I Have Done Something Horrible...


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
I came out of a long 8 hour shift. Needed a meal. Too tired to cook. I visited my local grocery store. Looking for something ready to cuun. Got some baked beans, soUP and chicken because I was feeling a bit white today. Went home. Took a leak. Warmed up my food. Sat down and started to enjoy my food.

While eating the baked beans, felt something, meat-like in my mouth. Took it out and brushed it off as beef.

But then it dawned on me...gaalos like bacon with their beans.

Ran to the fridge like Dajijal was after me. Read the container.... THE FUCKING BEANS HAD BACOOOOON!!! FUCKING BACON! WHAT WASN'T IT LABELLED ON THE FRONT????? WHY DO GAALOS HAVE TO BE SO SNEAKY??? The damn thing just said, "Homestyle Baked Beans" on the front!!!!

After 8 hours of dealing with male and female Karens, I. AM. DONE!!! I'm moving to Turkey! f*ck gaalos! f*ck baked beans!

Why didnt you read the container before buying? You ate chanzir unknowingly, so what? I once got bacon on my burger. Just spat it out and got a new one. It isnt that deep really.
Why didnt you read the container before buying? You ate chanzir unknowingly, so what? I once got bacon on my burger. Just spat it out and got a new one. It isnt that deep really.

Bruhhh.... if you add bacon to a dish, would you not let the people who will feast on your dish know? Bacon is a main ingredient. The damn front of the container should have said, "Baked Beans and Bacon". But it didn't. And I'm not gonna read the back of a container every damn time for every damn ingredient!


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I came out of a long 8 hour shift. Needed a meal. Too tired to cook. I visited my local grocery store. Looking for something ready to cuun. Got some baked beans, soUP and chicken because I was feeling a bit white today. Went home. Took a leak. Warmed up my food. Sat down and started to enjoy my food.

While eating the baked beans, felt something, meat-like in my mouth. Took it out and brushed it off as beef.

But then it dawned on me...gaalos like bacon with their beans.

Ran to the fridge like Dajijal was after me. Read the container.... THE FUCKING BEANS HAD BACOOOOON!!! FUCKING BACON! WHAT WASN'T IT LABELLED ON THE FRONT????? WHY DO GAALOS HAVE TO BE SO SNEAKY??? The damn thing just said, "Homestyle Baked Beans" on the front!!!!

After 8 hours of dealing with male and female Karens, I. AM. DONE!!! I'm moving to Turkey! f*ck gaalos! f*ck baked beans!

Cook for yourself huuno. Learn how to cook. Its unforgivable to eat food machine. Go watch Youtube cook video.


Supreme Bosniak Geeljire
A question to the american folks in here, how common are kosher meals over there? Have you had them (if/when halal wasn't available)?