How many states Somaliland Would entitled, If it was part of the federal

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You're right and I heard they live with Mohamed Issa while the other neighbourhood HJ claim to settle live under Adan Issa. I also heard CM have a sizable population in north Burco and live with HY.

North Burco?

North Burco is where located, Indhadeero factory, HECO Burco's Electricity Company Base, Islamic univesity of Najaah, and Reer biniin farms, Reer Biniin guy sold land to Maansoor owner recently and he is building there his Maansoor hotel Burco.

Indr if one, two or three families lives there doesn't mean they own, don't make me claim that I own parts of Hargeisa. while I have lsmallest to largest businesses, best buildings.
North Burco?

North Burco is where located, Indhadeero factory, HECO Burco's Electricity Company Base, Islamic univesity of Najaah, and Reer biniin farms, Reer Biniin guy sold land to Maansoor owner recently and he is building there his Maansoor hotel Burco.

Indr if one, two or three families lives there doesn't mean they own, don't make me claim that I own parts of Hargeisa. while I have lsmallest to largest businesses, best buildings.

Also the one of the two main distribution for electricity who's hj has his grid in North burco. By the way bradas reach we should claim jigjiga yar in hargeysa as hj xaafad:pachah1:


North Burco?

North Burco is where located, Indhadeero factory, HECO Burco's Electricity Company Base, Islamic univesity of Najaah, and Reer biniin farms, Reer Biniin guy sold land to Maansoor owner recently and he is building there his Maansoor hotel Burco.

Indr if one, two or three families lives there doesn't mean they own, don't make me claim that I own parts of Hargeisa. while I have lsmallest to largest businesses, best buildings.

My HJ niggas showing some pride. I see you :lolbron:

But @TimaJilic you don't own the best and biggest buildings in Hargeisa, don't be delusional sxb. CM do live in Burco in large numbers but I never claimed north Burco belong to them. Your reaction doesn't seem right


North Burco?

North Burco is where located, Indhadeero factory, HECO Burco's Electricity Company Base, Islamic univesity of Najaah, and Reer biniin farms, Reer Biniin guy sold land to Maansoor owner recently and he is building there his Maansoor hotel Burco.

Indr if one, two or three families lives there doesn't mean they own, don't make me claim that I own parts of Hargeisa. while I have lsmallest to largest businesses, best buildings.

Actually on the main road entrance is mainly HY and CM. That is where Titanic hotel is located
and Egal hotel and the newly Kaafi built hotel which is the largest hotel in Burco. HJ live in the east of the main road.

These are the best and some of the biggest buildings in Hargeisa and it belongs to HJ
Actually on the main road entrance is mainly HY and CM. That is where Titanic hotel is located
and Egal hotel and the newly Kaafi built hotel which is the largest hotel in Burco. HJ live in the east of the main road.

I am Reer Biniin the owners of Burco and you Supposed to tell me about Burco, Waar yaa ilaahay yaqaana, while your from Bohol and Sanaag. :gucciwhat:

Alla maxaa dhakh nebiga baratay.

Do you know, the farm land behind Titanic is owned Haji Ahmed AHUN the Abokor Ahmed Tycoon AHUN, NOw his children own since heis died. Of course you don't know, no one is allowed to touch any where near behind titanic hotel.


These are the best and some of the biggest buildings in Hargeisa and it belongs to HJ

I am Reer Biniin the owners of Burco and you Supposed to tell me about Burco, Waar yaa ilaahay yaqaana, while your from Bohol and Sanaag. :gucciwhat:

Alla maxaa dhakh nebiga baratay.

yh yh back to the reality. Cisse Muuse even call themselves beesha Waqooyiga Burco. In Burco they live with HY however outside Burco they live in two villages in the north (Qoyta) and Ximan on the main road. :lol: Do you think ina meesha caruur la hadlaysiid?



@Libaaxseendheer daaarood runti waa diyaar inay hadal dhab ah la galan somali inteeda kale lakin nidaam iyo sharcigi lagu geli laha uun baan rabna si aysan uu noqon hadal iyo booto aan waxba ka jirin. I am prepared my father was saying to go Hiiran illa Awdal hala soo tiriyo reer miyigooda adigo eegaysid inta ceel biyood iyo barkad taalo dhulkooda markay isku gayan oo qiyaasan, darodna ayaa soo tirinayo kiisa waxay iyagu noqdan wallahi darod wuxu noqonaya 100 times larger waxana keenayso daaqsiintisa bal eeg, ma sheikhaal ba daaqsiin noocasi yeelan karo kkkk

We are pared to use any mechanism as long as it's fair and just. We must account for reer miyiga sxb oo runti laf dhabar uu ah dhaqaalaha dalka oo 50% wax soo saarkeenu waa dad aanba meel degin oo duhurkasi wareegayo marka waxay ku tusinaysa inay laf dahbar uu noqonayan tirada guud ee somaliyeed ma fahamtay?

70% UGU YAARAN reer miyiga geelka saaran somalia waa darode. Inyar hiiran illa galgaduudkasi mooye iyo waqoyi warkeeda daa maba gabane wax wayn runti manta. 70% of tirada guud of reer miyi will be darod markasna degmoyinka iyo tuuloyinka ayaa laysku tagaya in la tiriyo ka bacdi tiro guud na wada deeqa. Iskaba daa ogadene iyo ddsi iyo kenya, waxanu ka hadlayna keliya waa somalia. Ma raban niyahow, dadkani waxay ka jecel yihin harantasi iyo beentasi in dawlad la'antasi in lagu si jiro si aanu xaqqa uu soo bixine.
yh yh back to the reality. Cisse Muuse even call themselves beesha Waqooyiga Burco. In Burco they live with HY however outside Burco they live in two villages in the north (Qoyta) and Ximan.

Waqooyi Burco, because they live the waqooyi of Burco such as Qoyta, not the city LOL.


Ciise Muuse ayaad maantana u doodaysaa, Waad isku buuqsan tahay talk about Bohol, aniga Burco iiga sheekayn may side. :noneck:

Uma doodayo laakin ruunta ficaan. Tomorrow you will claim Qoyta doesn't exist. :lol: Just because there is a beef between HJ and CM in Berbera doesn't mean you have to lie.


@Libaaxseendheer hawiye geel ma koro manta badankooda, hamar isku arureen, iska cilow rahanwayn marka sheekada reer miyi kuma jiran waxay ku jiran keliya tirada degmoyinka iyo tuuloyinka. You see if 50% of our economy is reer miyi oo aan meel degin oo geelkasi saaran, marka 50% of tirada miyiga waxay noqonaysa 5 million hadi populationku 10 million yahay. Darod waa 4 million and more just there in camels.

Lama tirin the districts of darod ogow, which will get a huge slice if not majority there also.


Anyway the largest hotel in northern Burco Kaafi is owned by HY. It is so large in real life it is the size of a village. I took pictures of it back in 2016 when I was entering the city on the main road.

Uma doodayo laakin ruunta ficaan. Tomorrow you will claim Qoyta doesn't exist. :lol: Just because there is a beef between HJ and CM in Berbera doesn't mean you have to lie.

There's no Beef with Ciise Muuse and the Hj of Berbera, Ciise Muuse are my tol, Why are guys always love to debate to everyone, all the time, whether HY, HA, other Isaaqs or even Daaroods.

Ilmaadeer yaal mar ealba dagaal baad ku jirtaan, bahasha inoo dejiya.


There's no Beef with Ciise Muuse and the Hj of Berbera, Ciise Muuse are my tol, Why are guys always love to debate to everyone, all the time, whether HY, HA, other Isaaqs or even Daaroods.

Ilmaadeer yaal mar ealba dagaal baad ku jirtaan, bahasha inoo dejiya.

Fine. @Factz defend yourself niyohow. My knowledge is not free. I demand a CM shawty which I can take to Sanaag. :lol:


@Libaaxseendheer becareful of clan wars sxb, all somalis know about the danger that can come from your lineage langaab noqon karo because dagaal beeleed marki la galo beeshada iyo wiilasha diyada ku qorna ayaa ku wada dhimanayo eventually the lineage kkkkk waxana si yaranayso abtirkaga kkk ileen way babaceen kkkk. Wa laga naxay intay iska dileen qayad iyo baharsame, that gonna be a big dip in their diyo males. Rag ba layska dilayo ogow ma ahane naago kkkk. Kolay arintu darod ba soo gashay oo runti loo bahana, that's dangerous stuff what you dhulbahante are playing at. You should've learned from darawish wars.


Titanic and cigaal are literally the outskirts of town on wadada galbeed. North proper starts at indha deero gas station.

Egal is further than Titanic. However Titanic is not that far since the city expanded. Kaafi hotel is also close.
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