I want to improve my eyesight naturally

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So I wear glasses. I don't wear it always but my opticians said I need to because my eyesight is poor. I can't really see stuff it's horrible. I started wearing glasses when I was 14 ever since then my eyesight started getting worse. Before wearing glasses I could confidently say I had 20/20 vision. I had to wear it because I started to notice I couldn't see the board properly when I was sitting at the back of the class. It wasn't horrible eyesight. I could of seen the board but I just needed to see it more clearer. Now I can barely see shit without my glasses from a long distance.

I'm getting sick of wearing it now I want to stop. I don't want to waste my money on laser eye surgery because that scares me. I want to improve my eyesight naturally. So does anyone here knows how to?


My advice for you sister is to eat foods rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, lutein and beta carotene as they help repair the eyes, such as cod liver oil, sweet potatoes, butter, papaya, blueberries, apricot and grapes. Also, take Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and collards. Those help improve your eyesight.
My advice for you sister is to eat foods rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin C, lutein and beta carotene as they help repair the eyes, such as cod liver oil, sweet potatoes, butter, papaya, blueberries, apricot and grapes. Also, take Green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and collards. Those help improve your eyesight.
I will take this in thanks
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