I have two years of hell left any tips


SSpots starting point guard
Today on my coding project I needed to create a class diagram(which pretty much breaks the code down) and their was 350 lines of code for each class and there’s 8 classes. If you do the math(2,800 lines of code), that shit is inhumane. Wtf do I do I man.


SSpots starting point guard
1 line of coding done = 1 line of Coke given.

Good luck!
That doesn’t make any more motivated Mr.hibongo, your a party guy so me and you have a completely different mindset. You probably get high whenever you stress or get drunk. The only option I have is to let out my anger on 2k or fifa.
Sounds like some UML shit. I hated making UML diagrams, but writing the code is a lot harder than just making diagrams. All you're really doing is listing the properties and functions of each class on a diagram.
Today on my coding project I needed to create a class diagram(which pretty much breaks the code down) and their was 350 lines of code for each class and there’s 8 classes. If you do the math(2,800 lines of code), that shit is inhumane. Wtf do I do I man.

I did finance when I was in uni. So I'm no help :meleshame:


SSpots starting point guard
Is Coding easy, and can u hack something for me lmao
Coding is definitely not easy when your in school once you get in the field it’s a different story. Your not doing shit majority of the software engineers I’ve met tell me they just copy and paste. As far as hacking I don’t know much. Hacking is a very broad topic and completely out of my capabilities.


SSpots starting point guard
Sounds like some UML shit. I hated making UML diagrams, but writing the code is a lot harder than just making diagrams. All you're really doing is listing the properties and functions of each class on a diagram.View attachment 183390
That’s the problem I had to code majority of the project. Then right when I assumed I was finished I see this diagram shit. I’m in wareer right now.
start from the easiest class, probably do the setters and the getters. move to the next classes. do a incremental testing. you write a code, check if its working, write another code, test ....


SSpots starting point guard
Don't you have some real niggas in your class that can help you out?
I came into my first programming class with 15 people I knew. It’s been a year now and there’s only me left. The rest of the people in my class are awkward foreign exchange students.
I came into my first programming class with 15 people I knew. It’s been a year now and there’s only me left. The rest of the people in my class are awkward foreign exchange students.

:jcoleno: I forgot that there were a lot of Asian niggas programming. Ya, they will be of no help. In my finance classes, there were a good amount of real niggas:westbrookswag:
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Yes xaara is giving me a headache man. What do you think of this language? I think it’s okay but sometimes it just fucks with my brain.
Learn this language pretty well, every corporate job out there uses sometype of java. Unless you want to work for a startup which they use javascript more. You should look into class design and system design.

If you want to improve your problem solving skills maybe you want to get into FAANG companies you should look into competitive programming. You will become a leetcode master.

*FAANG = facebook, apple, amazon, netfilx, google



SSpots starting point guard
Learn this language pretty well, every corporate job out there uses sometype of java. Unless you want to work for a startup which they use javascript more. You should look into class design and system design.

Learn this language pretty well, every corporate job out there uses sometype of java. Unless you want to work for a startup which they use javascript more. You should look into class design and system design.

Everybody loves python but personally I’m comfortable with java and in my major their gonna continue with it for another year. Do you have a degree in CSC?


SSpots starting point guard
:jcoleno: I forgot that there were a lot of Asian niggas programming. Ya, they will be of no help. In my finance classes, there were a good amount of real nigga:westbrookswag:
Lucky guy man I’m by myself the only people I even communicate with is the tutors. I got these guys working overtime.


SSpots starting point guard
Im in school, just like you two more years left.
go to reddit r/cscareerquestions or r/csmajor
Wow bro you got so much more knowledge then me. My teachers this year haven’t taught me shit and so far all the knowledge I’ve gained was attained through self teaching. This summer I plan starting from the beginning of the textbook and learning everything in the textbook. You think it’s possible?