How were White Europeans able to dominate the whole world? And why can’t their black colonies catch up to the rest of the world?

I was speculating a very plausible scenario there. The global endgame is not clear for anyone.

Some people may know what that their actions will not produce a good end result but they do not inherently know what the world will look 50 years from now and how much their actions impacted it.

Think about it for a second: Do you think 80 years ago, that manufacturers realised the impending climate crisis. Did smokers 50 years ago not realise that inhaling something other than air ruined respiratory systems.
It’s going to be an interesting next 50 years tbh in terms of global development and the outcomes of the technology age, neocolonialism etc. Tbh I shouldn’t have judged africa on my original post because I’m reading an article right now and it seems like Europe plays a role in the election of bad African leaders and somehow in the past all the good ones that wanted change were assassinated?? Anyways I hope with more Africans learning about history, science and engineering hopefully we can help out
Isn't that worse.

You are judging Africans for not developing writing systems where there are European ethnicities that both do not have a unique writing system nor a language???


I don't understand what you're getting at? Writing systems have been popularized in Europe prior to the Roman empire; evident by scripts such as ancient greek, phonecian alphabet, etc. The mere reason why European ethnicities have begotten these scripts was because of the unification of Europe that the Roman empire presented (at it's prime it took up about 50% of the continent). Africa, on the other hand, solmenly presented any writing scripts dating back since antiquity, it's only notable one (amharic) being created in 9th century CE


Minister of Propaganda
I don't understand what you're getting at? Writing systems have been popularized in Europe prior to the Roman empire; evident by scripts such as ancient greek, phonecian alphabet, etc. The mere reason why European ethnicities have begotten these scripts was because of the unification of Europe that the Roman empire presented (at it's prime it took up about 50% of the continent). Africa, on the other hand, solmenly presented any writing scripts dating back since antiquity, it's only notable one (amharic) being created in 9th century CE

Tifinagh (used for Berber/Tuareg), Meroitic, Nsibidi, Adinkra, Lusona, are just a few examples of ancient African writing scripts from all across the continent.

And the Amharic writing system is actually from the 9th Century BC not the 9th Century AD.
If you want some historical context on the Congo in particular, this is a very good book.

However, if you want a post-colonial dismantling of said context:

Chinua Achebe and Joesph Conrad are both gifted authors.
I read that, low-key a drag though kinda interesting. Funny how Conrad is polish but in like one generation no one would be able to tell that his children had polish ancestry. His English is really high level aswell. Chinua hated that nigga lol


Minister of Propaganda
I read that, low-key a drag though kinda interesting. Funny how Conrad is polish but in like one generation no one would be able to tell that his children had polish ancestry. His English is really high level aswell. Chinua hated that nigga lol

Chinua Achebe tore him a new one.

I read a heart of darkness when I went on a beach trip with some friends in high school. I asked a friend who was not going on the trip to lend me some books and suffice it to say that it opened my eyes to the cansuurinimo of the cadaans.
Chinua Achebe tore him a new one.

I read a heart of darkness when I went on a beach trip with some friends in high school. I asked a friend who was not going on the trip to lend me some books and suffice it to say that it opened my eyes to the cansuurinimo of the cadaans.
Literally, it highlights the pure hypocrisy of these ivory traders. They operate under the guise of civilising the natives with Christianity but they’re there for pure greed and monetary gain. Wallahi it’s so sad what the Congo went through and still is. I had to kinda analyse it to understand it’s really dense tbh
I have theory that european colonialism hindered africans state building. Many african empires and states where destroyed by europeans and it will take years for the damage to be fixed. Now thankfully african nations are waking up. Many ethnic groups are either accepting the new borders or are changing them ( for example Ethiopia and Nigeria).

This is good for africa.


Minister of Propaganda
Literally, it highlights the pure hypocrisy of these ivory traders. They operate under the guise of civilising the natives with Christianity but they’re there for pure greed and monetary gain. Wallahi it’s so sad what the Congo went through and still is. I had to kinda analyse it to understand it’s really dense tbh

They were putting madoows in cages in the Congo as recently as the 1950s.

They deposed, tortured and murdered, the democratically-elected president of Congo, Patrice Lumumbuba shortly after gaining independence.

Placed Mobutu Sese Soko on the presidency, with their blessing, only for him to rort billions from the Congo while allowing businesses to exploit Congolese resources.

Fund Mobutu's overthrow, which creates a power vacuum and instability, whilst businesses are exploiting Congolese resources without intereference.

Then they look at the Congo and wonder why Africans messed it up.
They were putting madoows in cages in the Congo as recently as the 1950s.

They deposed, tortured and murdered, the democratically-elected president of Congo, Patrice Lumumbuba shortly after gaining independence.

Placed Mobutu Sese Soko on the presidency, with their blessing, only for him to rort billions from the Congo while allowing businesses to exploit Congolese resources.

Fund Mobutu's overthrow, which creates a power vacuum and instability, whilst businesses are exploiting Congolese resources without intereference.

Then they look at the Congo and wonder why Africans messed it up.
Shit like that is disgusting. Sometimes I think to myself it’s better for a country to have no real worthy natural resources cos they’re less likely to be fucked over by other opportunist countries and colonisers/neo colonisers


The one and only 4head
It's more complicated than that.
Before the Printing Revolution (Guthenberg's invention) and the Age of Explorations,

China was the epicenter of science, trade and world-dominance in terms of GDP produced.
While the Islamic Civilizations were quite dynamic up until the 13rd century, the Ottomans by their genius tactics became the new Hegemons of the Muslim World, but unfortunately for them, after the Fall of Constantinople, many Christian Orthodox left with them the Ancients' wisdom, thus marking the birth of a new Era; the Renaissance.

Long story short: despite the hegemony of the Turks in the control of the seas, the Europeans learned the existence of a new continent, later named after an Italian Explorer; Amerigo Vespuci.
During this time, many pilgrims left the "Old Continent" (Europe), fleeing from persecutions and famines, for a better life. In this prism, European genius started.
They quickly improved many formely Chinese inventions; gun powder, maps, etc.
While, in the South of the Hemisphere, the Muslim World was stagnant; Egypt and Iraq weren't producing enough intellectuals to compete with the Europeans. The Chinese began, in the 16th Century, to isolate themselves from the World. In Africa, only a few places were "civilized" enough to have records; Mali, Shongai Empires, Abyssinia, Nubia, Kongo, Somali Sultanates, Alawite of Morocco,etc. In South-East Asia, it was around that specific century that we can the expansion of Islam in the Indonesian islands, with many convertions (credits to Indian and Iranian merchants), with the rise of the Aceh Sultanate. Consequently with the appeal of these dynamic regions, they gathered with them many Dutch and Portuguese "merchants", later, they got colonised.

Europe has surpassed others after the desasters of the plague, episodically, in the 14th century, after losing 2/3 of its populations, there more "rooms" to develop, so to speak, as the taxes were lower afterwards, Feodalism disappeared (no more serfs and slave-like work), while the productivity increased and we see the end of the last Crusades. They re-populated rapidly, with more marging as there was a new technological "revolution" (minor one).
The Europeans kept on improving their countries through trades, diplomacy (french invention hehe), wars (in-wars between them), crazily-expanded Empires and the vestiges of the Greeko-Roman Civilizations (in terms of Urbanism, Justice, Institutions, with the re-discovery of the Ancient Philosophers and the beginning of the "Enlightement Period").

Quite fascinating story, in my opinion, and today we are witnessing the emergence of Asian Superpowers; they are just re-appropriating their former roles!
Africa hell black people in general are in a terrible position everywhere in the world. What’s sad is though that Liberia, Ethiopia and Haiti have been independent for 200 years yet they are still ass backwards :kanyehmm: they can’t use “ we just got independent” excuse
Science and technology.

Guns and cannons vs animal shield and spears.

A 100 people with machine guns can mow down 10000 people with spears.

Africa hell black people in general are in a terrible position everywhere in the world. What’s sad is though that Liberia, Ethiopia and Haiti have been independent for 200 years yet they are still ass backwards :kanyehmm: they can’t use “ we just got independent” excuse
Black populated areas of the US are the poorest too. I wonder why were always the lowest even though we have enough good apples among us you know.
I have theory that european colonialism hindered africans state building. Many african empires and states where destroyed by europeans and it will take years for the damage to be fixed. Now thankfully african nations are waking up. Many ethnic groups are either accepting the new borders or are changing them ( for example Ethiopia and Nigeria).

This is good for africa.
Somalia, Ethiopia, Liberia have never been colonized (or at least to the extent of other or enslaved and they’re still shit holes. No scientists from those countries, philosophers, no inventions...we really need to do better
This is shitty bait it's called technology you can go far with it we were lucky that we had a ally with guns same with the Ethiopians
This is shitty bait it's called technology you can go far with it we were lucky that we had a ally with guns same with the Ethiopians
Yeah I read that Ethiopia was able to win a war against one invader, I forget which one. So why haven’t they been able to develop? Most Africans blame their lack of development on colonialism and foreign powers

