I was right, they really are going to normalize pedophilia

I posted a thread last year making the case that bullshit woke/acceptance language would be used as a means to de-stigmatize pedophilia. And surprise-fucking-suprise, look where we are.

Haggis nounces, AKA, the Scottish Police started using the term "Minor Attracted People" when describing pedos. The backlash they got this time will probably make them distance themselves from this particular f*ck-up, but make no mistake. They're going to keep trying to normalize pedophilia until they're ultimately successful.

They get away with shit by slowly eroding the language. Their aim is to make otherwise replusive things sound less replusive by dressing them up in flowery language. It's a slow and methodical process. They'll push you a mm regarding a particular topic, back off when the inevitable backlash happens, and then push you another mm once things calm down. They'll continue this way until you're 10km from where you initially started.
The normalization of pedophilia is the final frontier:francis:
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LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Men are naturally attracted to control and dominance. So since the modern woman knows too much- they go for little little little girls.

In fact the more child like size a woman is- the more valuable she becomes to his libido.

Exhibit A Photo below



~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The elite push this because many are low-key pedorasts or friends with them. They engage in all manners of debauchery and taboo breaking (i.e group sex and beastiality). The only difference is they often get away with the illegal stuff by settling out of court and paying hush money.

Also, bear in mind in 2016 Trudeau vowed to decriminalize certain sex acts for the under age. The legal age of consent for all sex acts dropped from 18 to 16 in 2019. These small legal changes give you an idea about the slow and insidious creep into pedophilia and grooming.
@Nak-Muay-Femeu @Sophisticate
L takes. Retarded understanding resulting in flawed conclusions.

Pedophiles exist, as they have and as they will. Be it a sin or a psychological condition. Do you hate child molesters @Nak-Muay-Femeu ? Cuz then you should applaud the Scotty popo. Theyre definitively not fucking normalizing pedophilia.
The Scotty popos used MAP when talking a bout a project «[] to develop understanding and approach to avoid the victimization of children by engaging Minor-Attracted People (MAPs) and providing them with the necessary support, treatment and guidance to help prevent criminal activities.”

This is common procedure in countries with good police + health care systems. Because actually helping people *not act on pedophilia* is *good*. A part of that includes de-stigmatization of the *urge*, so that those who might fancy a kid for some fucking reason, *but doesnt want to be a pedophile or act on it* can get private help. Including those previously convicted.

Such understanding requires the ability to understand on a big picture the nuances of distusting things people dont want to think about. :sass1:Or youll end up a dumbfuck who immediately thinks preventivt pedophilia = normalizing pedophilia.:sass2:

Goddamn what a fucking shit show of a comment @Sophisticate

Canada only changed the age of consent for ANAL SEX to 16, from 18. Bussy consent was already 16, actually UP from 14(!) in 2008.:damn:
The elite push this because many are low-key pedorasts or friends with them. They engage in all manners of debauchery and taboo breaking (i.e group sex and beastiality). The only difference is they often get away with the illegal stuff by settling out of court and paying hush money.

Also, bear in mind in 2016 Trudeau vowed to decriminalize certain sex acts for the under age. The legal age of consent for all sex acts dropped from 18 to 16 in 2019. These small legal changes give you an idea about the slow and insidious creep into pedophilia and grooming.
It makes sense that the upper echelon of society would be more impartial to a little kiddy diddling and out of court settlements are convenient way to facilitate that.

@Nak-Muay-Femeu @Sophisticate
L takes. Retarded understanding resulting in flawed conclusions.

Pedophiles exist, as they have and as they will. Be it a sin or a psychological condition. Do you hate child molesters @Nak-Muay-Femeu ? Cuz then you should applaud the Scotty popo. Theyre definitively not fucking normalizing pedophilia.
The Scotty popos used MAP when talking a bout a project «[] to develop understanding and approach to avoid the victimization of children by engaging Minor-Attracted People (MAPs) and providing them with the necessary support, treatment and guidance to help prevent criminal activities.”

This is common procedure in countries with good police + health care systems. Because actually helping people *not act on pedophilia* is *good*. A part of that includes de-stigmatization of the *urge*, so that those who might fancy a kid for some fucking reason, *but doesnt want to be a pedophile or act on it* can get private help. Including those previously convicted.

Such understanding requires the ability to understand on a big picture the nuances of distusting things people dont want to think about. :sass1:Or youll end up a dumbfuck who immediately thinks preventivt pedophilia = normalizing pedophilia.:sass2:

Goddamn what a fucking shit show of a comment @Sophisticate

Canada only changed the age of consent for ANAL SEX to 16, from 18. Bussy consent was already 16, actually UP from 14(!) in 2008.:damn:
Nice essay mate but you all credibility the moment you referred to them as "MAPs" in your post instead of pedos lol. Gtfo with that bullshit "de-stigmatization" as a means to get them the help they need and to combat their urges argument mate, I wasn't born yesterday :mjlol:
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Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Former Twitter executive Yoel Roth wanted kids to be able to download hookup apps if they wanted to do so.

People who want to have sex with them are very common in society, particularly third world countries where its easy and more acceptable to act on it. Its easily 25% in the west I think.

Once we are able to figure out who wants to do so, they should be shot even if they won't ever do it. This includes applying double the age minus 7 rule for 30 and over for the older partner. Anyone who breaks this rule should also be labeled a pedophile. Change the definition. I gag at the thought of having sex with anyone under 25. It feels like you're taking advantage.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
:stressed: I know some of these loyalists will get mad. However, wasn't Jimmy Savile (serial sex offender and necrophile) knighted and old friends of the current King. I suppose he did not know about that. Nor his younger brother embroiled in the Epstein scandal. It was news to him methinks.
It makes sense that the upper echelon of society would be more impartial to a little kiddy diddling and out of court settlements are a fool-proof to get off scot free.

Nice essay mate but you all credibility the moment you referred to them as "MAPs" in your post instead of pedos lol. Gtfo with that bullshit "de-stigmatization" as a means to get them the help they need and to combat their urges argument mate, I wasn't born yesterday :mjlol:
Years ago there was a programme on newsnight (UK politics show). If I remember correctly there was a group of Dutch men discussing how children should be asked if they want to sleep with adults.

BBC has a sordid child abuse history going back to 1950s. European elites have pedephillia rings. This is well known.
Former Twitter executive Yoel Roth wanted kids to be able to download hookup apps if they wanted to do so.

People who want to have sex with them are very common in society, particularly third world countries where its easy and more acceptable to act on it. Its easily 25% in the west I think.

Once we are able to figure out who wants to do so, they should be shot even if they won't ever do it. This includes applying double the age minus 7 rule for 30 and over for the older partner. Anyone who breaks this rule should also be labeled a pedophile. Change the definition. I gag at the thought of having sex with anyone under 25. It feels like you're taking advantage.
I don't think 25% of the populace wants to f*ck kids, but I doubt the real figure is that far off. Twitter was the wild West of CP a few years back. And Yoel Roth and his ilk using "supporting LGBT youth" as a shield to try and give children access to grindr isn't all that shocking. These people are very VERY good as masking their bad intentions with "well meaning" bullshit, that's their whole M.O.

But I can't wrap my head around the fact some mouth-breathing dullards actually buy into the whole "de-stigmatization leads to less kiddy diddling" non-sense :kanyehmm:

:stressed: I know some of these loyalists will get mad. However, wasn't Jimmy Savile (serial sex offender and necrophile) knighted and old friends of the current King. I suppose he did not know about that. Nor his younger brother embroiled in the Epstein scandal. It was news to him methinks.
Everyone, the BBC included, knew Savile was up to no good. But he integrated himself with the right people and raised money for the plebs who's children he was fucked so no big deal in their eyes I suppose. I doubt the Royal family would've distanced themselves from Andrew has this shit come to light when they had more social clout.
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It makes sense that the upper echelon of society would be more impartial to a little kiddy diddling and out of court settlements are a fool-proof to get off scot free.

Nice essay mate but you all credibility the moment you referred to them as "MAPs" in your post instead of pedos lol. Gtfo with that bullshit "de-stigmatization" as a means to get them the help they need and to combat their urges argument mate, I wasn't born yesterday :mjlol:
so what is the solution for people who have this mental illness but have not acted on it? Isn't it better for the government to give them necessary support and also make it possible for them to "out" this mental health problem to certain professionals who can help cure them then just to do the crime?

We should do this with all other dangerous mental disorders like psychopathy, this way we can effectively combat these crimes by preventing them. If we don't give these people a possibility of getting professional help for their mental disorders, they will just resort to acting on their urges and it will be to late to help their victims.

The way I understand it MAP is just destigmatized term for these individuals who have this pedophile mental disorder but have not acted on it, the same way there are people with Homocide ideation or psychopathy mental ilness who may have the urge to kill someone but have not acted on it. So all pedos are MAPs, but not all MAPs are necessarily pedos.
We have another issue and angle that will be exploited.
"Muslim" men who want to groom young girls into 'perfect brides' and baby factories, will join the fight to marry little girls. They do that in Yemen already, where 6 year old girls, yes, you read that right, 6 year old girls, are married. These girls obviously get internal bleeding and all sorts of medical issues but the braindead perverts don't care.
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Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
so what is the solution for people who have this mental illness but have not acted on it? Isn't it better for the government to give them necessary support and also make it possible for them to "out" this mental health problem to certain professionals who can help cure them then just to do the crime?

We should do this with all other dangerous mental disorders like psychopathy, this way we can effectively combat these crimes by preventing them. If we don't give these people a possibility of getting professional help for their mental disorders, they will just resort to acting on their urges and it will be to late to help their victims.

The way I understand it MAP is just destigmatized term for these individuals who have this pedophile mental disorder but have not acted on it, the same way there are people with Homocide ideation or psychopathy mental ilness who may have the urge to kill someone but have not acted on it. So all pedos are MAPs, but not all MAPs are necessarily pedos.

Pedophiles is a catch all term to include those who have thoughts, not just those who acted on it. Why would you use MAPs?

You don't destigmatize pedophiles. At worst, you treat them. The default position should be death or chemical castration. The world isn't sunshine and rainbows. You can't and shouldn't help everyone in society and that includes pedos.
so what is the solution for people who have this mental illness but have not acted on it? Isn't it better for the government to give them necessary support and also make it possible for them to "out" this mental health problem to certain professionals who can help cure them then just to do the crime?

We should do this with all other dangerous mental disorders like psychopathy, this way we can effectively combat these crimes by preventing them. If we don't give these people a possibility of getting professional help for their mental disorders, they will just resort to acting on their urges and it will be to late to help their victims.

MAP is just destigmatized term for these individuals who have this pedophile mental disorder but have not acted on it, the same way there are people with Homocide ideation or psychopathy mental ilness who may have the urge to kill someone but have not acted on it.

So all pedos are MAPs, but not all MAPs are necessarily pedos.
It's a little naive to assume that it's just going stop at them "getting the help they need" sxb. If the troons situation has taught me anything is that giving deranged people an outlet and a community only exacerbates the problem. I can't say what the real solution(s) is, but I know one thing for certain. De-stigmatization and getting them "help" isn't one.

Why do people make this big song and dance about the fact that a nounce hasn't acted on their repugnant predilection? You're not supposed to want to f*ck kids in the first place. If these sub-humans had an ounce of nobility in them then they'd chemically castrate themselves. It's not even that hard, estradiol is readily avalible online.
Of course, that's the next step. Satanists like them fresh and young, so they want to start picking up caruur from kindergarten, if not the hospital cradles itself and be celebrated for it.
The scary thing about that statement is the fact that it's not just conjecture. Child molestation is supposedly rampant in kindergardens and other childcare facilities. Especially in low socio-economic areas where parents can't afford to send their children somewhere safe or don't do their due diligence.
Pedophiles is a catch all term to include those who have thoughts, not just those who acted on it. Why would you use MAPs?

You don't destigmatize pedophiles. At worst, you treat them. The default position should be death or chemical castration. The world isn't sunshine and rainbows. You can't and shouldn't help everyone in society and that includes pedos.
Can we apply the same thing to homosexuals?
You're not supposed to want to f*ck kids in the first place. If these sub-humans had an ounce of nobility in them then they'd chemically castrate themselves. It's not even that hard, estradiol is readily avalible online.
Your not meant to be gay in the first place but that doesn't mean we kill them just because they are gay, same with people who want to do zina, or incest, or watch faahishah online, having a desire towards something isn't the same as doing it, plus killing someone who thinks about doing it will only make them not admit to it and be more secret about it


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