How Somali Men are Supposed to Look

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Then how would you explain western-African men? Surely, they have been subjected to starvation and other stressful environmental circumstances that has affected their genes, but their masculine features remained relatively unchanged (it seems, though i could be wrong). Or you can argue that they are more successful at foraging than our ancestors back in the day or perhaps they didn't experience as many droughts, but I highly doubt it. I think you are underestimating our genes ability to self-replicate itself perfectly despite our environmental challenges.

I dunno, the average west African is a manlet
Then how would you explain western-African men? Surely, they have been subjected to starvation and other stressful environmental circumstances that has affected their genes, but their masculine features remained relatively unchanged (it seems, though i could be wrong). Or you can argue that they are more successful at foraging than our ancestors back in the day or perhaps they didn't experience as many droughts, but I highly doubt it. I think you are underestimating our genes ability to self-replicate itself perfectly despite our environmental challenges.

Yes genes are powerful, but due to epigenetics our environment has a significant effect on which of our genes are switched on and which ones become dormant. West African men and Somali nomads and most other people around the world lived in harsh conditions in the past. Yes there were periods of starvation and disease, but overall they ate organic food and were constantly getting physical exercise just by going about their daily lives. In fact, going for stretches of time without food is very healthy for the body and even adds to longevity, so the limited food supply in the past wasn't a bad thing as long as it wasn't extreme deprivation. But due to modernity and all of its comforts most people lead sedentary lives and eat processed foods, pumped full of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. This is why the obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease rates are through the roof. West African physiques haven't undergone as much dramatic changes as the Somali physique because they have a more nutrient dense diet and engage in farming, which is labour intensive.
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why do the nomads of today look skinny and shitty tho?

Because their diet now consists of the same junk they eat in the cities. Rice, pasta, sugar and flour, all of which are high impact carbs that contribute to skinny-fat physiques, obesity and countless diseases when over-eaten. A healthy diet should be moderate or low on the carbs and have more healthy fats, protein and vegetables.


Bet most of these guys were illiterate. The past wasn't that glorious. Life today is much better, even in Somalia.
Bet most of these guys were illiterate. The past wasn't that glorious. Life today is much better, even in Somalia.

What does this add to the discussion? Are u Saying Somali men shouldn't work out and eat well to become more masculine? I fail to see ur point.


What does this add to the discussion? Are u Saying Somali men shouldn't work out and eat well to become more masculine? I fail to see ur point.

It was about glorifying the past. You can do all those things and still enjoy modern life.

PS. Masculinity hasn't decreased. There's no evidence for that.
It was about glorifying the past. You can do all those things and still enjoy modern life.

PS. Masculinity hasn't decreased. There's no evidence for that.
Who said we shouldn't enjoy modern life? And who said the past was glorious? The only thing u said that's related to the topic is ur last sentence, and we'll have to agree to disagree on that.
Then how would you explain western-African men? Surely, they have been subjected to starvation and other stressful environmental circumstances that has affected their genes, but their masculine features remained relatively unchanged (it seems, though i could be wrong). Or you can argue that they are more successful at foraging than our ancestors back in the day or perhaps they didn't experience as many droughts, but I highly doubt it. I think you are underestimating our genes ability to self-replicate itself perfectly despite our environmental challenges.

The secret is in their diet, they drink blood mixed milk daily, pork which is cheap meat.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Somali men are too sedentary. Even though we live in a modern world doesn't mean we should reject our nomadic roots.

Every so often men should go camp out in the badiyo for a few days. Nothing like fighting off hyenas to get your testosterone pumping.

Being real, I can hypothesize a genetic need to be outside. If I familiarize myself with the layout of my house too much I get this antsy feeling that I need to go Dora the Explorer mode. Would explain why every Somali dad has seven hangouts (all of them coffee shops) and merely bounces from shop to shop.

They simply can't help themselves :tocry:


Yes genes are powerful, but due to epigenetics our environment has a significant effect on which of our genes are switched on and which ones become dormant. West African men and Somali nomads and most other people around the world lived in harsh conditions in the past. Yes there were periods of starvation and disease, but overall they ate organic food and were constantly getting physical exercise just by going about their daily lives. In fact, going for stretches of time without food is very healthy for the body and even adds to longevity, so the limited food supply in the past wasn't a bad thing as long as it wasn't extreme deprivation. But due to modernity and all of its comforts most people lead sedentary lives and eat processed foods, pumped full of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics. This is why the obesity, cancer, diabetes and heart disease rates are through the roof. West African physiques haven't undergone as much dramatic changes as the Somali physique because they have a more nutrient dense diet and engage in farming, which is labour intensive.

I'd agree that lifestyles can independently impact gene expression. Let's say that I live a sedentary lifestyle which makes me obese then my future children will have a high propensity for obesity and other diseases as result of my lifestyle. I can understand that. However, it invariably won't have much of an effect on our ''frame'', meaning the genes that create a blueprint of our bone structure. That doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. we can still implement methods to improve our face and physique. Such as diet, healthy food that requires more chewing for example, to stimulate jaw muscles, exercising obviously and orthodontics to correct malocclusion.
These are pics taken of Somali nomads in the early 1900's.






Just look at how masculine and well-proportioned they are. Sub-optimal environment and nutrition have done a number on modern Somali men. Too many skinny-fat, weak and obese Somali men out there. Guys we gotta work out and eat well so we can look good for our women and also be able to defend ourselves and our families. It's a must.

Maybe we should go back to nomad diet
They all have well defined cheek bones for some reason lol

All pictures were taken from Somalis from British Somaliland, meaning region till today the people kept marry from each other (Past 1500 the population did not change)
somalis essentially look the same ,however,the only great change is the size of their calools;sedentary lifestyle and consumption of carbs have contributed to this.i would say mass khat consumption makes the urban Somalis lol slightly rougher than they were 50 yeArs ago. The reer baadiye Somalis still look the same.the only thing I would say is that the men from the pics of the 1900s look slightly leaner than the current generation.most reer baadiye these do not consume as Much Hilib(meat) as in the past and the diet consists of white rice with yoghurt,sabaayad with sugar and canjeelo.
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