I'm ready to come out ⬛🟧


the sea
My chosen sexuality assigned at birth is SUPERSTRAIGHT ⬛🟧

Meaning I am attracted to women of the XX chromosomes. Please be respectful of my sexuality, Dont be SUPERPHOBIC and hate crime me. This took a lot of courage and I hope I am welcome into this community and fully accepted by the somali community


Forza Somalia!
My chosen sexuality assigned at birth is SUPERSTRAIGHT ⬛🟧

Meaning I am attracted to women of the XX chromosomes. Please be respectful of my sexuality, Dont be SUPERPHOBIC and hate crime me. This took a lot of courage and I hope I am welcome into this community and fully accepted by the somali community
Wow, this seems too early, we aren't in 2050 yet, chill out


the sea
Wow, this seems too early, we aren't in 2050 yet, chill out
I guess your just Super phobic. I was born this way and I just can't see myself with anyone without the XX chromosomes and I deserve basic freedom without being in fear of being hatecrimed

