HSM abolishes the Judicial Service and Anti-Corruption Council Committees established by the previous Government.

Axad, October, 9, 2022 (HOL) - Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud ayaa wareegto uu soo saaray ku baabi’iyay guddiyada golaha adeega garsoorka Soomaaliya iyo la-dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa, kuwaas oo ahaa labo guddi oo ay sameysay ama howlgalisay dowladdii hore ee Madaxweyne Farmaajo.

Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh ayaa baabi’inta labadan guddi sabab uga dhigay, isagoo tixraacayay qoraal bishii 12-aad ee 2021, ka soo baxay Aqalka Sare, qoraalkaas oo lagu sheegay in xubnaha golaha adeega garsoorka iyo xubnaha guddiga la-dagaalanka musuqmaasuqa aan hawlgelintooda loo marin hannaan dastuurka iyo xeerarka waafaqsan.

Madaxweynaha ayaa xukuumadda faray inay si degdeg ah u soo dhisto labadan guddi ee uu kala diray, si waafaqsan qodobbada 71-aad, 109A iyo 112-aad ee dastuurka Kumeel-gaarka ah iyo qodobka 7-aad ee sharciga dhisidda golaha adeegga garsoorka iyo magaacaabista guddiga la dagaallanka musuqmaasuqa.

Dhinaca kale, madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh ayaa sidoo kale wuxuu baabi'iyey dhammaan wixii go'aanno ahaa ee ay gaareen muddadii la howlgeliyey labadan guddi, sida lagu sheegay bayaan kasoo madaxtooyada Soomaaliya.

Abolishing the anti-corruption watchdog.

Sounds like a great idea.

:snoop: :snoop:

I remember an article saying that PM Hamza barre was wanting to increase our anti corruption world index. Unfortunately this article didn’t state HSM has any plans to install a new anti corruption committee
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The Judicial Service Commission and the Anti-Corruption Commission that was built by the technocratic President Farmaajo government have both been dissolved in a shocking move that underlines the state of kleptocracy that Somalia has descended to since May 2022.

I'm truly shocking.

These people are crooks and thieves and foreign stooges.

Misleading news. Pm hamza barre is set to create a whole new anti corruption unit bottom up. look at these cuqdad idiots in the comments eating it all up. look at what farmaajo did lol

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What do you expect from the thief and puppet named Hassan Gaalo-u-sujuud aka Hassan Gurguurte? He and his #Dam-Shabaab henchmen are in the process of erasing the last 5 years' progress. At the end, it will prove how inept and incapable they're to run a government.


"In line with the country's constitution and laws."

In layman terms
"We're not eating good so it has to go."


Farmaajo gave many jobs to his mates in the group. It needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

There’s a deep clean of all the institutions of former NN.
Farmaajo gave many jobs to his mates in the group. It needs to be rebuilt from the ground up.

There’s a deep clean of all the institutions of former NN.

Exactly, we need to clean house and remove the CBB parasites from Lascanood, Baran, West Gedo Farmajoo has put in. They don't even live in Benedir, GM, HS etc. Why are they talking our jobs and money? Well done President Hassan.
Most things the evil cult N&N did must be undone. We will see what kind of a committee this government will replace what the corrupt Farmaajo admin put in place. I've been calling for the purge of mushaar collectors specially the loud ones. They are a hinderence to development and bilaa xishood.
"In line with the country's constitution and laws."

In layman terms
"We're not eating good so it has to go."

What do you contribute when you are ruled by Somaliland and pay no tax. Stop talking about my people's land and wealth. Where is your contribution to fighting Al-shabab? You just want to take other people's wealth.


What do you contribute when you are ruled by Somaliland and pay no tax. Stop talking about my people's land and wealth. Where is your contribution to fighting Al-shabab? You just want to take other people's wealth.
Brainless bot


You want my people's money and jobs but don't want to contribute. You don't want to fight Al-Shabab or pay tax. But you want my people's wealth.
Caqli hutu the UN money isn't yours and the abaar money you stole belongs to all Somalia not that 1 city state you call a country.

