This was a pretty good read I came across today and thought to share it with you all.
I knew the big changes to our online shopping habits would mess with the models kkk but I never thought it’d be this bad.
The models companies use for online shopping, that are entirely based on typical human behavior have been tweaked by this pandemic.
And our shopping habits from Jan to now has been anything but typical to what it was before.
Everywhere from “inventory management, fraud detection, and marketing” has been affected one way or another.
Nothing insane to be found here but still a good reminder that as exciting as AI is, humans will be involved in a lot of the manual work for some time to come.
I knew the big changes to our online shopping habits would mess with the models kkk but I never thought it’d be this bad.
The models companies use for online shopping, that are entirely based on typical human behavior have been tweaked by this pandemic.
And our shopping habits from Jan to now has been anything but typical to what it was before.
Everywhere from “inventory management, fraud detection, and marketing” has been affected one way or another.
Nothing insane to be found here but still a good reminder that as exciting as AI is, humans will be involved in a lot of the manual work for some time to come.
Our weird behavior during the pandemic is messing with AI models
Machine-learning models trained on normal behavior are showing cracks —forcing humans to step in to set them straight.
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