Seeker of knowledge and truth
The court made that decision so as not to look biased toward Kenya they fired half their defense team 2 months is ample time for them to hire new lawyers to defend them keep in mind the ICJ is well aware of Kenya's diplomatic aggression against Somalia they also know about Kenya's disrespect towards them in their media this was a little slap to the face of the Kikuyus for their ni99er behavior to the ICJ and Somalia the great Katt Williams said it bestI think they are working on other deals, outside of the case since kenya knows they aint winning.
any negotiations at this point isnt about the waters anymore, but about other stuff like their soldiers in somalia, and other relations.
the real question is why does kenya need 2 months if somalia isnt talking to them? i mean if we werent talking to them behind the scenes, wtf will 2 months or even more time be useful for?