they and chechens are like thatI don’t know them that much but all I know is that they’re very proud to tell you they’re Kurdish especially those talkative taxi drivers in Istanbul lol am like I never asked you
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they and chechens are like thatI don’t know them that much but all I know is that they’re very proud to tell you they’re Kurdish especially those talkative taxi drivers in Istanbul lol am like I never asked you
View attachment 126922
the best part about that is those niggas are mostly from the southern parts of turkey and northern iraq abo saddam and eurdogan are going round 2 on that assThere are many decent kurds who don't have that retarded 'GIB ICTIRAF' mentality. But the ones that want independence are a bunch of pathetic communist western lapdogs. Did you see how america used and abused them? Now Assad and Russia are doing the same thing and the morons keep falling for it.
Interesting looking peopleThe Kurdish female fighters are fine
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How can you take something from minorities if they’ve been there for many Millenia? Do you honestly think they just popped out of no where and then started taking all these lands out of no where? They’re indigenous to that region and are related to the ancient Medes, they were the result of the indo aryans coming to the region and mixing with the indigenous inhabitants that were there.They're hated because 80% of Kurdistan they forcefully took from minorities and have no historical claims assyrians, armenians, kaldeans and arabs all killed in their home after welcoming kurds with open arms in Syrians did and western media never reports on kurdish crimes always portray them as victims and promotes Kurdistan.
Lol do u wanna know more funny quotes from Shia Hadith books about people with dark skin too?Anti-Kurdish sentiments are widespread in the Middle East. Kurds are used and abused on daily basis. They're good fighters and war tacticians, last year they assisted the Iraqi army uproot ISIS strongholds in northern Iraq. Even foreign countries like the USA use them and later ditch them like they are nothing.
There's a funny quote about Kurds by the late supreme leader of Iran Ayatollah Khomeini, he said:
"Kurds are the children of the jinn"
You seem offended. Are you Somali?Lol do u wanna know more funny quotes from Shia Hadith books about people with dark skin too?
You seem like you’re good at making assumptions. Do you like making hasty generalisations online if whether or not people are offended?You seem offended. Are you Somali?
He is crying inside wallahiYou seem offended. Are you Somali?