I'm going to learn python in a month


Bantu Liberation Movement
it isn't even a programming language waryaa and u can learn that shit in couple hours, no exaggeration.

anyways @sincity, set yourself a realistic expectation, and before you start, know what you wanna use it for.
I’m going to create a simple game app using arrays after I learn the basics.
python is a breezeeee walal, pseudo english syntax will greatly help you.

Some resources that have helped me improve my python programming skills:

https://repl.it/languages/python3 (browser based python Interpreter)

Hope it helps, and say bismillah :it0tdo8:
is that true? what program do you use to learn it? how long is python gonna take?
45 mins is what it takes for you to know what you're doing in HTML, but of course it will take more to have full capability in it.

HTML requires no program, every webbrowser is an HTML compiler.

Go on about:blank in the chrome address bar and then go to inspect elemrnt. From there you can practice HTML, you'll get the hang of it in no time.

As for python, it depends on if you have previous coding experience. Go on a youtube tutorial online and follow along, you can learn in 8 hours. From there you need consistent practice and within a week you can call yourself a python programmer.

After you learn your first language it will take much less to learn new ones since you're already familiar with the practice.
You can learn HTML, CSS and Java script on Free code academy. (It's free)
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Bantu Liberation Movement
I'd recommend Free code academy. Everything you need to know in 1 video.
That's the video I am learning from. I'm doing exercises after every topic.
