How do i tell her to leave? *pic*

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Shes aitte but i cbf spending time :umad:

I bet this halftime fool tells his friend thats if he has any, he is player blah blah and he is with all kinda chicks blah blah , while 24/7 he is online trolling :drakelaugh:


Stealing images off of flickr?:camby:

You can stop frontin now.:ufdup:
What a qarxis :deadpeter: This nigga been fooling the likes of Saciid lately.:drakelaugh:

I gotta give it to ya tho waad Indha adagtahay. Must be the reer Mudug in you. Wait :whoa:are you lying about being Reer Mudug too?:ohdamn:
Loool you remind me of a guy who'd make fake fb profiles of thuggish guys and he'd write on his own wall with these accounts sayin dumb shit like "I'm coming past you now bossman" or something stupid like that so he'd have this hot boy persona online. It worked it got him some es. Let's be real bro, this shits just sad. But if it gets you Idol or Duchess then :denzelnigga:
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