I’m ready to Sign Nikah Papers.

He’s too light for me.
Looks too flamboyant with that hair. I don't trust him or flamboyant niggas
Too muscular
@Qeelbax are you really into light skins?

idk he’s a pass to me
Bunch of haters
I do not understand how womens minds work, some men tell me they know when a guy is a attractive, I say bro are u gay how would u know then they are like nah I can just see it.
This guy looks like any normal guy to me, I can't tell the difference between him and a normal farax
Its wierd how girls can recognise other attractive women but men can't do the same with other men
It's not that deep. Guys who you will see as the jocks/popular guys in shows/movies are what's conventionally attractive. Wouldn't you agree that this farax fits that case?
Brown skins & dark skins Somali men —————-> Light skin Somali men.

It’s a preference 🤷‍♀️if I want to marry a light skin nigga I can just marry my own kind
We all have our preferences and they should be respected.

but what did you mean by….
“if I want to marry a light skin nigga I can just marry my own kind”


We all have our preferences and they should be respected.

but what did you mean by….
“if I want to marry a light skin nigga I can just marry my own kind”
I can just marry an Cadcad if I want to marry a Somali light skin


East Africa UNUKA LEH
@Qeelbax are you really into light skins?

idk he’s a pass to me
How is this nigga lightskin? I think we have different definitions of lightskin, but he looks the exact same as my tiktokt crush.
It can’t be helped
The other finnish guy I posted was dark skinned

they like the typical farax prototype

Lool..only girls look good as light skin if you ask me
Hater. Big Up lightskin niggaz! Dark skin niggas making fun of them because y’all insecureeerere

