How would you deal with a parsimonious halimo?

My halimo ex-girlfriend was a penny pinching person. She always questioned why I was spending money on certain items. She was the type of person who would work very hard but not enjoy the fruits of her labour. She would even question the $2 coffee cost spent at Tim Hortons. I always thought she was crazy and needed help. How would you deal with such a person?


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
My halimo ex-girlfriend was a penny pinching person. She always questioned why I was spending money on certain items. She was the type of person who would work very hard but not enjoy the fruits of her labour. She would even question the $2 coffee cost spent at Tim Hortons. I always thought she was crazy and needed help. How would you deal with such a person?

Why don't you move on? Its clear you're on different money maps. And stingy behaviour for trite purchases isn't worth disputing.
My halimo ex-girlfriend was a penny pinching person. She always questioned why I was spending money on certain items. She was the type of person who would work very hard but not enjoy the fruits of her labour. She would even question the $2 coffee cost spent at Tim Hortons. I always thought she was crazy and needed help. How would you deal with such a person?
She cant be your future.

Go look for someone else.


My halimo ex-girlfriend was a penny pinching person. She always questioned why I was spending money on certain items. She was the type of person who would work very hard but not enjoy the fruits of her labour. She would even question the $2 coffee cost spent at Tim Hortons. I always thought she was crazy and needed help. How would you deal with such a person?
You made the right decision, don't look back. If she was giving you stress over coffee, imagine what she would do if she was your wife.
That’s a good trait for women but bad in men, men should be generous in all circumstances because responsibility lies with them but women should be conservative. It a balance
Nacas consumer mentality you're the type to have 1k and purchase a canada goose.
It is a bit more than $1000 and still makes a nice fashion statement. It is also really useful when the temperature drops to -30 in the winter.

I don't know about OP's financial position but that's $40 per work month, $480/year. That's a lot of money if he's a broke boi
My insurance is close to that amount. I also make enough to meet my needs and live comfortably.


Engineer of Qandala
Good to be a saver, but $2 coffee is extreeeeme, that conversation would get old quick.