If this forum wasn't troll infested we could post pictures of our faces

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I would show my beautiful face if I didnt fear someone I know posts here like one of my cousins or sisters. But I would say I would be top 3 best looking dudes with confidence

That's the thing that sucks about these Somali forums. We're such a tight-knit community, probably half a dozen of you live in my city so a single pic could get me exposed for life if we ever run into each other at the halaal or masjid :wowsweat:
You know what just for this time I'm going to let you slide
That's the thing that sucks about these Somali forums. We're such a tight-knit community, probably half a dozen of you live in my city so a single pic could get me exposed for life if we ever run into each other at the halaal or masjid :wowsweat:

Which city is that?:rolleyes:


I'd advise to not put your personal photos on this forum and other forums out there. They're are sick f*cks out there, that will not only save your photo, but also save comments you make, and as had happened to me: impersonate you on other forums, using your photo, which can get you in all sorts of problems.

Also, at times you may say some racist and clanist things on here, which could get you in hot water at work or school (if you say anything racist), and in trouble in your personal life, from family and friends of the family who are of other clans (if you are/become clanist).

Alhamdulillah, I have done very well in life. So I can afford to be openly racist, without fear of losing my job, as I am unsackable at work, and if I were to get fired from work, can become self-employed tomorrow, as I am a stonemason.
I can also be openly clanist, and say anything and everything about somali clans......
There are at least 50 maxameds at my small school, you're gonna have to be just a little more specific :comeon:
He is darkskin and is very fascinated by AA culture. They call him mojay in the streets. He has a gold tooth and dress like he is a rap video from the 90s. His dad is a sheikh and sister is a bit of ×××
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