I’m so disappointed with the mindless Christian support of Israel

Okay, so I’m not Muslim, not even Somali. Because of that, I do apologise if my being on this forum offends anyone. I initially made this account just to ask a question regarding anthropology. But I’m just super frustrated right now and thought this may be a fitting place to vent.

So, I don’t quite believe in anything at the moment honestly. I was raised Christian, my family is, most people of my nationality are. Though I stopped seriously believing in it right around 10-12, perhaps I never even truly did to begin with. But I’m so horrified at all the mainstream Christian content creators and public figures I occasionally watch being so partial to Israel and so loud in their support. And I know that this is solely religious for them. Siding with Israel solely because of that religious tie, and probably even more so, contempt for Islam, regardless of the actual truth of the conflict. I’d usually refrain from commenting on things I’m largely ignorant on, but you really don’t need to know a whole lot to see who the oppressed in this situation are. It’s as clear as day.

I saw something today that got me so heated, I’m still thinking about it hours later. I was driving back from the mall with my family and there was a 4WD behind us with two flags attached to the windows on either side. One was the Samoan flag, the other the Israeli. This man was Samoan. And it’s even ironic because the Israeli flag was much bigger than his own. Now, Pacific Islanders are overwhelmingly Christian. I couldn’t give specific figures but I’d bet it’s in the 90%+ range. I highly doubt this man has any real insight whatsoever on the conflict or the history of that region in general. But I bet because ‘Israel>Jewish>Jesus was a Jew’ and just that whole connection to Judaism in general, he’s decided Israel is who to support. It’s so lame. I really hope the average Christian is sympathetic to the plight of Palestinians and actually accepts the conflict for what it truly is.

And then I think of Ben Shapiro, which is a whole other disaster. Absolutely zero criticism or even just acknowledgment of all the atrocities that have been committed against the Palestinians over the last forever, but is absolutely reeling over the Israeli lives recently lost. Almost as though he finds the lives of one group of civilians more valuable than the other. And then anyone who offers even the slightest critique of Israel or the IDF is immediately an evil ‘anti-semite’ and the scum of the Earth. The cognitive dissonance is just amazing.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
This tragedy has shown who are really the good guys and who are really the bad guys.

It's very clear that in this big ongoing history of humanity- the Muslims are the good guys in the story. I'm not exaggerating if I say Muslims are on the side of justice and humanity. It can be seen right now in real life, plain as day. And you have giant hordes of non-Muslims justifying the genocide that is happening.

I don't ever want to hear a non-Muslim talking to me about justice or morality or human rights again.

Before this, maybe some pious, knowledgeable Muslims could study the religion very closely and perceive the moral superiority of Muslims.... but today the moral superiority of Muslims is very clear. And of course I am talking about those true Muslims who are in solidarity with the Palestinians. If you call yourself a Muslim and are not with them at least in spirit... are you an atheist or what?

To be Muslim is to be on the side of justice and morality. Even an atheist should be able to see that.

So non-Muslims should have a wish to be Muslim, even if they aren't quite convinced yet as to the truth of the religion.

You can't live your life not knowing what to believe, not believing in anything- you can't live like that. Your innate human psychology won't allow it.

Look into Islam. Learn about it, don't believe these same people justifying the genocide- don't believe them that Islam is a religion of superstition and barbarism. Obviously they can't be trusted to tell you about Islam.

I really recommend the book "Who Deserves to be Worshipped" and I really recommend the book "Psychology from the Islamic Perspective".

No one here can make you believe or not believe anything but at least learn about Islam before forming your view of it. And learn about it from proper Islamic sources, not the Zionist propaganda of the world.

If you are leaning towards atheism, the belief there is no Creator is.... think about it- again, these same propaganda outlets trying to tell everyone atheism is scientific are the ones on the side of the genocide. There is a whole world of lies that people are living in, are swimming in.

If you are using a phone or a laptop.... would you believe it if someone said no one made it? the parts just randomly fell together and formed a phone or a laptop? and you can't even compare these gadgets to a human..... the human has a soul, has a mind, has free will, etc. atheism collapses upon proper examination.

as for Christianity, I recommend the debates Ahmed Deedat had with the Swedish pastor. I forget the pastor's name. I also recommend the book "Misquoting Jesus" which shows how the Bible has been tampered with.

Allah is One, without any partners or associates. He neither begets nor is He begotten. He is One, not Three. He does not have a wife nor a son. Only Allah is worthy of worship. He never gets tired, he never rests or slumbers or anything like that.

The Bible says this in Exodus 31:17:

"It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed."

Think about it- do you really think Allah made the world, got tired then he "rested and was refreshed"? Why would Allah get tired?

Islam is the truth.
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I think that Samoan guy, along with other groups that adopted Christianity after colonization, look to the West for religious guidance. Christian Americans are Israel's biggest dickriders with Indians coming in close second. They would put their lives down on the line for Israel and thus other Christian groups end up adopting that mindset as well. Christian Americans are nothing but golems with Israel as their master.
I don't even think Christian Americans are that religious, that being said people are always given to false ideas and fanaticism, I do not understand why Christians support Isnotreal, the entire point of Isnotreal being buiilt is so that the messiah can come down and kill all the jews so they go to hell forever, so in actuality they should hate the jews, especially since Jews thought Jesus AS was the antichrist and basically murdered him
I don't even think Christian Americans are that religious, that being said people are always given to false ideas and fanaticism, I do not understand why Christians support Isnotreal, the entire point of Isnotreal being buiilt is so that the messiah can come down and kill all the jews so they go to hell forever, so in actuality they should hate the jews, especially since Jews thought Jesus AS was the antichrist and basically murdered him

This is exactly why Christians support Israel, why they helped create it. They don't really care for Jews, they want to hasten the arrival of Jesus who is prophesied to return (in their scriptures) when Jews return to the holy land. So they have a common goal here and work together. It's not because they love Jews, they don't.
I think that Samoan guy, along with other groups that adopted Christianity after colonization, look to the West for religious guidance. Christian Americans are Israel's biggest dickriders with Indians coming in close second. They would put their lives down on the line for Israel and thus other Christian groups end up adopting that mindset as well. Christian Americans are nothing but golems with Israel as their master.
Oh I should’ve mentioned, I’m from Australia. But I think it translates just the same. And I totally agree with you. I’ve actually noticed a very heavy Islamophobic sentiment from many Indians in recent years. I wasn’t aware this was a thing prior.
This is exactly why Christians support Israel, why they helped create it. They don't really care for Jews, they want to hasten the arrival of Jesus who is prophesied to return (in their scriptures) when Jews return to the holy land. So they have a common goal here and work together. It's not because they love Jews, they don't.
Wow, I never even knew of this prophecy. Shows what a Christian I was lol. But that makes a lot of sense actually. Definitely explains the vibe of a lot of the content they’re putting out recently.


I put Books to the Test of Life
At its core, Christianity is perceived by some as a belief system that supports and advances the Jewish cause. Christians are conditioned to believe they are God's chosen people, destined to reclaim a specific land. The idea is that when Jesus returns, he will rule from this land, and Jews will have the opportunity to convert to Christianity.

Christianity is believed to be the creation of Paul of Tarsus, also known as Paul the Apostle, who was a Pharisee and an agent. He introduced the concept of the Trinity, transforming Jesus into a divine figure, and propagated this message among Gentiles or pagans. It is claimed that he persecuted the Nazarenes, the early followers of Prophet Jesus, who were exclusively Israelites and adhered to pure monotheism before Paul introduced the Trinity and sacrifices to accommodate pagan Gentiles in the Roman Empire. In this narrative, Paul realized he couldn't persuade these followers to abandon their beliefs. Instead, he claimed to have heard the voice of Jesus, instructing him to preach a new gospel that contradicted the teachings of Jesus. According to this perspective, Christianity is seen as a mistake, suggesting that Jesus was not sent for all humans and that it was not his mission or purpose, a viewpoint supposedly supported by passages in the Bible.

Examine this PDF that delves into the complete story of Paul. There was also another Jew named Abdullah ibn Saba who attempted a similar course as Paul during the early days of Islam, trying to sow division and distort the original message. Although he failed, he became the founder of the Shia sect. Towards the end of the PDF, you can compare the tactics employed by Paul and Saba and notice the striking similarities in their approaches.

This tragedy has shown who are really the good guys and who are really the bad guys.

It's very clear that in this big ongoing history of humanity- the Muslims are the good guys in the story. I'm not exaggerating if I say Muslims are on the side of justice and humanity. It can be seen right now in real life, plain as day. And you have giant hordes of non-Muslims justifying the genocide that is happening.

I don't ever want to hear a non-Muslim talking to me about justice or morality or human rights again.

Before this, maybe some pious, knowledgeable Muslims could study the religion very closely and perceive the moral superiority of Muslims.... but today the moral superiority of Muslims is very clear. And of course I am talking about those true Muslims who are in solidarity with the Palestinians. If you call yourself a Muslim and are not with them at least in spirit... are you an atheist or what?

To be Muslim is to be on the side of justice and morality. Even an atheist should be able to see that.

So non-Muslims should have a wish to be Muslim, even if they aren't quite convinced yet as to the truth of the religion.

You can't live your life not knowing what to believe, not believing in anything- you can't live like that. Your innate human psychology won't allow it.

Look into Islam. Learn about it, don't believe these same people justifying the genocide- don't believe them that Islam is a religion of superstition and barbarism. Obviously they can't be trusted to tell you about Islam.

I really recommend the book "Who Deserves to be Worshipped" and I really recommend the book "Psychology from the Islamic Perspective".

No one here can make you believe or not believe anything but at least learn about Islam before forming your view of it. And learn about it from proper Islamic sources, not the Zionist propaganda of the world.

If you are leaning towards atheism, the belief there is no Creator is.... think about it- again, these same propaganda outlets trying to tell everyone atheism is scientific are the ones on the side of the genocide. There is a whole world of lies that people are living in, are swimming in.

If you are using a phone or a laptop.... would you believe it if someone said no one made it? the parts just randomly fell together and formed a phone or a laptop? and you can't even compare these gadgets to a human..... the human has a soul, has a mind, has free will, etc. atheism collapses upon proper examination.

as for Christianity, I recommend the debates Ahmed Deedat had with the Swedish pastor. I forget the pastor's name. I also recommend the book "Misquoting Jesus" which shows how the Bible has been tampered with.

Allah is One, without any partners or associates. He neither begets nor is He begotten. He is One, not Three. He does not have a wife nor a son. Only Allah is worthy of worship. He never gets tired, he never rests or slumbers or anything like that.

The Bible says this in Exodus 31:17:

"It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed."

Think about it- do you really think Allah made the world, got tired then he "rested and was refreshed"? Why would Allah get tired?

Islam is the truth.
I would definitely be open to looking more deeply into Islam. I’ve gravitated towards it in recent years, either that or just the modesty of the religion and the ‘culture’ per se, for lack of a better phrase. I’m a girl, and a lot of that resonates with me greatly and I just find it very honourable. There was even a point I called a mosque once to enquire about learning more about the religion and they welcomed me over there, but ultimately I didn’t go due to other commitments.

I don’t know a single Muslim person in real life also. At least none that come to mind. So I wouldn’t quite now how to immerse myself with it or get better acquainted and things. And I think that’s really important for things like this. Having a community.

And as far as my lack of belief in anything at the moment, I don’t quite know how to explain it. It certainly doesn’t come from a place of anger or wanting to rebel or anything like that. Perhaps part of me deep down may still believe in a God, but certainly not anything I can reach into at this point. I just feel like I haven’t really found anything that has convinced me of the existence of a God. And I know that probably sounds like the most insnae, blasphemous thing you could ever hear, but it’s just my personal experience and where I currently am. There are times where I’ve been like I’ll pray to God, whoever he may be and ask that if he is real, he lead my heart to him. For the most part I’m comfortable with my lack of belief in anything at the moment. In that it doesn’t present significantly in my every day life. I simply just take the position of ‘I don’t know’, and keep it pushing. But sometimes I am slightly envious of religious people. Being able to navigate the world with the belief that there is something, some one, some being greater than you that will guide you if you let them.

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
I would definitely be open to looking more deeply into Islam. I’ve gravitated towards it in recent years, either that or just the modesty of the religion and the ‘culture’ per se, for lack of a better phrase. I’m a girl, and a lot of that resonates with me greatly and I just find it very honourable. There was even a point I called a mosque once to enquire about learning more about the religion and they welcomed me over there, but ultimately I didn’t go due to other commitments.

I don’t know a single Muslim person in real life also. At least none that come to mind. So I wouldn’t quite now how to immerse myself with it or get better acquainted and things. And I think that’s really important for things like this. Having a community.

And as far as my lack of belief in anything at the moment, I don’t quite know how to explain it. It certainly doesn’t come from a place of anger or wanting to rebel or anything like that. Perhaps part of me deep down may still believe in a God, but certainly not anything I can reach into at this point. I just feel like I haven’t really found anything that has convinced me of the existence of a God. And I know that probably sounds like the most insnae, blasphemous thing you could ever hear, but it’s just my personal experience and where I currently am. There are times where I’ve been like I’ll pray to God, whoever he may be and ask that if he is real, he lead my heart to him. For the most part I’m comfortable with my lack of belief in anything at the moment. In that it doesn’t present significantly in my every day life. I simply just take the position of ‘I don’t know’, and keep it pushing. But sometimes I am slightly envious of religious people. Being able to navigate the world with the belief that there is something, some one, some being greater than you that will guide you if you let them.

Don't worry about your doubts or whatever sounding blasphemous. You can talk about anything, as far as doubts, concerns, etc. We're happy to address these things. What's upsetting is things like people deliberately insulting us or doing things like calling for genocide of Palestinians. We don't mind people having genuine questions.

I am just some ordinary person so what I say may be flawed but Islam is perfect.

as to the existence of Allah, Allah Himself says in the Quran (translation of the meaning):

"Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators?

Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm Belief."

-Surat At-Tur 52-35-36

So- my question to atheists: no one created you??? you just were created randomly by nothing???

Think about it. Really think about it. The mountains, the ocean, the universe, human beings.... all just emerged randomly with no creator??

I haven't seen an angel but I can very easily see that evil exists. Just like this giant infrastructure tried to incite people into supporting genocide- there is this giant infrastructure in place to make us atheistic, irreligious people who believe in a materialistic conception of reality.

"it is indespensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear of minds out of the GOYIM the very principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs."

(Protocols of Zion).

now even if someone thinks the Protocols is purely a work of fiction like 1984.... that concept of removing all religious faith from our lives, of removing all belief in Allah and instead making us only focused on materialistic concerns.... that is definitely a real thing.

this is why for example.... all over the place we are bombarded with indecency. the other day I went to the pizza place by my job to go get some pizza... I order my pizza, I'm walking out and they have an ad with an undressed woman... I think the ad was selling something to do with a cell phone! another time... I'm on my way to work... car next to me is playing some music.... just pure smut... the lyrics are just smut... and of course the music videos as well. you go to school for many, many years. all those years- in your work, it is basically forbidden to mention Allah. you write a paper, you turn it in- you are not allowed to mention Allah or discuss a topic from a religious viewpoint- you are required to write from a secular, materialistic view. then also in school they teach you we came from monkeys, to make you think it makes sense that we could have come without a Creator. and then now they're teaching little kids to be pro lgbt.

you turn on the TV, you watch the movies... all this brainwashing, all this filth, from the movies, to TV, to evolution, to the smut they call music videos, all of it- it all leads in the same direction. it all leads us away from our Creator. unquestionably, this vast giant system is not at all benevolent, there can be no question that it's evil- this same giant system we were having to fight like two seconds ago because it was trying to push for genocide. that conflict is still of course going on but insha'Allah they will at least back down for a moment. I honestly was losing sleep.

Anyways, what you say... to me it seems conflicted.

You are happy, you are content with not having belief... you doubt the existence of Allah and are content with this... but you made a phone call to a masjid??

Islam definitely gives a person inner peace. We as humans we need Islam, we need a connection with our Creator. Islam does give a person inner peace but Islam also gives us guidance. We as humans we need guidance. What decisions we make are really important and impact the rest of our lives and what happens in the hereafter as well.

The shayateen, the devils from among the humans and the jinn (the evil jinn are basically I think what you might call demons)... they are going to call to you, as they call to all of us. They will you to going down the wrong roads.

Islam protects you against that. Without Islam, where is your protection?

I worry for you. What if you say "I don't really need Islam," and you forget about Allah and Islam... I worry for what could happen. What if years from now you've been led down a wrong road and then you remember about Islam... you could still turn to Islam but... there could be a lot of hardship due to not following Islam when you were younger.

"There are times where I’ve been like I’ll pray to God, whoever he may be and ask that if he is real, he lead my heart to him"

keep doing this. keep doing this. keep doing this. Allah hears you every time you do it.

we need Allah not just as a matter of our own internal inner peace but... there are many dangers in this world. we need Allah to protect us, we need Allah to guide us. without Allah, we humans will be in darkness and without security.
Don't worry about your doubts or whatever sounding blasphemous. You can talk about anything, as far as doubts, concerns, etc. We're happy to address these things. What's upsetting is things like people deliberately insulting us or doing things like calling for genocide of Palestinians. We don't mind people having genuine questions.

I am just some ordinary person so what I say may be flawed but Islam is perfect.

as to the existence of Allah, Allah Himself says in the Quran (translation of the meaning):

"Were they created by nothing, or were they themselves the creators?

Or did they create the heavens and the earth? Nay, but they have no firm Belief."

-Surat At-Tur 52-35-36

So- my question to atheists: no one created you??? you just were created randomly by nothing???

Think about it. Really think about it. The mountains, the ocean, the universe, human beings.... all just emerged randomly with no creator??

I haven't seen an angel but I can very easily see that evil exists. Just like this giant infrastructure tried to incite people into supporting genocide- there is this giant infrastructure in place to make us atheistic, irreligious people who believe in a materialistic conception of reality.

"it is indespensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear of minds out of the GOYIM the very principle of Godhead and the spirit, and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs."

(Protocols of Zion).

now even if someone thinks the Protocols is purely a work of fiction like 1984.... that concept of removing all religious faith from our lives, of removing all belief in Allah and instead making us only focused on materialistic concerns.... that is definitely a real thing.

this is why for example.... all over the place we are bombarded with indecency. the other day I went to the pizza place by my job to go get some pizza... I order my pizza, I'm walking out and they have an ad with an undressed woman... I think the ad was selling something to do with a cell phone! another time... I'm on my way to work... car next to me is playing some music.... just pure smut... the lyrics are just smut... and of course the music videos as well. you go to school for many, many years. all those years- in your work, it is basically forbidden to mention Allah. you write a paper, you turn it in- you are not allowed to mention Allah or discuss a topic from a religious viewpoint- you are required to write from a secular, materialistic view. then also in school they teach you we came from monkeys, to make you think it makes sense that we could have come without a Creator. and then now they're teaching little kids to be pro lgbt.

you turn on the TV, you watch the movies... all this brainwashing, all this filth, from the movies, to TV, to evolution, to the smut they call music videos, all of it- it all leads in the same direction. it all leads us away from our Creator. unquestionably, this vast giant system is not at all benevolent, there can be no question that it's evil- this same giant system we were having to fight like two seconds ago because it was trying to push for genocide. that conflict is still of course going on but insha'Allah they will at least back down for a moment. I honestly was losing sleep.

Anyways, what you say... to me it seems conflicted.

You are happy, you are content with not having belief... you doubt the existence of Allah and are content with this... but you made a phone call to a masjid??

Islam definitely gives a person inner peace. We as humans we need Islam, we need a connection with our Creator. Islam does give a person inner peace but Islam also gives us guidance. We as humans we need guidance. What decisions we make are really important and impact the rest of our lives and what happens in the hereafter as well.

The shayateen, the devils from among the humans and the jinn (the evil jinn are basically I think what you might call demons)... they are going to call to you, as they call to all of us. They will you to going down the wrong roads.

Islam protects you against that. Without Islam, where is your protection?

I worry for you. What if you say "I don't really need Islam," and you forget about Allah and Islam... I worry for what could happen. What if years from now you've been led down a wrong road and then you remember about Islam... you could still turn to Islam but... there could be a lot of hardship due to not following Islam when you were younger.

"There are times where I’ve been like I’ll pray to God, whoever he may be and ask that if he is real, he lead my heart to him"

keep doing this. keep doing this. keep doing this. Allah hears you every time you do it.

we need Allah not just as a matter of our own internal inner peace but... there are many dangers in this world. we need Allah to protect us, we need Allah to guide us. without Allah, we humans will be in darkness and without security.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate all your input. I will definitely look further into Islam. I’ve also asked a question about it in the forum, kind of copied a good deal of what I’ve already told you here. Hopefully I can get different perspectives. If there is a God and I can have a relationship with him, I’d want nothing more than that, and I will surely continue praying.

Is there anything you’d recommend as a good place to start on educating myself more about Islam? Any books, podcasts, scholars?

Omar del Sur

علم السلف > علم الخلف
Thank you so much. I really appreciate all your input. I will definitely look further into Islam. I’ve also asked a question about it in the forum, kind of copied a good deal of what I’ve already told you here. Hopefully I can get different perspectives. If there is a God and I can have a relationship with him, I’d want nothing more than that, and I will surely continue praying.

Is there anything you’d recommend as a good place to start on educating myself more about Islam? Any books, podcasts, scholars?

To understand Islam, the first thing I recommend is the book

"Who Deserves to be Worshipped". I think that is a really excellent beginning intro to understanding Islam. I believe insha'Allah it will give you a good solid basic understanding of Islam. then insha'Allah you build up from there.

I'll look into some other material insha'Allah but... that I think is a really good place to start. I recommend you get a copy of that book and study it and start there.



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