HSM has claimed that he will destroy AS by the end of December this year.


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
They are everywhere, but I was only highlighting the mountains. As for Juba, I saw a video of one of their leaders being interviewed in L Juba, I think near Jamaame, and the area was far from plain, and as dense as it could get, mostly likely selected for its strategic positioning. You can not defeat an army on its home turf from the skies.




Xaax my blood is boiling looking at this green lush land that Al shabab has been holding onto for so long


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From the outset, this has been the approach. The United States pursued a similar strategy in Afghanistan, aiming to normalize and integrate the Taliban into the Afghan government. However, the Taliban proved to be more competent, united, and stronger. The question arose: why settle for half when there's potential to secure the entire entity? In dealing with al-Shabaab, the Somali Federal Government (SFG) must prioritize competence and strength to resist and regain control of territories held by al-Shabaab since 2010. Strengthening is the keyβ€”only through increased strength can the government effectively achieve this. Once the government's strength becomes indisputable, it can then negotiate and secure maximum concessions. In the longterm al shabaab will become part of the government and will probably synthezize with the government, adding the term islamic to our countries name, a national and regional sharia courts, things that most somalis probably already agree should be part of our country.

