Hutu 'sheikh' says eating kuffar children is halal



Low IQ animal

Thirsty and crazy

How do we deal with Somali men- they are too stupid to talk about religion. I always do the opposite of what Somali sheikhs says. Illiterate fools who lick the asses of Arab men.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
This is what happens when a madman like @R.Kelly becomes a sheikh. Next, he will be preaching eat @Basra

I’d only have one edict and that is that no young heavily pregnant gazelle Xaliimo should enter prosperity without me blessing her. Bring her to my office. If you’re the husband go on a road trip for 2 days. Bless thee
Okay sure, you actually think I didn't study physics with such confidence

Physics does make sense you idiot, it's a subject based on facts. The problem I have is with theoretical physics which is now off on a complete tangent ever since they started to ignore Sagnac's experiment and others, or at best cope with illogical baseless mathematical theories that don't reflect reality.

But you're the expert on a subject you don't know anything about except trivial shit in pop culture.

Secondly, although I don't usually speak in laconic phrases, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Finally you yourself believe in a religion that comically denies that it is. You believe in metaphysical naturalism, just as many of the New Atheism movement do. Your words today and the beliefs you've shown mirror that of religious people who deny the legitimacy of other worldviews and aggressively promote their own. They view any disagreement as blasphemy and force their religion in the name of a truth that has been proven. In the name of facts they do not know. In the name of theories that aren't concrete.

You my dear friend are a believer in this religion, whether you admit it or not. You have your priests, these scientists and self proclaimed defenders of "the truth", who religiously preach with babbles of nonsense. Demonising those who don't agree with them as unscientific when they themselves purposely and falsely portray beliefs as concrete evidence.

I could go on about your meta ethical delusions and other proofs that you have faith in a baseless religion, but an uneducated believer like yourself wouldn't be able to cope with the information overload.

You choose to believe in these theories. It was a choice you took not based on a fact. If you can't conceive your hypocrisy you prove how deeply religious you are.

Okay sure, you actually think I didn't study physics with such confidence

Physics does make sense you idiot, it's a subject based on facts. The problem I have is with theoretical physics which is now off on a complete tangent ever since they started to ignore Sagnac's experiment and others, or at best cope with illogical baseless mathematical theories that don't reflect reality.

But you're the expert on a subject you don't know anything about except trivial shit in pop culture.

Secondly, although I don't usually speak in laconic phrases, the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Finally you yourself believe in a religion that comically denies that it is. You believe in metaphysical naturalism, just as many of the New Atheism movement do. Your words today and the beliefs you've shown mirror that of religious people who deny the legitimacy of other worldviews and aggressively promote their own. They view any disagreement as blasphemy and force their religion in the name of a truth that has been proven. In the name of facts they do not know. In the name of theories that aren't concrete.

You my dear friend are a believer in this religion, whether you admit it or not. You have your priests, these scientists and self proclaimed defenders of "the truth", who religiously preach with babbles of nonsense. Demonising those who don't agree with them as unscientific when they themselves purposely and falsely portray beliefs as concrete evidence.

I could go on about your meta ethical delusions and other proofs that you have faith in a baseless religion, but an uneducated believer like yourself wouldn't be able to cope with the information overload.

You choose to believe in these theories. It was a choice you took not based on a fact. If you can't conceive your hypocrisy you prove how deeply religious you are.
I assume nothint , simply infer a perfect model from a detailed analysis.

I can immediately tell an uneducated fool when I see one. Your type often exposes their conspiratorial wishful thinking in your bursts of utter ignorance.

The Sagnec effect can be explained perfectly through a relativistic model and has been shown so since 1921. The fact that you discard physics since 1921 displays your hard headedness.

Einstein's mathematical model of physics has been tested rigorously through its vast applications in experimental Engineering.

As for assuming my lack of familiarity in physics , I am embarking on my honours in theoretical physics at the highest University in my region.Unlike you I do not watch conspiracy channels which regurgitate debunked "quirks" in failed models.

I have said nothing of ethics nor is my field even vaguely religious. Sure it debunks ignorant claims to glory by fools like you but it is no more religious then saying a plate is clean or a house is 10 metres tall.

I have no priests, scientists often probe others wrong and gain notoriety not through wild claims but rigorous Mathematical and experimental models.

Nothing in science is solid but instead built on models which have strong predictive power. These models change just like Newton's deterministic model transmorphed into the Quantum probabilistic model.

I take all truths temporary and question everything , that is my belief system


Run and I’ll catch you and eat you alive
You haven't studied any fields in physics .

Nothing makes sense in physics and there is no proof there is a God.

A simple question would be who created God, if no one did why bother with God and simply assume the universe created itself .

It's a choice to believe in God , a choice based on faith not facts.
Who created God? That’s the problem, in our human world we were created and continue to be created. And you sir are applying this concept of time and the little understanding we have on immortality to the concept of God. God wasn’t created, God can’t be created, or else they’d be a constant “this God created this and was created by this God and that God by this”. The universe making itself sounds rather illogical.


"You are your best thing"
I stopped listening to most Somali “sheikhs” long time ago, don’t let their Arabic fluency fool you, they don’t know much about deen.
This lunatic is ultra Wahabi extremist c*nt-
He us well known Alshabab Priest Wahabi cunts-
He used to incite violence against Somali gov.

The guy needs be slaughtered, heads off .


Most than likely, what he said could be found in the religion. There are crazier things.

What gets me is the glee. He’s laughing the entire time, as if he caught a juicy murtad meal lol.

Does this translate to that one tribe who supposedly ate bad meat being pardoned?


I am not sure who this guy is but if he believes in cannibalism, he needs to be treated and not be in front of people giving lectures. May allah guide those among us who are misguided :)
He is also preaching the Prophet advised Muslims in Hadiths to eat 'non Muslim' children and women. You will soon find a 68er who will murder and eat a 'kafir' kid and a female because this sheikh told him that the prophet preached,

I sent this clip to Memri Tv.


@VixR would be a nice meal. I know which body part I'll start with :diddyass:

@Abdalla @PhySom why must you be disgusting to the maskiinaad sister @VixR leave her alone you should treat and think of her as if she were your own sister,

don't insult her by being personal how would you feel if she were to make demeaning remarks about your genital areas wallahi you've crossed the line whatever she believes in she's entitled to that just as long it doesn't disrespect/offend anyone.


Somali men are the reverse of Midas- everything they touch turns into xaar.

MMS said a Somali man carrying the Quran is like a donkey carrying water- he knows he is carrying something but he doesn’t know what it is or what it’s used for.

I miss MMS- she spoke a lot of truth. This isn’t a religious thing because we have Somali ex-Muslims on this forum who would happily quote science that describes them as low IQ savages.

I’m washing my hands with Somali men wallahi.

