the same morality or 'praying or roob doon' ma garatay, by changing my morality code, I achieved my survival chances. This is pure Darwinism read the theory do not dismiss it before u have because some 80 IQ arab is threatened he may lose his religious grip on you and his potential empire and influence over 57 nations.

@Cilmi-doon It's time to just leave behind the sky daddy, we can't progress puntland with it, u can keep it at home but when u come to the lab, foollow the rules of science as we create a nuclear bomb for Puntland, it's simple as that, don't ask we do a du'a or prayer or any of that nonsense, remember its up to u and keep at home, your prayers doesnt create anything in the world except MAKE US DIE
@Omar del Sur
For believers like us all the philosophical arguments for the existence of God affirm our belief. But the problem I’m trying to point out is that for every argument you will have a counter argument. In the end Hidaya or guidance only comes from Allah(swt).


@Omar del Sur
For believers like us all the philosophical arguments for the existence of God affirm our belief. But the problem I’m trying to point out is that for every argument you will have a counter argument. In the end Hidaya or guidance only comes from Allah(swt).

The god topic has raged for 5000 years philosophically to assume it will be solved by me and u or anyone is just preposterous. The reason it rages and will rage is it's a 'belief' not a 'fact'. If I say I believe @Cilmi-doon is a qabiliste, this is only my 'belief', I have no evidence to support such thing ma garatay. But if I come with evidence I can start to switch that belief into fact and the more evidence the stronger the fact. Darwinism is massively correlated and backed up by so many evidences it has not be debunked for centuries except of course by juudan society type of people or flat earthers kkkkk. This @Omar del Sur wants to hold onto his belief of god regardless if his points are being countered, that's like me holding onto my claim or belief @Cilmi-doon is qabiliste yet he is refuting or countering my evidence to support that, isn't it fair to say that person isn't interested in truth or fact but has confirmation bias irrespective of anything, he made up his mind and even if proven wrong his mind is made up. His whole heaven and hell is garbage anyways. I asked him it is hell being in heaven for 24 hours 7 days a week just having fun and happiness, thats like saying I will go on holiday for 100 years and do nothing else in life, waba nacaysa akhirki and will say 'yaa ii dilo'. Maybe 'death' is heaven but we don't understand it, but when I am asleep I am at peace and if death is like that, LET ME BE, cause EVER LASTING LIFE IS FAR SCARIER then A NICE GOOD SLEEP.

We don't fear god like 3rd world societies, have u noticed in pooreer societies they are more religious? cilmigi ayaa ku yar sxb umadasi marka waxad doonto ayaa marin karta kkkk, they don't have the capacity to question or analyze or review
If you say morality is grounded in self interest, there are cases where doing your moral duty might require a sacrifice, like giving up your life which is a net loss for the individual ( assuming you don’t believe in a hell or heaven). If you say you wanna double dip and “appear” moral to your fellow man when it’s to your advantage..... well sxb that’s not morality.


If you say morality is grounded in self interest, there are cases where doing your moral duty might require a sacrifice, like giving up your life which is a net loss for the individual ( assuming you don’t believe in a hell or heaven). If you say you wanna double dip and “appear” moral to your fellow man when it’s to your advantage..... well sxb that’s not morality.

If I die and god is true, I will be the first to say all I want to know is purpose of life, morality, why u created me or everything around me, all the philosophical questions that I know life will never reach an answer on. I don't want a god that just says live forever and have fun in heaven, I know I will get bored and I still won't know the quint essential problem facing humanity, our origins, purposes, the world origins, and why and where the hell is this going in the end. People want answers, cilm is jannah once u dont have it, something is missing soo ma arag like no evidence for god, waxaa naga maqan cilmiga. Thats why adam fell for tree of knowledge, waa loo dhinta cilmi. Knowledge will make u complete no more guessing, doubts, all that shit in us. Ma garatay.
Science tries to tell us what goes on and how it goes on. Theology tells us why the whole thing goes on and who stands behind it. Where the confusion arises is when you try to mix the what with the why.
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Radical islam and islam without logic is a modern creation.
You can worship allah and his prophet and still uphold many scientific views. Big bang theory actually isn’t forbidden to believe, evolution shouldn't be dismissed straight away. Some scholars have said that god may have created previous forms of human-like beings part of the homo-genus. The lack of education and care for it is what’s holding muslims back.

Both “radical Islam” and “moderate Islam” are eurocentric terms. We shouldn’t be afraid to articulate our own reality. As far as education, I don’t know where you live, but here in the United States the majority of Muslims are highly educated.