I can't imagine what she went through


Yes, but our point is, why is that ok for Muslim men to behave like this? Even you know that in a place like Egypt, they don’t ‘give a *****’ yet this is the same type of society that would put the blame on women instead of getting their men not behave like feral animals.
I agree with you. Just didn’t see posts on the first page. Scrolled past and commented.
It’s a 100 percent feasible @Angelina this is not my solution this is the solution our deen and prophet has presented

Also I forgot to address these things but we can change these societal needs to suit the shariah for example divorce should be heavily discouraged, men should go out shopping also women should go out in twos or threes . Also encouraging men to lower their gaze and like I stated the tenth time introducing harsher punishments
Divorce is already discouraged in most societies but divorce is halal and people have the right to leave marriages that aren’t conducive to them. What’s next? Discourage the dying of husbands?

Also, men going out shopping. Why should women be prevented for going out for necessities. Do men not work? Do women not need to visit family ect? Why can we not make society a safe place for women to be able to do things? What about taking kids to school? Taking kids outside? What’s wrong with you Horta? Do you not understand that men and women have lives? Going to the hospital and the list continues.

This is why I find you lot illogical. You brought up Saudi and I brought up the Gulf in general. Women still go out. Only difference is that the men are in FEAR.
Divorce is already discouraged in most societies but divorce is halal and people have the right to leave marriages that aren’t conducive to them. What’s next? Discourage the dying of husbands?

Also, men going out shopping. Why should women be prevented for going out for necessities. Do men not work? Do women not need to visit family ect? Why can we not make society a safe place for women to be able to do things? What about taking kids to school? Taking kids outside? What’s wrong with you Horta? Do you not understand that men and women have lives? Going to the hospital and the list continues.

This is why I find you lot illogical. You brought up Saudi and I brought up the Gulf in general. Women still go out. Only difference is that the men are in FEAR.

Divorce is already discouraged in most societies but divorce is halal and people have the right to leave marriages that aren’t conducive to them. What’s next? Discourage the dying of husbands?

1) Divorce is halal but majority of these countries that have high divorce rates don’t highly discourage them cause then why would it be so high. If you can give me an example I’ll stop arguing with you .

Also, men going out shopping. Why should women be prevented for going out for necessities. Do men not work? Do women not need to visit family ect? Why can we not make society a safe place for women to be able to do things? What about taking kids to school? Taking kids outside? What’s wrong with you Horta? Do you not understand that men and women have lives? Going to the hospital and the list continues.

2) I don’t think you understood What I was trying to get at . These were just examples my whole point was there could be ways for the shariah to suit the societal ways of life for these people that you make look like is impossible .

This is why I find you lot illogical. You brought up Saudi and I brought up the Gulf in general. Women still go out. Only difference is that the men are in FEAR.

3) women still go out but do they not leave in groups and twos or do they not have mahrams . Calling me illogical when this whole time I’m presenting you solutions that Allah and his prophet offered us . There’s nothing illogical about what I’m saying I’m literally just parroting what the shariah is for these kind of situations
Not ridiculing sorry if it looked like That but it’s quite funny how you chicks are all silent or turn to mockery when your fellow counterparts issues are presented on this forum but when a women issue is presented here

View attachment 327554
wdym that thread of a islaan marrying a young boy all of the women were calling her nasty some of the guys were but some were saying some bullshit like get the bag

also no farax was mentioned its giving i need to be the center of attention why are you injecting yourself no one mentioned y'all were talking about rape and women issues but your dismissing and trying to start an argument go away


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
If the story is about an incident of sexual harassment/assault pertaining to women in Egypt or elsewhere then make that the focus. There is no point in making tangential diatribes or engaging in whataboutisms. Also, let us not pretend that gender-based violence doesn't occur in Somalia either. Just because they aren't nearly as 'bad' doesn't make it a 'non-issue.'
Married To Medicine Television GIF
The people saying that women should always go out with a mahram or in 2 or 3 for safety are missing the point entirely. The point is that your wife and daughter SHOULD be able go out solo and be safe. Women aren't prey. They shouldn't expect to be yelled at or groped or assaulted especially in a Muslim country. Your wife should be able to run to the mall or store or run an errand without you. Your daughter should be able to walk to school if she has to. If you don't set that standard as a society, you're not really a good society are you?


“la vie en rose🥀 ~”. on hiatus
Could’ve been avoided if she covered up went out the house with her wali and didn’t expose herself for the world to see . Either way two wrongs don’t make a right .

one ( rape ) deserves a punishment shariah while the other should be advised and if ignored to just move on
not true


If the story is about an incident of sexual harassment/assault pertaining to women in Egypt or elsewhere then make that the focus. There is no point in making tangential diatribes or engaging in whataboutisms. Also, let us not pretend that gender-based violence doesn't occur in Somalia either. Just because they aren't nearly as 'bad' doesn't make it a 'non-issue.'
Married To Medicine Television GIF
Yes, you’re right. My bad. I should have read more before responding. Delete my earlier posts.


Coping through the 1st world

If this was in the West I doubt those men would behaved the way they did. The West takes rape cases extremely seriously.

They’d be prosecuted from the spot. And this situation also happens in India as well.

I guess it’s common in some brown countries where men don’t know consent and personal space. Egyptian men are known for this type of behaviour by their women.

Western feminists don’t know how grateful they really are to live freely. The one that needs to form feminism are MENA countries and South Asia.


Divorce is already discouraged in most societies but divorce is halal and people have the right to leave marriages that aren’t conducive to them. What’s next? Discourage the dying of husbands?

1) Divorce is halal but majority of these countries that have high divorce rates don’t highly discourage them cause then why would it be so high. If you can give me an example I’ll stop arguing with you .

Also, men going out shopping. Why should women be prevented for going out for necessities. Do men not work? Do women not need to visit family ect? Why can we not make society a safe place for women to be able to do things? What about taking kids to school? Taking kids outside? What’s wrong with you Horta? Do you not understand that men and women have lives? Going to the hospital and the list continues.

2) I don’t think you understood What I was trying to get at . These were just examples my whole point was there could be ways for the shariah to suit the societal ways of life for these people that you make look like is impossible .

This is why I find you lot illogical. You brought up Saudi and I brought up the Gulf in general. Women still go out. Only difference is that the men are in FEAR.

3) women still go out but do they not leave in groups and twos or do they not have mahrams . Calling me illogical when this whole time I’m presenting you solutions that Allah and his prophet offered us . There’s nothing illogical about what I’m saying I’m literally just parroting what the shariah is for these kind of situations
The sahaba had a high divorce rate and it was very common, and theres nothing wrong with women going outside without a mahram. Men and women interacted with each other during the time of the prophet saw.

It sounds like you're just making up your own rules and labeling it shariah. The real problem is that some countries have widespread rape culture especially Egypt and India, so stop this victim blaming.
Feminists already coming with fat paragraphs adding us Farahs in
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Bruh, let the feminists come in when it comes to posts like this, they’re not talking about you, they’re talking about f’d up stuff that people get away in when it comes to third world countries, with Egypt, India etc being notorious examples, the justice system in those countries just isn’t equipped to deal with situations like that and honestly they don’t seem to give AF enough to deal with it.

Honestly it’d be better if women who had to potentially suffer the consequences were the actual voices of this movement to curb this behaviour and I’m sure there is to some extent as it’s really their fight as they’re the victims but the most privileged sometimes have to be the voices as they have the ability to do more for the more unfortunate.
I’ve realised while arguing here that I might have attributed certain things to the prophet and Allah which are wrong due to me not researching this issue properly .

If I said anything wrong here Allah and his messenger are free from it and it was from me and the from the whispers of shaytaan.

I honestly came to realise my mistakes when scrolling through this post
Somali men are not the worst in the world, but that doesn't mean that respect for women is where it needs to be. Respect for women in Somalia comes with conditions. For example, I have seen some men respect women, as long as they don't speak about social or political matters. Or as long as the woman wears certain clothing. But respect doesn't seem to be universal for women, irrespective of what the woman wears or talks about. Respect should be unconditional!
Considering how broken/corrupt and poor Somalia/Somaliland is compared to countries like Egypt and India im honestly surprised how not F’d up it is in terms of crime (there’s barely a governmental level functioning justice system) don’t get me wrong it isn’t a paradise at all but if Somalia/somaliland got its act together I believe it’d be on par with Khaleeji countries in terms of protection/safety for women and low crime in general.


East Africa UNUKA LEH
They’re absolutely disgusting. This is what a misogynistic society produces. You can blame lack of modesty of women, you can blame everything under the sun, but ultimately a misogynistic society that devalues women morphes into this monstrosity. In that country, they even have high rates of hijabis and Niqabis who’ve been assaulted as well. You’d think that being modest is a protection, but ultimately it’s the mindset of the men and how society looks at women which matters the most. Even a fob Hijab/jilbabi Somali girl in Egypt was nearly r-worded until she killed the culprit who tried to assault her.

Eastern countries that are also Muslim need to do better. Most of us women won’t be able to walk about in Morocco, Egypt or even Somalia without worrying. Why is that? Isn’t our hijab meant to be a protection? Why does our society’s men normalize behaving this way? One thing I love about Muslim Gulf countries is the fact that they have 0 tolerance to street harassment. Such low value men will be beat up and imprisoned.

I’ll be downvoted for speaking the truth and there lies the problem.
Something like 95% of women in Egypt will be assaulted or sexually harassed in their life. About 60-75% of Adult Women in Egypt wear hijab.
so much coping in this thread.

"women should do x"

"this is why islam says y"

"it wouldn't have happened if z"

why are so many of you rationalising sexual assault and rape? even if she is running around naked, and you do force yourself on her - you are the rapist, it is you should be castrated.

all these excuses when the problem is you can't control yourself. ffs.
These issues can be avoided if young boys are taught self control from an early age. Things like rights of passage, chivalry and what it means to be a balanced man are unfortunately no longer taught.

These violent rapist men are a result of systemic societal failure of boys. Father figures or healthy male role models are slim to none. Boys have to be moulded into men, otherwise they misuse the power God has given to them.

Men do not listen to women. They need healthy male role models for things to change. No amount of female outrage will change this. This is an issue only men can solve and step up to.
So a woman almost gets raped in Egypt and brainwashed feminist halimahs turn the whole topic about Somali men raping anything that moves? :williamswtf:
They must confusing us with Pajeets.

Stick to the topic ya ADD halimo.:mjkkk:

Also, Arabs and South Asians just can't help themselves when they see a white woman.
Disgusting creatures!
I know of a Somali girl in high school who was being groped and touched by Egyptian men while living there from 8-12, one time they even did it in front of her father!!

There are a lot of pervs in Middle East and Africa, I feel lucky to be in Somalia and feel safe enough to buy a soda in pitch dark night without worrying too much…. Some women aren’t so lucky to live in such a place :(
I know of a Somali girl in high school who was being groped and touched by Egyptian men while living there from 8-12, one time they even did it in front of her father!!

There are a lot of pervs in Middle East and Africa, I feel lucky to be in Somalia and feel safe enough to buy a soda in pitch dark night without worrying too much…. Some women aren’t so lucky to live in such a place :(

Thank you for your honesty, because according to some Somali women, Somalia is no different to India or Egypt.