I gave up all hope of ever being loved by a women

Inceldom is a real problem in somali community now
One time I was hanging out with the African-American daughter of a priest at my junior college. We kept making conversation and "hanging out" around the campus. One time her and I are sitting on a grassy knoll. I get bold. I try to "kiss her." She says "no."

I hate women. I hate women so much.

Why hang around me that much then?
@K-M-O :kanyehmm:
focus on self improvement [physically, financially, and most important: Islamically] and women will be in abundance my brazer *in my ethiopian accent*
One time a half-Paki, half-Italian neighborhood girl comes to my house to watch movies with me. I didn't know her very well but our families had a relationship of a sort. She had invited herself to watch certain films with me but, hey, I didn't mind being a good neighbor.

The movies she wanted to watch with me were, how shall I say, rather suggestive -- i.e, the 1995 mature sex flick "Kids" wherein 1990s teenagers have sex. I am 18 and she is 16. Quite clearly, in retrospect, that gal might have wanted me. I should have been the one who deflowered her. Alas, I was so lame that the very possibility of all that was "beyond" me, mentally and emotionally.

At my job at Blockbuster, I end up telling this cool hick colleague of mine the above story about the girl coming over to my house while wanting to watch raunchy, suggestive movies. He looks at me as if he's flabbergasted. He says, with a bemused smile on his face, "Man, if a girl ever came over to my place to watch movies, I'd hit on her."

I am such a fucking failure.

Working at blockbuster?! Warya how old are you?
One time a half-Paki, half-Italian neighborhood girl comes to my house to watch movies with me. I didn't know her very well but our families had a relationship of a sort. She had invited herself to watch certain films with me but, hey, I didn't mind being a good neighbor.

The movies she wanted to watch with me were, how shall I say, rather suggestive -- i.e, the 1995 mature sex flick "Kids" wherein 1990s teenagers have sex. I am 18 and she is 16. Quite clearly, in retrospect, that gal might have wanted me. I should have been the one who deflowered her. Alas, I was so lame that the very possibility of all that was "beyond" me, mentally and emotionally.

At my job at Blockbuster, I end up telling this cool hick colleague of mine the above story about the girl coming over to my house while wanting to watch raunchy, suggestive movies. He looks at me as if he's flabbergasted. He says, with a bemused smile on his face, "Man, if a girl ever came over to my place to watch movies, I'd hit on her."

I am such a fucking failure.
nigga u unlocked a whole other memory of walking into my local blockbuster in 2007 and seeing highschool musical 2 plastered everywhere.Fukin oath being a 6 year old kid was nice, take me back :mjcry:
How else is like me ?
I dont need love, I need the two beautifiers of this earth, money and children as stated in the quran,however what our hearts crave more than any of that is a connection and a longing for Allah.Placing your love in things will lead you to disaster, if you love money, you may lose it, if you love a woman, she may die, or she may be the source of heartbreak, the only constant is god and he promises to remember those who remember him.
One time I was hanging out with the African-American daughter of a priest at my junior college. We kept making conversation and "hanging out" around the campus. One time her and I are sitting on a grassy knoll. I get bold. I try to "kiss her." She says "no."

I hate women. I hate women so much.

Why hang around me that much then?
question,have you ever been married, most somalis north of 35 have at least been married once.