I hate seeing Somali nitties/junkies/crackheads.


Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
In the UK I am often seeing Somali men and Women who have completely fell off life and begging or doing drugs on the streets.

wtf is going on.

I think it has something to do with the rise of drug abuse in music videos and normalisation in this society. Seeing a Somali that has proud history and lineage behind him stumble in a bus stop is sickening.

I urge you youngins get a good formal or informal education, and get lacag rolling in. The streets is will consume you.

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
As much as we bash ‘em, there everywhere
Literally all these things stem for bad parenting tbh

a y a n

nigga I am not a firefighter
i haven’t seen one real one but dang
our ancestors are probably rolling in their graves


Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
As much as we bash ‘em, there everywhere
Literally all these things stem for bad parenting tbh
Nah it is not bad parenting. Hooyo and Aabo are also new to the country and do not have a clue wtf goes on in the streets.

You cant be a bad parent if you are ignorant of the outside world. 1st Generation Somalis like myself have to survive and thrive without parental guidance.

Odkac WRLD

جندي صومال
Nah it is not bad parenting. Hooyo and Aabo are also new to the country and do not have a clue wtf goes on in the streets.

You cant be a bad parent if you are ignorant of the outside world. 1st Generation Somalis like myself have to survive and thrive without parental guidance.
Second gen kids have no excuse tbh
If you have the right morals instilled you, you make f*ck up like all of us, but you won’t fall of the way gon completely


Make Dhulos Great Again
Don’t feel sorry they made the decisions to get to that point, for u to be a bum in the west is an abomination


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Their everywhere both men and women, one in my neighbourhood begs people for a quarter :ohlord:
What is Bex



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
In the UK I am often seeing Somali men and Women who have completely fell off life and begging or doing drugs on the streets.

wtf is going on.

I think it has something to do with the rise of drug abuse in music videos and normalisation in this society. Seeing a Somali that has proud history and lineage behind him stumble in a bus stop is sickening.

I urge you youngins get a good formal or informal education, and get lacag rolling in. The streets is will consume you.

Me too. I hate seeing that. I am used Somalis being put together and full of Imaaan and family, large extended family looking out for each other.


North-West, London
Blame that stupid mj who advocated for the khat ban in the UK. They replaced their khat with beer now. Blame Abukar Cawaale
Nitties and junkies exist in every etnicity laakin Ngl somalis have become worse since they came to Europe/North America
No Somalis have been worse when they started taking in the western influence. Immigration is the not cause its the lack of perseverance.

Western influence is not the problem nor do I think it's the west that ruined us. We were already ruined, back in Somalia. Yall are acting like people are not doing drugs and engaging in Immoral (according to Islam) acts back home. In Somalia, most people are at the bottom, so being a Khat head doesn't make you stand out that much. However, in the west, the standards of living are much higher, so being a druggie in a place where there are opportunities everywhere makes you look like a complete loser even more so.

Somalis are quite stubborn when it comes to preserving their culture and that is were the problems comes in. You have parents raised in Somalia with a set of rules and values raising kids born in the west surrounded by a different set of rules and values (that they sometimes relate more too). There is a cultural clash in homes and most kids can't form the closest relationship with their parents because they don't understand each other.


Boqor of Boqors. The man your wife fantasises of.
Blame that stupid mj who advocated for the khat ban in the UK. They replaced their khat with beer now. Blame Abukar Cawaale
Walaal are you nuts? So what if he banned Qaad? That does not mean Somalis have switch to fucking alcohol now.


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