I met my bully today...11 years later. Why am I so bothered by her still?

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I don't really know where I'm going with this other than to get it off my chest. Here goes:

We first met in madrasah when I was around 11 and she was 13. I was that girl who was friendly with everybody... a little bit of a trouble maker but never did anything serious. I was the peace maker amongst my friends and I really enjoyed madrasah wallaah - we had so much fun. One day this new girl shows up (let's call her Halima). She had just come from Somalia. Everyone was giggling and making fun of her lack of English and peculiar dress sense. My cousin was particularly mean calling 'the tent' because she wore the big hijaab.

Anyway, I decided to befriend her. Halima was really funny and we quickly became close. I didn't want her to feel left out so whenever we were going somewhere I'd invite her, I told her about all the shops that sell nice hijabs, I'd introduced her to all of my friends (not that she needed me to... she was really charismatic) and soon they were all drawn to her. Halima told me how her dad never allows her to use the internet so I made an msn account for her and lent her my phone (you can tell this was a while ago hehe). For a year we were the best of friends sharing everything from clothes to secrets.

And then suddenly we weren't. Till this day, I'm not sure why.

She made my life hell. She called me every horrible name (white trash and fat pig were the worst), threw my shoes in the bin, told everyone about my dad (he used to beat the crap out of me). Worst of all, no one would talk to me. She had turned all my friends against me. She was VERY manipulative - even my cousin wouldn't speak to me either because she was convinced I did something to Halima.

This was all too much for 11 year old me. I was proper miskiin...I had never argued with anyone or fought with anyone before so I really wasn't equipped to deal with her. I sought her out when she was alone to confront her - she told me that she hadn't even liked me and that she had been using me all along.

After that I didn't even bother with any of them anymore. I left the madrasah and learnt at home for a while. Then I started a different madrasah and guess who's there? Halima.

It started all over again. Girls and boys both would always whisper and snicker behind my back but when I came near they would all go quiet. I had people I'd never even met taunting me day in day out. This went on until I was 15. But I ignored them and carried on... made new friends too. As long as I didn't see her or her friends I was ok. But somehow they were everywhere. I went from confident happy-go-lucky to insecure, distrustful and sensitive. But I finished the Quran, left the madrasah and never saw her again. Until today.

In hindsight, I guess my 'friends' weren't real friends to begin with and she must have been really jealous or something. I realise now I was never fat, and if anything SHE looked like she was starving. Plus, I don't get why I was so embarrassed by my skin colour when so many women bleach themselves to achieve what I have naturally.

Anyway when I saw her in town today, I swear my heart skipped a beat. I was suddenly transported back in time. She was near the shop door and I needed to leave but instead, I did a 180 and stalled around the make up section. I even kicked myself for not putting more effort in how I looked. What is wrong with me dear Lord? I'm a grown woman!

So yeah. That's it. Sorry for the long post. I just don't know what else to do. Oh God what if I see her again o_0
Wow I'm sorry that had to happen to you. If you see her next time go and talk to her, if she's a good person she will feel guilty and hopefully apologize to you. Otherwise you'll realize that she's still a bully and there's nothing you can do to change it.

Either way at least you'll be able to get some kind of closure out of it. You really shouldn't be living with this any longer.


Your superior
why did she call you white trash when you are a somali

anyway you should get revenge by starting rumours about her
why did she call you white trash when you are a somali

anyway you should get revenge by starting rumours about her
:draketf: Bruv what are you on about

Anyways OP you should just tell yourself that you're better. You're better than her, she is not a part of your life anymore and shouldn't ever be either. f*ck her, you don't need her.
thats why you never let anyone get away with bullying you. i was a miskiinad too back in the day and was an easy target in school, but after few years of being bullied by some fat turkish guy, i snapped one day and beat the living hell out of him. from then on he avoided me and everyone else knew not to mess with me.

if you see her again, confront her. dont let what happened make you weak, make sure you stand your ground.
Wow I'm sorry that had to happen to you. If you see her next time go and talk to her, if she's a good person she will feel guilty and hopefully apologize to you. Otherwise you'll realize that she's still a bully and there's nothing you can do to change it.

Either way at least you'll be able to get some kind of closure out of it. You really shouldn't be living with this any longer.

Thank you so much!


. . .
This is why I never let anyone bully me in school. I used to fight anyone that stepped to me wallahi. Girls AND boys. Even to the point where I was in trouble most days but I didn't care coz I was raised to stand up for myself. My dad used to come to the school and shout at the teachers lol
Ya think? I'd be really glad if that happened. But it is extremely hard to picture that haha. Thanks!
dont count on her apologizing. what difference would that even make. i you meet her again dont revert back to your miskinad ways and tell her what an absolute she was. confront her with confidence and tell her to f*ck her apology.


. . .
Ya think? I'd be really glad if that happened. But it is extremely hard to picture that haha. Thanks!
You should have walked past her and given her a dirty look like wtf are u gonna do. She probably felt like she could bully u coz u never spoke up. Once people see that, it's over. Ur a walking target.


Can u stop acting like a fockin wasteman for once in ur useless life :mugshotman:
I thought she was cadcad, chill the f0k out . Useless life kulaha, do we know each other from somewhere?

When a hair & beauty graduate has the nerve to @ you kkkkk.
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