I'm going to tell


Hakuna matata
I told you guys there's a lady at my work cheating on her husband, she has pissed me off at work and another co worker so we are so close to contacting her husband that she's cheating on him with another co worker.

What's the worse that can happen here?
I feel like if I don't speak up I am accepting her wrong as a muslimah.
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I told you guys there's a lady at my work cheating on her husband, she has pissed me off at work and another co worker so we are so close in contacting her husband that she's cheating on him with another co worker.

What's the worse that can happen here?
I feel like if I don't speak up I am accepting her wrong as a muslimah.
do it, they deserve to know
I told you guys there's a lady at my work cheating on her husband, she has pissed me off at work and another co worker so we are so close in contacting her husband that she's cheating on him with another co worker.

What's the worse that can happen here?
I feel like if I don't speak up I am accepting her wrong as a muslimah.

she muslim? and cheating , how so?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]


Hakuna matata
I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say, “Whosoever of you sees an evil, let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then [let him change it] with his tongue; and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart — and that is the weakest of faith.” [Muslim]
So this means I should speak up
So this means I should speak up
but how do you know they are having intercourse
its kind of a bold statement no?
its hard because how would you know if its sexual or emotional cheating ?

and hey as much as she is a , be a savage to her! lol maybe threat her .. ?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
So this means I should speak up

Adultery is so serious that the sharia specifies capital punishment for the one who does it.

If you know for sure that it's happening then I think you should put a stop to it if you are able. I am sure Allah will reward you.

Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.

-Surah Al-Kahf 18:30


I do something called "what I want"
Adultery is so serious that the sharia specifies capital punishment for the one who does it.

If you know for sure that it's happening then I think you should put a stop to it if you are able. I am sure Allah will reward you.

Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - indeed, We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.

-Surah Al-Kahf 18:30
yes but this should only be considered if you know 100% sure that it is the case.

Otherwise you may ruin a marriage. Even if it’s proven that she wasn’t cheating, the marriage won’t be the same as now you have planted a dark seed in his heart.

If there is any shred of doubt then don’t speak up, no matter how annoying she gets or however much you hate her.


Hakuna matata
yes but this should only be considered if you know 100% sure that it is the case.

Otherwise you may ruin a marriage. Even if it’s proven that she wasn’t cheating, the marriage won’t be the same as now you have planted a dark seed in his heart.

If there is any shred of doubt then don’t speak up, no matter how annoying she gets or however much you hate her.
There's more than 4 witnesses sis. This girl is doomed.


I would say don't do it, let her husband find out on his own. remember what is done in the dark always comes to light :)


Hakuna matata
but how do you know they are having intercourse
its kind of a bold statement no?
its hard because how would you know if its sexual or emotional cheating ?

and hey as much as she is a b*tch , be a savage to her! lol maybe threat her .. ?
She told another lady at work not to talk, look or touch her man, and people have seen them kissing in the car etc don't you think if one does that with another man they would also be likely doing intercourse. Well someone has told us the guy has been getting a lady come to his house at night which was very unusual as he never has female friends over and never ALONE


I do something called "what I want"
I would say don't do it, let her husband find out on his own. remember what is done in the dark always comes to light :)
Quick question Jiron.

Let’s say you wake up one night teleported to a room. A lady in the room tells you that she knows your wife is cheating on you. She also tells you that in about 30 seconds you’ll be teleported back to your room asleep, with 0 memory of what just happened.

Would you want her to tell you about your wife’s affair when you wake up? Or would you like her to keep quiet, not knowing if you’ll ever find out your wife was cheating on you, or even knowing if she’ll ever stop.
She told another lady at work not to talk, look or touch her man, and people have seen them kissing in the car etc don't you think if one does that with another man they would also be likely doing intercourse. Well someone has told us the guy has been getting a lady come to his house at night which was very unusual as he never has female friends over and never ALONE

Zina is also touching and kissing inappropriately

zina means actual intercourse , and lemme say this , if you never saw it , it never happened. i understand your angry and upset with her , please dont mess the marriage by saying things you never saw.

why not just go at her?

edit : if those people saw something let them do it. with out u encouraging it though. you dont wanna get bad deed by saying something false. just go at her . trust me !
It seems like you’re doing it out of revenge not concern for the spouse lol. But yeah if you’re 100% sure she is an adulteress you should totally snitch. Like @Jiron said, the truth always comes out in the end anyway. But you can save the spouse’s time by telling him ASAP.