I don’t even want to go outside anymore 🤦🏾‍♀️ (Personal rant about fobs in Canada)

I need to move when I’m done my degree cuz I’m tired fr. Canada (atleast where I’m at) is getting total flooded with fobs rn, particularly from India and West Africa and for me that’s double homicide. Even though I look fully Somali I keep getting mistaken as an international student even by other Indians. Because of the insane numbers that they’re coming in (hundreds of thousands every year) xenophobia particularly against Indians have definitely became rampant which I somehow am now dealing with. People are getting blown away I speak English now and constantly praising me (almost as if they’re relieved that I’m not an international like they assumed)

Now the west African fobs (and the Ethiopians fobs but there’s less of them.. They can tell I’m somali and basically start harassing me. Ethiopian fobs tbh have been worst to me I’ve had 3-4 of them straight up follow me an entire block asking to get my number. They sit next to be on the bus claiming they recognize me or some other way to try and talk to me. West African fobs are also bad. For example Yesterday I was on the train some dude was staring at me (turning his body backwards to look at me!) for like almost 15 minutes while nodding his head and making kissy faces (????). I could go on all day listing all the stories but this is already long (sorry😕). And before y’all try to blame me 1) it’s happens regardless hijab or not 2) I don’t dress suggestive or wear tight clothes any makeup so don’t try and put this on me. tbfh everyone who knows me tells me maybe its cuz (apparently) I look very “innocent” (I look a lot younger than my age and regularly get mistaken as a high schooler) so it’s more like they think I’m miskeen and imma put up with this when it couldn’t be further than the truth🤦🏾‍♀️

SO what’s the best country for Somalis where 1) I fit in 2) no weird pervert culture like this staring and following 3) atleast relatively stable with a decent standard of living obviously… any recommendations
I thought you were a guy, I imagined a poor abdi getting harressed by men on the bus. What a funny picture.
I need to move when I’m done my degree cuz I’m tired fr. Canada (atleast where I’m at) is getting total flooded with fobs rn, particularly from India and West Africa and for me that’s double homicide. Even though I look fully Somali I keep getting mistaken as an international student even by other Indians. Because of the insane numbers that they’re coming in (hundreds of thousands every year) xenophobia particularly against Indians have definitely became rampant which I somehow am now dealing with. People are getting blown away I speak English now and constantly praising me (almost as if they’re relieved that I’m not an international like they assumed)

Now the west African fobs (and the Ethiopians fobs but there’s less of them.. They can tell I’m somali and basically start harassing me. Ethiopian fobs tbh have been worst to me I’ve had 3-4 of them straight up follow me an entire block asking to get my number. They sit next to be on the bus claiming they recognize me or some other way to try and talk to me. West African fobs are also bad. For example Yesterday I was on the train some dude was staring at me (turning his body backwards to look at me!) for like almost 15 minutes while nodding his head and making kissy faces (????). I could go on all day listing all the stories but this is already long (sorry😕). And before y’all try to blame me 1) it’s happens regardless hijab or not 2) I don’t dress suggestive or wear tight clothes any makeup so don’t try and put this on me. tbfh everyone who knows me tells me maybe its cuz (apparently) I look very “innocent” (I look a lot younger than my age and regularly get mistaken as a high schooler) so it’s more like they think I’m miskeen and imma put up with this when it couldn’t be further than the truth🤦🏾‍♀️

SO what’s the best country for Somalis where 1) I fit in 2) no weird pervert culture like this staring and following 3) atleast relatively stable with a decent standard of living obviously… any recommendations
I relate so much sis 🥲 Pajeet international students have soooo been racist to me at work, west African beasts sexually harassed me at buss stops. I’m outta here as soons as I graduate.
I’m doing a physics degree (biophysics to be specific) tbh. Ik I might sound dumb for this but I’m still considering what I want to do afterwards (chose this program cuz it’s the best balance for me and I need to be challenged to feel motivated). I don’t want to go to Europe because I know for the most part the same things happening there and on my trip last year i felt a similar degree of hostility (and I was only in each city I visited for one weeks tops😩) . And pretty much all of my family is in North America so I don’t have much need for proximity to Europe

A decent amount of English speaking population would be nice (for when I first come) but ideally I’d want to learn the language of where ever i move to so it doesn’t matter much to me. What matters most for me is balance of fitting in and decent standard of living. The population needs to be of sound mind and have a decent culture (the last thing I’m going to do is move to a country where following random women is normal… I have enough of Fobs pulling that shit over here- moving to a country with a culture like that is akin to suicide for me😂).

I’d love somewhere nice in Africa but I have to do some research. Maybe Rwanda 🤔 but i don’t know much about it other than what I’ve heard.
She likely came with her husband, who gets an open work permit because his wife is at school, and her kids. She gets to work 40 hours a week too.

Don't get sick. Health care system has collapsed thanks to old foreigners who came here last week on a Super Visa. I hope someone is brave enough to take care of the trash allowing this.
People seem to only mention pajeets but west Africans are a huge problem as well. Especially the men🤮 they act as they’ve never interacted with non west African women, they give me the creeps big time.
What degree are you doing? I live in Ireland, we do have an Indian and foreign influx, and renting is a pain in the ass, it is similar to Canada.

It depends on what you want really, and your lifestyle.

Good salaries.
Access to cheap flights to continental Europe.
Friendly population.
English speaking.

An influx of foreign refugees.
High rent
Shitty transport.
do you have the accent

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
The Nigerian and Punjabi international students and foreign workers will slowly be leaving from now until 4 years as their study to work permits expire. They are also capping and reducing current study permits. I heard non-in demand people are not getting extensions (which are basically all). Things will get better. Please contribute to the sticky thread and voice your frustration in the mean time. This is just an unfortunate period of our life after electing Blackface. Canada has to face the consequences of electing that sociopath narcissist globalist allowing McKinsey and Company to write our immigration policies but thankfully this is a democracy and he's 15-20 points behind in polling. The nightmare will end.
Who are we supposed to vote for next election because poliverre is also pro immigration

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
Y'all should also have smoke for the rich Chinese buying up all the property. They're just as if not worse than the Indian since they're actually contributing to the housing crisis


Save 🇨🇦 from Mass Punjabi Invasion
Staff Member
Who are we supposed to vote for next election because poliverre is also pro immigration

Skilled immigration and refugees are fine. The 2.5 million temporary residents are not and he will ship them back. Vote CPC.

