Houthi missiles Target UAE nuclear plant

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Disaster has to come

Houthi rebels, who control vast swaths of Yemeni territory, earlier said they had launched a cruise missile towards a nuclear plant in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE.

According to a report in the Saba news agency, the missile hit the Barakah nuclear power station, which is under construction. A website for the Houthi-owned television network al-Masirah also reported the attack.



With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
since when did the rebel khat eaters have medium ranged guiding missiles?
How did the Iranians break through the Saudi blockade? i call BS on the UAE, this could not have been Houthis.
one month ago they Targeted Riyadh InT airport, middle east worst war just started Sunni vs Shia


With blood and Iron will we reach the fatherland
one month ago they Targeted Riyadh InT airport, middle east worst war just started Sunni vs Shia
Do you know how far Riyadh is from Yemen, i doubt that was Persian backed Yemenis. This isnt Sunni vs Shia its National interests vs National interests
Khaleeji bastareen should fund our army and give us a few madfac iyo gantaal to wipe these shia dogs of the face of the earth.

Young Popeye

Call me pops
one month ago they Targeted Riyadh InT airport, middle east worst war just started Sunni vs Shia

zaidis are closer to shafi'i, stop with the wahhabi propaganda with sunni vs shia nonsense. saudis and the gulf states are kufar they are not sunni
Do you know how far Riyadh is from Yemen, i doubt that was Persian backed Yemenis. This isnt Sunni vs Shia its National interests vs National interests
no sxb Iran Forced Saudis to ally with Israel and give up Palestine ,now Pelestine is divide Egypt part Qaza,and Jordan Part PLO office is cloded in USA , Jerusalam will be Israeli Capital city have you read the news last week

Young Popeye

Call me pops
No you said Saudi and gulf states are kuffar, only terrorist sympathisers like myself say shit like that so I'm trying to catch your angle

I dont support terrorist activities such as revolutions however i dont like the wahhabis for religious reasons. Turkey is also run by kufars, i really hate the ikhwan who instigates terrorism


I dont support terrorist activities such as revolutions however i dont like the wahhabis for religious reasons. Turkey is also run by kufars, i really hate the ikhwan who instigates terrorism

Eedo so who's a true believer ?
Qof walba waad ku xaartay
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