Aboowe, walaal, huuno, ina adeer or abti, waryaa, even ashy Abdi is no problem at all, as long as she says it in a sexy voice.
Aboowe, walaal, huuno, ina adeer or abti, waryaa, even ashy Abdi is no problem at all, as long as she says it in a sexy voice.
Ina abti? Or abti?
Are people calling their beau abti?
I feel like all your posts should be in a spoiler or something because of this. Ain't nobody tryna read about your deviant fantasies.I dont mind a girl calling me abowe when im hitting it from the back, giving her some backshots, ya dhig.
But seriously a girl talking to you like that is hottttt
The whole Italian somali dialect is retarded from what I've heardYeah abowe sounds hella retarded for some reason and also the fact im not use to someone calling me abowe![]()