I Worked for Alex Jones. I Regret It.

I just completed reading this article. Well written story by a young guy who worked for Alex Jones. Good writer. Enjoyed it. I know there are some Alex Jones Jones fans on here sspot. So, I want to see what they think.

https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/05/magazine/alex-jones-infowars.html?action=click&module=Editors Picks&pgtype=Homepage
I read bits of this. Will read in full later. Very interesting. My brother is big fan of him and is a huge conspiracy theorist lol


I’m not going to read it but I assume he will play victim in there

f*ck him and anyone who sells their soul. These are the sort of people who would have worked with the Nazis
I’m not going to read it but I assume he will play victim in there

f*ck him and anyone who sells their soul. These are the sort of people who would have worked with the Nazis

No, very confessional and touching in the end when he tells what caused him to take a turn for the better.

If you like reading well written articles. This would fit in that category easily.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Alex Jones is a psyop, his real name is Bill Hicks an actor who staged his death to re emerge later as Alex Jones, do your research.

His job is to make the truth seem crazy and to discredit the real truth community


I always knew he doesn't believe a word he utters, he purposely tries to mislead people who distrust the system for one reason or another. I am glad people are waking up to his charade. :)
Alex Jones is a psyop, his real name is Bill Hicks an actor who staged his death to re emerge later as Alex Jones, do your research.

His job is to make the truth seem crazy and to discredit the real truth community

Americans man, funniest human beings on earth. That is why america is more fun than sleepy Europe.


