Says the girl who's on somalispot 24/7.You’re weird.
Get a life, seriously
Says the girl who's on somalispot 24/7.You’re weird.
This is Embarrasing's full time job bro. What else could explain her TEN THOUSAND posts in two years? @Embarrasings handlers advise her to use ad hominem attacks on whoever criticises N&N. N&N trolls cant defend N&N's defenceless actions, so ad hominem attacks are used to detract from and derail online debates.I don’t care what a N&N bot thinks, case closed kkk #N&NFail
Everyone sees you are obsessed with @DRACO naaya get it through your head he DOESNT WANT YOU. Why do you keep going to other men calling them draco? I ain’t even the first nigga you called Draco
What an obsessed qumayo you love N&N and you love Draco but you can’t have both so you’ll take the one that pays you in the meantime kkk
Wallahi I’m not draco you bot don’t make me launch a cyber attack on your N&N bot center and wipe your account kkk
I bet you dream of Draco nightly #OBSESSEDBOT