If you had to introduce someone to Somali food, what dish would you pick?

If you had to introduce someone to Somali food, what dish would you pick?
For me, a three meal course would be like this:
  • Appetiser: shurbad derived from broth with cadas, and veggies,
  • Main course: waslad cooked to its very tenderness in a fillet Mignon style,
  • Salad with best of Somali seasoning doused in salid macsaro,
  • Mango or papaya or banana milk smoothie, and
  • Capped with a black sweetened cup of tea aftewards.
Or you could also go vegan with some of the best dishes viz. sorghum or digir served with the right sauce and salad; you have no idea how good and healthy that is till you have tried.
For me, a three meal course would be like this:
  • Appetiser: shurbad derived from broth with cadas, and veggies,
  • Main course: waslad cooked to its very tenderness in a fillet Mignon style,
  • Salad with best of Somali seasoning doused in salid macsaro,
  • Mango or papaya or banana milk smoothie, and
  • Capped with a black sweetened cup of tea aftewards.
Or you could also go vegan with some of the best dishes viz. sorghum or digir served with the right sauce and salad; you have no idea how good and healthy that is till you have tried.
I am steal your layout: Three meal course:
  • Appetiser: cadas, and mishakaki(kabobs), Bajiya,
  • Main course: Baris with roasted goat, or Kalamudo (noodles), Muufo tinar and grilled fish,Hareesa,Bisteeki
  • Moos Bukeni( plantains),fruit salad
  • Tamarind juice or Avocado milk smoothie, and Canuuni
  • Buun, or shaaxi
  • Desserts Caano Barwa, Mayaan gaambo,Kashaato, Laddu,Mashmash, shushumoow,


Staff Member
Western Somali food or authentic Somali food? They're different, mostly not found in either places, and should be considered different cuisines.


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