Hutu 'sheikh' says eating kuffar children is halal

My adeer shaikh xasaan wuxuu sheego waa run.:trumpsmirk:


If your Adeer tells the truth, he is asking you to eat the flesh of “kafir” children and women who are at war with the “Mujaheddin Alshabaab”, when will you start slaughtering “kafir” American women and children and eat them? Should San Diego turn into a cannibal capital of the world because some demented sheikh in Africa is asking his tribal brethren in San Diego to kill and eat non Muslims who are at war with Alshabaab?

Did he call Ahmed Blackie’s administration “ridda” or is that word only reserved for the other clan enclaves? When the Kenyan security services have eliminated Kenyan “jihadist” sheikhs, I think this guy from Killinka Shanaad was spared because he works for them. He can praise the “mujahideen”, killing and eating the flesh of “kafirs and murtads”, but Once he’s no longer useful to the Kenyans, they will butcher him like a chicken. ATM, I feel sorry for those who attend his ‘qutbas’ and naively thinking that he’s a courageous and powerful sheikh.
This is why I don't trust any Somali "sheikh" they are all crazy
and bloodthirsty.

You are giving Somali Sheikhs too much credit. If this hadith were a Somali invention I wouldn't feel half as bad.

But the donkey is just relating what his slightly more creative masters, the Arabs reasoned would be a good Idea of survival if their lack run out while fighting with enemies in some unforgiving desert.

And the way he is smiling as he narates that hadith with his buck teeth exposed is very troubling.