How to become general in Somalia army?

Without going through the usual carriculum because that guarantees death on day 1?:cosbyhmm:

we know somalia is the only place in the world where someone unknown nigga can become general due to connections.

Hassan Garguute Buldanana

Hassan Qabri Faage
Alot of fake generals. Odowaa in a normal army would be a major or maybe a colonel. In PL, we have the Diyaano brothers who are fake generals. Then you got the likes of indhocaade the biggest fake. "General" sadaq john, too many to list.
Alot of fake generals. Odowaa in a normal army would be a major or maybe a colonel. In PL, we have the Diyaano brothers who are fake generals. Then you got the likes of indhocaade the biggest fake. "General" sadaq john, too many to list.
At wartime one can get promoted to the position of a General, if one is skilled enough it can happen in a relatively short period. The youngest man to become a General in the States did so at the age of 20. People put too much emphasis on the career aspect but that is relevant in stable countries that are not at war.
Your "tol" or the amount of money you have decide everything for you in Somalia. No modern day SNA "general" can compare to the great General we had. I am sure there are talented individuals but they need sent to military academies in Western countries or Russia to hone their skills. No more UAE, Kenya, Ethiopia trained soldiers plz. State building begins with a strong Army that's only loyal to it's country and nothing else
Join the Army make sure you join with a University degree in something like engineering or science because then you will automatically be ranked either captain or Major depending on how lucky you are , Stay away from frontlines, Gain higher rank by doing good work in your position, use clan favors and support from your Clan to get you a Presidential Rank like General. If you play it smart you can do it in under 10 years.

Other Generals are Old and part of the former Syad Barre Administration, warlords, ect
Alot of fake generals. Odowaa in a normal army would be a major or maybe a colonel. In PL, we have the Diyaano brothers who are fake generals. Then you got the likes of indhocaade the biggest fake. "General" sadaq john, too many to list.
I would say indhacade deserves it since he actually spent sometime in the front lines, even lost half an eye, albeit being xaram and bililiqo isbaaro wars. If a man has seen sustained combat for at least 5 years, then I don't mind calling him general. But look at Diyano and Sadaq John, where have these two seen combat?
I noticed beesha doesn’t have any recent generals like odowa and sadaq john. Hamze better do something about this.
Funny thing is, we probably got the best fighters in all of SOmali clans. ONLF was full of men who were fighting for 40+ years. People like qalbbidhagax, sanwayne, iraqi, gashaanle, dhabuuke, muhumed jigre, nur fatule, muhumed ani, mohamed dacar, the haybe brothers
etc... I cannot count them all. Under normal circumstance, these guys would be considered major generals because all have been on the front lines for decades, and now they are unknown. Meanwhile koonfur niggas get called generals, and all they do is walk around with a stick in their hand giving motivation speeches, never having faced combat. tf is that?
@JigjigaKismaayo Indhocade has been soldier since 1974 and fought in 1974. I'm not okay with what he did during the warlords Era. But you have to give him credit for surviving all these 3 decades in positions of power.


@JigjigaKismaayo Indhocade has been soldier since 1974 and fought in 1974. I'm not okay with what he did during the warlords Era. But you have to give him credit for surviving all these 3 decades in positions of power.

Guys like barre hiiraale, fought in the civil war. Defeated aidiid and spm in jubbaland. Defeated general Morgan in jubbaland. But he always carried his proper title of colonel. Because you see in 77 war he was a private but due to his courage acts he was kept being promoted while the war was going on upto to colonel level. Btw this happened in the field.

After the war he never elevated himself he stuck by his rank an earned rank.
Saney Cabdulle deserves promotion the guy has been wiping Al-Shabaab from middle Shabelle for a while now. Waa dulmi that he has not received one yet.

