I wanna take Qwerty on a trip


I do something called "what I want"


بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
When I'm in the UK next, most likely post-covid, I'm gonna meet my son @Sheikh Google

I am going to explain why I left him and also why he has an insatiable desire for Beckys.



"It was your forehead."
"Your forehead... it just... It reminded me of my ayeeyo's and she was abusive and used to whip me."
"So you left me?!"
"Everytime I looked at you I remembered the whipping sessions. I... I just couldn't, son."
"I don't know what to say."
"I love you."
"Uhh, no. Not after that."
"So your mom... she still, uh, you know... got the assets I remember?"
"Dad! WTF?!"
"Oh, you called me dad!"
"f*ck that! What did you just say? Talking about my mom's assets?! What?! Are you serious right now?! It's been 20+ years and that's one of the first things you bring up after telling me you left me cos I have a 5head?!"

*This shit show continued for 20 more hours until Periplus just said sorry and offered his son a shah and some xalwo and asked to get a look at his hooyo in person for which he was punched square in his Australian nostrils.*


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r

"It was your forehead."
"Your forehead... it just... It reminded me of my ayeeyo's and she was abusive and used to whip me."
"So you left me?!"
"Everytime I looked at you I remembered the whipping sessions. I... I just couldn't, son."
"I don't know what to say."
"I love you."
"Uhh, no. Not after that."
"So your mom... she still, uh, you know... got the assets I remember?"
"Dad! WTF?!"
"Oh, you called me dad!"
"f*ck that! What did you just say? Talking about my mom's assets?! What?! Are you serious right now?! It's been 20+ years and that's one of the first things you bring up after telling me you left me cos I have a 5head?!"

*This shit show continued for 20 more hours until Periplus just said sorry and offered his son a shah and some xalwo and asked to get a look at his hooyo in person for which he was punched square in his Australian nostrils.*

:ohhhdamn: Waryah, you could become the next great Somali writer.

Shit was gripping af , move over Nurredin Farah and Sofia Samatar, we have Shimbiris here

As for the content of your story, @Sheikh Google himself admitted his 5head to me and I accepted him. The story of his single-parent childhood is more sombre, as I was unfortunately deported for chinging opps who were from different qabiils in NW London. My lawyer tried pleading the case of my fatherhood but alas, the Brits sent me to the place they send the worst of the worst: Australia.



Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
This nigga deadass told me he can test man's virginity.

I understood what he meant.

His underlying point was that zina is haram for men and women so if there were to be testing done, it should be for both

Brother might have been a bit confused or misunderstood but I got what he was saying.



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