Ilhan omar attacked for speech

For those seeking an accurate and verbatim translation of what Congresswoman @Ilhan said, here it is:

[The context is: she was addressing her Somali-American constituents, who were alarmed by Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed’s announcement of his intention to assist a region/province in Somalia in becoming a sovereign state. Additionally, he stated he will acquire land and sea l for his landlocked country through this province. Somalia, the African Union, the USA, the European Union, the UK, and the global community stand with Somalia, stating that dismembering Somalia and annexing its land is unacceptable]

Here is what the Congresswoman said:

“We Somalis are people who love each other. It is possible that some of us are rough with each other, but when the going gets tough, we are people who have each other’s backs. We are sisters and brothers, supporting each other, people who know they are Somalis and Muslims, coming to each other’s aid and aiding their brothers and sisters.

And the other day, when we heard that some Somalis, or those who say they are Somalis, entered an MoU with Ethiopia, many people called me and said, “Ilhan, you should talk to the US government; what is the US government going to do about this?”

My response was: the US government will do what we ask it to do. We should have this confidence in ourselves as Somalis. We live in this country. We are taxpayers in this country. This country is one where one of your daughters sits in Congress. While I am in Congress, no one will take Somalia’s sea. The United States will not back others to rob us. So, do not lose sleep over that, O Minnesotans. The lady you sent to Congress is on this, and she is as cognizant of this interest as you are.

I would like to tell President Hassan Sheikh that we are impressed with the great work you have done. You have made it known to those living in Somalia and other places that, in spite of the many challenges we face as Somalis, we are nonetheless competent people. People who believe in their country and will not allow it to be endangered.

Thus, I want to congratulate the Somalis in Minnesota and everywhere on how united you are. How you all stood by our president, because he needs our solidarity. Somalia belongs to all Somalis. Somalia is one. We are brothers and sisters, and our land will not be balkanized. Our lands were taken from us before, and God willing, we may one day seek them, but what we have now will not be balkanized.

I thank you all for how you always welcome me and honor me; may the Lord honor you. Peace and blessings of God be with you.

How embarrassing to talk shit about another Somali person to ajnabi especially to white supremacists who hate you not because of your nationality but because of your whole being your whole make up the skin you are in wallahi we are a sad people even Ethiopians of different ethnic groups don’t do this to each other these people are making things hard for Somalis back home while he sits in a western country.
Haaye! Where is that girl Hayat? where are those Palestiniane loving boots licking Somalis at?

We have to have better voices than Hayat, most of her takes are bad. She's currently being lowkey about the Somali bashing but is guns blazing about Palestine and Sudan. She has Somaliweyn in her bio too lol.
Something must be wrong with this attention seeking timo jileec :pacspit:

She is literally anti-BDS. Meaning she thinks boycotting companies that contribute to Israel is useless. She actually buys McDonald's and posts it on the timeline to annoy people. I think she's an agent. Someone in one of her spaces were being anti-Russia and she blocked and removed them. She's on someone's payroll.

I'm sure Ilhan is sleeping good. She collected all the internet losers seething in her comment section lol.
Once Dhulbahante united and decided to determine their fate as a clan and to rule their land, some Isaq clans and others in the North woke up from the long slumber.

We need to encourage northern somali clans and the segments of Issaqs who are genuine Somalis like Garxajis, to be independent. We need to provide moral and material support so they can defend themselves against the low class Habashi progenies masquarading as somalis among Isaqs.
We have to have better voices than Hayat, most of her takes are bad. She's currently being lowkey about the Somali bashing but is guns blazing about Palestine and Sudan. She has Somaliweyn in her bio too lol.
I saw her defending a post claiming that anti-black racism does not exist in Palestine and that the Arab slave trade is entirely misinformation. It also said that the entirety of black Arabs in Palestine come from Nigerian muslims from ancient times making Hijrah to Makkah and Madina and that brutal slavery was non-existent for black people in Palestine ever in the past.

I get that she doesn't want to see anti-Palestine sentiments being pushed but she didn't have to throw all black people (including herself because that's how us Somalis are seen in the west) under the bus.


Minister of Propaganda
I have said this for years, the more stable Somalia becomes, the more volatile the SL issue becomes.

The smartest thing for Somalia to do is to build a joint naval base with Turkey or Egypt on islands off SL coast. Similar to the TURKSOM base in Xamar.

Somalia already controls the air and they can control the sea.


4th Emir of the Akh Right Movement
Genuinely curious as a fellow Isaaq why you think that to be the case.
1) I don’t see any benefits from joining Somalia. What can Somalia provide to Somaliland right now?

2) 3 generations of people grew up with only Somaliland. At this point we’ve been functioning by ourselves longer then we were ever with the south. I don’t see how well the majority of the population can be convinced to abandon everything they grew up with for unification 🤔